Thursday, November 9, 2017

EP 133 - Julian's Reveal Pt. 1


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory


At the Snyder Farm, in the Living Room, Carly is sitting on the couch. She is drinking a glass of wine. Jack enters the home. He shuts the door behind him. He takes off his coat, puts it on the coat hook, and sets his keys on the table by the door.

JACK: It is getting really cold out there.

Carly sets her glass down on the table in front of her. She then gets up and walks over to Jack. She kisses him.

CARLY: Maybe I can warm you up later.

JACK: Maybe.

CARLY: So, did you question Craig?

JACK: I did.

CARLY: And, what did he say?

JACK: He said he didn’t sell Diana the drugs.

CARLY: (laughs) Of course he did.

JACK: Well, I actually believe him.

CARLY: You believe Craig Montgomery didn’t commit a crime? Well, there really is a first time for everything. Anyway, why do you believe him?

JACK: Because, he gave me the name of someone he says sold Diana the drugs. And, he looked like he was 100 percent sure this person did sell Diana the drugs.

CARLY: Well, who’s this person?

JACK: Grant Gibson.

CARLY: Oh my god.

JACK: What is it?

CARLY: Word on the street is that Lucinda is dating this Grant guy. Jack, you have to find out if Grant really sold Diana those drugs. If you don’t hurry, then Lucinda could be in danger.

At FairWinds, Eliza comes down the stairs. She is dressed in a skinny black cocktail dress. She is carrying a glittery silver clutch. Then, someone rings the doorbell. She walks over to the door. Once she opens the door, JJ enters.

JJ: Are you ready to party?!

ELIZA: (shutting the door/turning around) Someone is enthusiastic.

JJ: Aren’t you? I mean, we are going to have so much fun tonight.

ELIZA: (laughs) I bet.

JJ: So, are you ready to go?

ELIZA: You bet I am! Let’s get in party mode.

JJ: Agreed.

At the Old Mansion, in Julian’s Bedroom, Julian is looking at himself in a full body mirror. He is putting on a red tie.

JULIAN: Well, tonight is the night. Tonight is the night I reveal myself to Oakdale. I can’t way to see how all of them will react once they find out I’m back.

Then, Katie enters Julian’s room.

KATIE: Don’t expect anyone to be thrilled that you’re back. Confidence is the wrong thing to have at the moment.

Julian then turns around. He smiles at Katie.

Back at the Snyder Farm, in the Living Room, Jack and Carly are sitting on the couch. Carly is holding her wine glass. She takes a sip of her wine.

JACK: I am trying my best to work on this case as fast as I can. I want answers to this whole thing more than anyone.

CARLY: I know you do. I just don’t want Lucinda to be in this much danger. I don’t wish that upon anyone. Hell, I wouldn’t even wish that upon Barbara.

JACK: Wow, that’s saying something.

CARLY: So, it is just me and you now. You can be honest with me. You know that. So, do you really believe Craig is telling the truth?

JACK: Honestly…?

CARLY: Yeah.

JACK: I really think he is telling the truth. Something tells me that Craig isn’t lying for once in his life. I just really hope I don’t regret believing him.

At Metro, JJ and Eliza come straight off of the dance floor. They walk over to a table. Both of them sit down.

ELIZA: Gosh, I love the mood in here tonight.

JJ: Me too.

ELIZA: This was a good idea. Thank you for suggesting this.

JJ: It was my pleasure.

ELIZA: So, what are you gonna have to drink?

JJ: I don’t know yet. Probably a beer. You?

ELIZA: I think I’m going to have the same.

JJ: Really?

ELIZA: Yeah.

JJ: Alright. Well, let’s get two beers and continue to party. Sound good?

ELIZA: That sounds good to me.

At Margo and Tom’s Home, in Margo and Tom’s Bedroom, Margo is sitting at her vanity. As she applies her lipstick, Tom enters. He is putting on cufflinks.

TOM: You look absolutely stunning.

MARGO: You think?

TOM: Yes.

MARGO: You look absolutely handsome

TOM: Why thank you.

Margo puts the cap on the tube of lipstick. She sets in down on the vanity. She gets up and walks over to Tom. Margo then begins to adjust his tie.

TOM: I knew you were going to fix my tie.

MARGO: (laughs) I always do.

TOM: So, are you ready to go to Katie’s mysterious party?

MARGO: I guess I am.

TOM: Alright, let’s go.

MARGO: Let’s.

At Dusty’s Home, in the Living Room, Dusty comes down the stairs. He is dressed in a nice suit. Rosanna is laying on the couch. She is in her robe and covered up.

