Thursday, June 8, 2017

EP 88 - Parker Tells JJ The Truth


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman


At Java Underground, Sheila and Madison are sitting at a table. The two are enjoying a nice morning cup of coffee.

SHEILA: Thank you for coming to get coffee with me before I head off to the hospital. This is really nice. Just the two of us gals. Mother and daughter hanging out.

MADISON: Mom, I only did this because I had free time in my morning.

SHEILA: Well, I still appreciate it. I really do.

MADISON: Anyway, I might as well make conversation. Maybe it will make this whole bonding thing go a little faster. So, what’d you do last night?

At the Snyder Farm, in the Living Room, JJ is sitting on the couch. He is drinking a glass of orange juice and playing a game on his iPHONE. Parker comes down stairs and enters the living room.

PARKER: Hey, man.

JJ: Hey. There you are.

PARKER: Yeah. Here I am.

JJ puts down his phone.

JJ: (chuckles) What I meant is that I didn’t think you were gonna come home last night. That is until I heard the door open at one this morning.

PARKER: Yeah. What about it?

JJ: Well, I’m just wondering why you came home so late.

At Oakdale Memorial Hospital, the elevator doors ding open. Emily steps off the elevator. She then walks over to Paul’s hospital room. She is about to enter but a guard stops her.

EMILY: I’m sorry, who are you?

GUARD: I’m a hospital guard.

EMILY: Oh. Okay. I get it. Look, I’m Paul’s wife. I would just really like to see my husband. So, move out of the way, please.

GUARD: Ma’am, I’ve been authorized not to let you in.

EMILY: I’m sorry...who gave you that authorization?

Then, Barbara walks up to them.


Emily turns around and faces Barbara.

At the Mona Lisa, Holden and Lily are sitting at a booth. The two are having breakfast. However, Lily has barely touched her breakfast.

HOLDEN: Honey, are you okay?

LILY: I’m sorry...what?

HOLDEN: I was just asking if you were okay.

LILY: Yeah. I’m...I’m...I’m fine.

HOLDEN: No, you’re not. Are you thinking about Faith?

LILY: Yeah. Yeah, I am. I wish I could call her. But, she can’t have calls yet. I’m just really worried about our daughter.

HOLDEN: I’m not worried. You want to know why? Because, she is going to thrive at this facility. And, one day, in the future, we will finally have the true Faith back.

Back at Memorial Hospital, Alison and Casey step off the elevator of the 5th floor. They look both ways and spot Sandra. They go upto her.

ALISON: Chief Martin?

SANDRA: (turning around) Alison.

ALISON: Hi, I was wondering if I could borrow some of your time?

SANDRA: It’s your lucky day. I don’t have a surgery to rush into.

ALISON: Great. Anyway, this is my husband, Casey.

SANDRA: Nice to meet you.

CASEY: Nice to meet you too.

SANDRA: So, what’s going on?

ALISON: We were actually wondering if you illegally fired me.

Back at the Snyder Farm, in the Living Room, Parker sits next to JJ.

PARKER: I just came home from a study session.

JJ: Really, man? A study session?

PARKER: Yeah. Scouts honor.

JJ: Well, your scout's honor is a crappy one.

PARKER: Look, to tell you the truth, you don’t want to know why I came home so late. Trust me. You really don’t.

JJ: Dude, just tell me. I’m your brother. I’ll keep anything a secret.

PARKER: Are you sure that you’ll keep this secret?

JJ: Yeah. Lay it on me.

PARKER: (deep breath) I was invited to dinner by Madison’s mom Sheila. It was a good dinner. Plus, free food. Anyway, at the end of dinner...she did something unexpected.

JJ: What did she do?

PARKER: She kissed me.

Back at Java Underground, Madison takes a sip of her coffee.

SHEILA: I didn’t do anything last night. I just made myself a TV dinner, watched The Young and the Beautiful, and I went to bed.

MADISON: Oh. Sounds like it was a fun night.

SHEILA: Yeah, it was a blast.

Sheila takes a sip of her coffee. Then, she becomes deep in her thoughts.


PARKER: This looks delicious.

SHEILA: I hope you like it. Dig in.

Parker takes a bite. Sheila looks at him. She is waiting for some kind of reaction. Parker takes another bite. This time he gets whipped cream on his face.

SHEILA: You have…

PARKER: (chuckles) Where?

Sheila reaches across the table. She wipes off some of the cream.

SHEILA: It is right here.

Sheila then smiles. She looks deep into Parker’s eyes.

PARKER: Miss Murphy?

Sheila then leans across the table and kisses Parker.


MADISON: Mom, are you okay?

SHEILA: (snapping out of it) I’m sorry. What?

MADISON: I asked if you were okay.

SHEILA: Yeah. Yeah, honey. (smiling) I’m fine.

Back at the Mona Lisa, a waiter clears Lily and Holden’s table.

HOLDEN: So, what do you want to do now? We could go see a movie. We could go drop the invitations off at the post office for our anniversary party…

LILY: Honey, there’s only one thing I wanna do.

HOLDEN: Tell me what that one thing is. We can do anything.

LILY: Frankly, I just want to go home. I want to crawl in bed with an old photo album, and just look at pictures of Faith.

HOLDEN: Are you sure?

LILY: Yeah. I’m sure.

Lily gets up from the table. She grabs her purse and walks off. Holden watches as she does this. He then let’s out a heavy sigh.

Back at Memorial Hospital, on the 5th floor, Sandra closes a patient’s chart.

SANDRA: I’m sorry. Did I hear you correctly?

ALISON: I think you did.

SANDRA: Alison, I did not fire you illegally. The board approved your firing. I am not the only one involved in that process.

CASEY: Doctor Martin, I am in the process of getting a court order that will let us search hospital records. If we do find out that you fired my wife illegally, then there will be huge consequences.

SANDRA: What kind of consequences, Mr. Hughes?

CASEY: Well, we would start by not suing you, but this whole damn hospital.

Still at Memorial Hospital, Emily walks over to Barbara.

EMILY: You gave this guard authorization to not let me see Paul?

BARBARA: Damn right I did. And, don’t expect to see him anytime soon.

EMILY: Barbara, what the hell has gotten into you?

BARBARA: Emily, what’s in me has always been inside of me. That gene. That mother gene. It has always been there.

EMILY: Since when? Because, I’ve never seen it.

BARBARA: I am a damn good mother. And, I will protect my son.

EMILY: Back off. I will be seeing my husband. You can’t keep me from him.

BARBARA: See, that’s where you’re wrong.

EMILY: You bitch! You will not get away with this, Barbara.

Emily walks off in a rage. Barbara smiles.

BARBARA: Oh, I think I already have.

The camera zooms in on Barbara’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 88***

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EP 171 - The Finale