Saturday, July 15, 2017

EP 99 - Jack Tracks Down Lily


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At the Mona Lisa, Dusty, Rosanna, and Johnny sit down at a booth. Dusty and Rosanna sit next to one another.

JOHNNY: Thanks for taking me out to dinner.

DUSTY: No problem, son. You’ve been spending so much time over at Madison’s home. I just thought seeing you would be good for me. Also, I wanted to tell you something.

JOHNNY: Does that something have to do with why Rosanna is here?

ROSANNA: Well, you are not wrong about that.

JOHNNY: Okay. What’s up?

At Alison and Casey’s Apartment, there is a knock at the door. Alison enters the living room. She is in her pajamas. She goes to the door.

ALISON: (opening the door) Hey.

SUSAN: Hi, honey. Look, I know it is late. But, can I come in?

ALISON: Of course you can come in.

Susan enters. Alison shuts the door and turns around.

ALISON: What brings you by so late?

SUSAN: We need to talk.

ALISON: Okay. About what?

SUSAN: Are you sure this lawsuit is a good idea?

At Memorial Hospital, the elevator doors ding open. Casey steps off and looks around. He spots Sandra and walks to her.

SANDRA: Mr. Hughes, how are you?

CASEY: I’m good. How are you?

SANDRA: Great. What brings you to the hospital?

Casey gets out an envelope and hands it to Sandra.

CASEY: Doctor Sandra Martin, you’ve been served.

At the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, Jack and Emma are sitting on the couch. They are on Jack’s laptop. Holden and Emma are pacing on their phones. Natalie is by the fireplace. She is on her phone too.

NATALIE: (on the phone) Mom, please call me back. I love you.

HOLDEN: So, you saw her car? It was headed down Broadway? Thanks.

LUCINDA: Please, let me know if you see her going down Fifth again.

Holden, Lucinda, and Natalie hang up their phones.

EMMA: (standing) Anything?

HOLDEN: Just sightings of her car.

LUCINDA: Same here.

NATALIE: She’s still not picking up her phone either.

HOLDEN: What about you, Jack?

JACK: I’m accesing her GPS records.

EMMA: Then what?

JACK: Well, if we can access those records, then we might know where she is. Then, once we find that out, Holden can go to her.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Rosanna, Dusty, and Johnny look at their menus.

JOHNNY: So, you still haven’t told me why Ro is joining us.

DUSTY: Well, I think we are still trying to figure out how to tell you.

ROSANNA: Dusty, maybe we should just come out and say it.

JOHNNY: Say what?

DUSTY: We’re seeing one another.

JOHNNY: Oh. Really?

ROSANNA: Yes. We are seeing one another.

DUSTY: Are you okay with that?

JOHNNY: Look, my life has been hell lately. First, my real father wants to come back into my life. Then, a motherly figure that has been there for me for years dies. Then, I get my girlfriend pregnant. Honestly, this seems to be the only good thing going on. So, yeah, I am fine with it.

DUSTY: Are you sure?


ROSANNA: Oh! That’s wonderful!

Back at Alison and Casey’s Apartment, Alison and Susan sit on the couch.

ALISON: Mom, I believe that I am making the right choice here.

SUSAN: Honey, this isn’t your run-of-the-mill lawsuit. You are suing a hospital. The hospital has 15 lawyers. Think about that. 15 is a big number for a legal counsel. These are lawyers that will not stop until they win. Are you prepared for that?

ALISON: I was wrongfully terminated from my position at Memorial. I am ready for a fight. I am ready for justice. This just isn’t about me. It is about every employee in that hospital, who has ever been wronged.

SUSAN: Look, I am behind you. I am behind you 100 percent. But, I just need to make sure that you are being smart about this.

ALISON: I am. Casey and I are taking every measure to get this right. We don’t want to stumble around. We are walking on eggshells.

SUSAN: You are so smart. You are so brave.

ALISON: Thanks. But, I think you know who I get that from.

SUSAN: (laughs) I have a theory.

ALISON: I could win this thing. I really could.

SUSAN: I know. In fact, I am hoping...praying...that you win. And, when you do, I am taking you out for a night of celebration.

ALISON: (smiling) I’d like that.

SUSAN: (smiling) I would too. Now, bring it in.

Alison and Susan hug.

SUSAN: I love you, Alison.

ALISON: I love you too.

Back at Memorial Hospital, Sandra opens the envelope.

SANDRA: Wow. So, you and your wife are really moving forward with suing this hospital and myself for wrongful termination?

CASEY: That’s correct.

SANDRA: This shocks me.

CASEY: Sandra, you admitted to my wife and I that you wrongfully terminated her. You had to know this was coming. What’s so shocking?

SANDRA: It is shocking that you think you’ll win this.

CASEY: We will. I can promise you that.

SANDRA: Don’t make promises you can’t keep. I think that you’ll be meeting your match in this hospital. We have the finest lawyers. The most competent too.

CASEY: The hospital might be strong. But, I’m stronger. See you in court. Have a good night, Doctor Martin. Oh, and be sure to get some rest. These next few months are going to get very tiring for you.

Casey turns around and heads to the elevators.

Back at the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, everyone is crowded around Jack.

HOLDEN: Jack, how much longer until we are granted access to her GPS?

JACK: Shouldn’t be that much longer. The loading bar is almost full.

There is a short pause.

LUCINDA: Come on, already!

Then, Jack’s computer beeps.

NATALIE: What was that?

EMMA: Do we have something?

JACK: (typing) Yes, we do.

HOLDEN: Well, do we know where she is?

JACK: Yup.

LUCINDA: Where is she?

JACK: The Oakdale Catholic Church.

LUCINDA: The same one where my wedding to John took place?

JACK: Yes. The exact same one.

EMMA: Well, why would she go back there?

HOLDEN: I don’t know. But, I’m going to find out.

Holden gets his car keys. Just before he heads to the door…


HOLDEN: Yeah, sweetie?

NATALIE: Bring mommy home.

HOLDEN: I will.

Holden kisses Natalie’s forehead. He then exits. The camera pans to everyone’s faces. They are all very nervous and eager to see Lily again.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 99***

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EP 171 - The Finale