DUSTY: (going to her) Are you sure you are going to be fine here by yourself? I can stay here with you. We can watch television till our eyeballs fall out. We can eat as much junk food as we would like to.

ROSANNA: I will be just fine. Don’t you worry about me.

DUSTY: Okay. Are you sure?

ROSANNA: I’m sure.

DUSTY: What are your plans for tonight anyway?

ROSANNA: I have a whole week of The Young and the Beautiful to watch. This character is returning from the dead. It is supposed to be the biggest week this show has seen in months. I am so excited to watch it.

DUSTY: Well, you enjoy your soap opera. I really never got into them.

ROSANNA: Now, Johnny told me that you used to be a fan of this show in the 80s. He said you got hooked when that supercouple got married. I think their names were Lauren and Lucas.

DUSTY: Did he tell you that? I don’t recall being hooked on that show.

ROSANNA: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, you better get going.

DUSTY: I should. I love you.

Dusty then kisses Rosanna.

ROSANNA: I love you too. Bye.


Dusty walks off. He then exits the home, shutting the door behind him.

At the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, Lucinda comes down the stairs. She is dressed in a silver dress that is covered in sequences. She walks into the living room and goes over to the couch. She picks up an evening clutch. She then becomes deep in thought. Lucinda gets her phone out and turns it on. She then sees the date.

LUCINDA: Tomorrow will be seven years since James died. Could that really be true? Gosh, it seems like yesterday that he was tormenting me and ruining my life.

Then, someone rings the doorbell. Lucinda puts her phone back in her purse, closes her clutch, and walks to the door.

LUCINDA: (opening the door) It is about time you get here.

GRANT: Hello, honey.


GRANT: Are you ready to go?

LUCINDA: Of course I am. Look, thanks for deciding to come to this party with me. I hate going to parties by myself.

GRANT: I should be thanking you.

LUCINDA: For what?

GRANT: For wanting to make this our first outing as a couple.

LUCINDA: I’m excited.

GRANT: Me too.

LUCINDA: Well, let’s head off into the night. Shall we?

GRANT: We shall.

Lucinda and Grant smile at one another.

In Paul’s Car, Paul is driving, Emily is in the passenger seat. Paul is driving down a long and winding country road.

EMILY: At the next street, take a left.

PAUL: Next street? Are we ever going to see another street?

EMILY: (laughs) I don’t know about that.

PAUL: It was so nice of Katie to throw a dinner party for all of us.

EMILY: I think it was too. She also said that there will be a donation coming to my foundation at the end of the evening.

PAUL: That’s very nice.

EMILY: I think it is too. I think tonight is going to be really fun.

PAUL: I have that feeling too.

The camera pans down to Paul and Emily holding hands..
At Bancroft, in the Living Room, Barbara is over by the bar cart. She is drinking a martini. As she takes out the skewer that holds two olives, and takes a bite of one, she becomes very deep in thought.


As she comes out of her thoughts, she puts the skewer back in her martini glass. Then, Henry enters the room.

HENRY: I see that you are having a pre-party drink.

BARBARA: (turning around) Yes, I am.

HENRY: How’s the martini?

BARBARA: Good. I took some notes from your secret recipe.

Henry walks fully over to her.

HENRY: Did you now?

BARBARA: (putting down her glass) I did.

The two kiss.

HENRY: So, are you almost ready to go?


HENRY: Hey, is everything okay?

BARBARA: Yeah. I’m fine.

HENRY: You sure?

BARBARA: (sighs) I can’t hide this from you.

HENRY: Hide what from me?

BARBARA: Before you entered the room, I was thinking about James again.

HENRY: Honey, why are all these thoughts about James flooding into your head lately? He has been long gone for years now.

BARBARA: I know. I know that. But, I still feel his presence. Look, I bet it is nothing. Let’s just go to this party. Okay?

HENRY: Okay. I love you.

BARBARA: I love you too.

Back at the Old Mansion, in Julian’s Bedroom, Katie walks over to Julian.

JULIAN: You look absolutely stunning.

KATIE: I don’t need your compliments.

JULIAN: Tell me, what time is it?

KATIE: Eight o’clock.

JULIAN: Guest should be arriving at any moment now.

KATIE: Yes, they should. But, before they do, there’s something I have to tell you.

JULIAN: Oh? And, what do you have to tell me, Katie?

KATIE: I’m warning you, Julian. If anyone gets hurt tonight, I will blame you. And, I will take you down. I’m not afraid of you.

JULIAN: I get it. But, Katie, you should something.

KATIE: What should I know?

JULIAN: I’m not afraid of you either.

KATIE: Really?


KATIE: Well, you should be.

The camera zooms in on Katie’s very serious face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 133***

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EP 171 - The Finale