Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael EIlbaum
At the Mona Lisa, Barbara and Henry are sitting down at a table. They both have menus in front of them and they each have a glass of wine.
BARBARA: I am so happy that we decided to go out tonight.
HENRY: Me too. Gives us a much needed chance to talk.
BARBARA: Talk about what?
HENRY: The adoption thing I brought up.
HENRY: Now, hold on. I’ve come to a decision.
In Oakdale Park, Diana shuts off her iPOD. She rolls up her earbuds and she puts her iPOD in her jacket pocket.
DIANA: You want to help me with my plan?
GRANT: Yes. Diana, I view you as an enemy. Not gonna lie. You tried to ruin a part of my business. However, sometimes you need to help your enemies.
DIANA: Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. I get it. So, tell me, why do you want to all of the sudden follow that saying? What is in it for you?
At the Oakdale Cemetery, a woman enters through the gate with flowers. She walks to a headstone. The headstone reads:

At Dusty’s Home, in the living room, Dusty and Rosanna are sitting on the couch. They are curled up and watching a movie. Dusty then shuts the television off.
DUSTY: That was a good movie.
ROSANNA: Yes, it was. (sighs) This has been the perfect night.
DUSTY: How about we continue this perfect night?
ROSANNA: (sitting up) What do you suggest?
DUSTY: (sitting up) Well, Johnny is spending the night at Madison’s house. She has a doctors appointment tomorrow morning. That means we have the whole house to ourselves…, for the entire night.
ROSANNA: Oh, really, Mr. Donovan.
DUSTY: Really.
Rosanna smiles kisses Dusty.
DUSTY: Let’s go upstairs.
Rosanna stands and extends her hand to Dusty.
Dusty grabs Rosanna’s hand. Rosanna pulls him up.
At the Walsh Mansion, in the living room, Lucinda is on the couch. She is having a glass of scotch. She is looking through an album of her and John. She is lightly sobbing. Iva enters. Iva goes up to the bar cart and pours herself a glass of scotch.
IVA: I have to tell you, I am loving that you decided to have that shower head in the guest bathroom replaced. It is just so nice to feel that massage when I take a shower. Showers are great. I love showers. That’s why I just can’t…
Iva turns around.
IVA: Am I rambling?
She then notices that Lucinda is upset.
IVA: (going to Lucinda) Lucinda, what’s wrong?
LUCINDA: (looking up) Today, is the one year anniversary of John’s death. And, I just realized that I still haven’t taken off his ring.
Back at the Mona Lisa, Barbara takes a sip of her wine.
BARBARA: So, go ahead. I am all ears. Tell me about this little decision that you made. I am very anxious to hear all about it.
HENRY: I want you to know some things first. First, I love you. You are the love of my life. Second, I really want a baby. I really do. I want to love a child with the same undying love that I love you with.
BARBARA: Henry, what are you saying?
HENRY: Look, there’s a lot of time left to usher in a child in my life. However, I realized a long time ago that one only has a precious amount of time to spend with the one they love. Barbara, I love you. And, all I want is you.
BARBARA: So, you’re not leaving me?
HENRY: Not in a million years.
Henry takes Barbara’s hand and kisses it.
HENRY: I love you, Babs.
BARBARA: Oh god, I love you too, Henry.
Back in Oakdale Park, Grant and Diana sit on a bench.
DIANA: Come on, tell me. There has to be something in this for you.
GRANT: Okay. You caught me.
DIANA: I knew it.
GRANT: (sighs) By helping you, you’ll owe me.
DIANA: I’ll owe you? How so?
GRANT: If you accept my help, then I just want a small thing in return.
DIANA: What do you want in return?
GRANT: I want you to lay off.
DIANA: That’s it?
GRANT: Yes. See, if you back the hell off, I can do my job.
DIANA: You help me, I back off, and that wipes our slate clean?
GRANT: You bet.
DIANA: Then, it looks like you got yourself a deal.
Diana and Grant shake hands.
Back at Dusty’s Home, in Dusty’s bedroom, Dusty and Rosanna are snuggled up under the sheets. Rosanna is laying on Dusty’s chest.
ROSANNA: That was absolutely amazing.
DUSTY: Yes it was. We have time to go again.
ROSANNA: Wow. Someone is happy to have me here.
DUSTY: I really am. Have I ever told you how much these past few months have meant to me? These months with you, I mean.
ROSANNA: Enlighten me.
DUSTY: Rosanna, after Janet passed, I didn’t think that I could love again. But, you made me fall back in love. You saved me. I love you more than you will ever know. You are so very precious to me. Thank you for saving me.
ROSANNA: It was my pleasure.
Rosanna and Dusty kiss.
Back at the Walsh Mansion, Iva is now out of the room. Lucinda then gets up and walks over to a small table by the window. She picks up a picture of John.
LUCINDA: Did you see that? Iva comforted me. That oughta be a first. John, it has been one year. And, I miss you like crazy. But, what Iva told me should ring true. She said I have to move on. And, I do.
Lucinda reaches for her ring.
LUCINDA: I think it is time that I say goodbye for now my darling. It was a great run. But, I have to move on from this amazing phase of my life.
Lucinda wipes away tears as she opens the table’s drawer. She sets the ring in it, closes the drawer, and locks it. She blows a kiss to John’s picture.
LUCINDA: (sobbing) Good night dear.
Lucinda walks over to the living room light.
LUCINDA: Good night.
Lucinda shuts off the light.
Back at Oakdale Cemetery, Valerie sits on a stone bench that is next to John’s grave. She puts her purse next to her.
VALERIE: I can’t believe that it has been a year since you’ve been gone. You know, I got your letter. I actually got it two weeks before you died. I’ve just been working up the courage to come to this town. I just don’t know what to do. I am so lost. You did that. You made me feel that way. I don’t know what to do. John, I know you're my father, but who’s my mother? Why did you leave that out of the letter? You know, according to my sources, you were with a lot of women through the years. I just wish you would give me a sign. How do I find my mother?
Then, a flyer sweeps passed the cemetery and falls at Valerie’s feet. Valerie looks down. She picks the flyer up.
VALERIE: A charity auction. All proceeds go to those battling guillain barre syndrome. This auction will be hosted by Susan Burke and Lucinda Walsh. Is one of them my mother? Which one of them is it? I have to find out the truth.
The camera zooms on Valerie’s face.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 118***
***END OF EP. 118***
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