Tuesday, April 11, 2017

EP 71 - Bob VS. Rita!


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At Java Underground, Madison takes a togo cup of coffee from the barista.

MADISON: Thank you.

Madison exits from the coffee shop. As she is about to walk to her car, her and Parker cross paths. They bump one another.

MADISON: (turning around) I’m so…

Madison then realizes who it is.

MADISON: Parker...hi.

PARKER: Hello, Madison.

At Dusty’s Home, Johnny is putting on a shirt, as he comes down the stairs. Dusty stands up from the couch.

JOHNNY: Hey, dad. Madison wanted to meet up with me at the mall. Is it okay with you that I go to the mall today?

DUSTY: Yeah...sure. Just...hang on one second.

JOHNNY: What’s up?

DUSTY: We need to talk.

At Tom and Margo’s Home, Margo is in the kitchen. She is sitting at the table, in her pajamas, having a cup of coffee, and reading the morning newspaper. Tom, fully dressed, enters the kitchen. He pours himself a cup of coffee. He then walks over to Margo, gives her a kiss on the forehead, and sits across from her.

TOM: Morning, honey.

MARGO: Oh, good morning.

TOM: You came home late last night. Is everything okay?

MARGO: Yeah. Everything is fine. I went to visit Katie.

TOM: Oh. I hope you two got everything straightened out.

MARGO: We did. Something else also happened.

TOM: What happened?

Margo sets the paper down. She also takes her glasses off.

MARGO: (sighs) She let me speak with Julian.

TOM: She let you do what?

At Memorial Hospital, the elevator doors ding open. Bob steps off the elevator. He then starts to walk to Rita’s office. Once there, he bangs on the door.

RITA: Come in!

Bob enters. He slams the door behind him.

RITA: Bob…, hello. What are you doing here? Is everything okay with Kim?

BOB: Kim is fine. I just finished checking up on her. I decided to come up here and talk to you. It is important that we talk.

RITA: Bob, what’s going on?

BOB: I know you told Kim. I have used this word very few times in my life. However, I’m going to use it in these next words that I say.

RITA: What are those words that you need to say?

BOB: You need to watch where you step, bitch.

At FairWinds, Emily is sitting on the couch. A couple seconds later, Paul enters the living room. He goes over to the bar cart, to pour himself a cup of coffee. Emily stands.

EMILY: Hey, before you pour that cup of coffee...can we talk?

PAUL: (turning back) Baby, I really need my coffee.

EMILY: I know. But, this is more important than you waking up.

PAUL: Emily…, is everything okay? Did Diego say something else?

EMILY: None of this has to do with Diego. The things I am about to say have to do with us. Only us. It has to deal with our marriage.

PAUL: Go ahead. Tell me.

EMILY: Why the hell did you and Faith Snyder kiss one another?

Back at Dusty’s Home, Dusty takes a seat on the couch.

DUSTY: Why don’t you come sit by me?

JOHNNY: Okay. Sure.

Johnny goes to sit next to Dusty.

JOHNNY: What’s up, dad?

DUSTY: Look, ever since Janet’s funeral, I feel that I haven’t been there for you. I feel like we have yet to express true feelings over the loss.

JOHNNY: Dad, I feel like I have expressed my feelings.

DUSTY: You’ve been through alot in your life. You have been through more than a kid should. I’m sure you have some things you want to talk about. I’m all ears. I’m your dad. You can tell me anything.

JOHNNY: Dad, I don’t want to talk. I don’t want to talk about this loss. I’m afraid that if I do, then I’ll break down. Not in the mood for that.

DUSTY: Okay. Sure. Yeah. I understand. I just want you to know that I love you very much, son. You can always come to me. No matter the time of day.

Johnny and Dusty stand.

DUSTY: Do you need any money?

JOHNNY: No, I’m good.

DUSTY: Alright.

Dusty and Johnny hug. Once they come off of the hug, the two walk to the door. Johnny grabs car keys from a small bowl by the door.

JOHNNY: Seya later, dad.

DUSTY: Hey, don’t stay out too late.

JOHNNY: I won’t. Bye.


Johnny exits. Upon shutting the door, Dusty’s phone rings. Dusty retrieves the phone from his pocket. He presses ANSWER and puts it to his ear.

DUSTY: Dusty Donovan.

WOMAN: (over the phone) Hi, Dusty. This is your lawyer calling. Listen, the custody hearing for your son has been moved up.

DUSTY: It has? I thought Craig was going to postpone, considering my wife just passed away, a couple of weeks ago.

WOMAN: (over the phone) I thought he was going to as well. However, his lawyer and him want to play hardball.

DUSTY: Well, they wanna play that game? We’ll play it too.

Back at Tom and Margo’s Home, Margo folds the paper.

TOM: She let you talk to Julian?

MARGO: Yes. She got him on the phone. We talked for about 10 minutes.

TOM: What did he have to say? More importantly, what did you say?

MARGO: I confronted him on the subject of my father.

TOM: Really? And…?

MARGO: And, he apologized.

TOM: He did?

MARGO: Yes. Of course, I won’t just accept I’m sorry. I will never see my father again. Sure, he had lived a good life, but his life was starting to be made new again. Lucinda and him were finally going to become happy.

TOM: Can I tell you something?

MARGO: Sure.

TOM: Stop dwelling on this. Honey, we will never see him again. It is time for you to heal. And, I will be here for you...every step of the way.

MARGO: Do you promise?

TOM: Of course I promise.

Margo and Tom smile at one another, as Tom takes her hands.

Back at Java Underground, Madison throws her cup away.

MADISON: I’m sorry that I bumped into you.

PARKER: Yeah. Forget it. It’s fine.

MADISON: No, it isn’t.

PARKER: We don’t have to do this.

MADISON: Do what?

PARKER: The whole apology thing.

MADISON: I bumped into you. I’m sorry.

PARKER: Look, my brother and I are just starting to repair things. So, I’m trying to stay away from you...as much as possible.

As Parker and Madison continue to talk, Johnny spots them. Curiosity sparks in his mind. So, he decides to stay back and watch. Madison rubs Parker’s arm. Johnny decides to walk off once he sees this.

PARKER: What the hell, Madison? Back off.

MADISON: It was just a thing people do. God, you’re still the same person you’ve always been. Goodbye, Parker.

Madison walks off.

Back at FairWinds, Emily goes to Paul.

PAUL: Emily…, it isn’t what you think.

EMILY: Don’t. Just tell me the truth. Did you kiss her?

PAUL: Yes. Yes, we kissed.

EMILY: Oh my god!


EMILY: How could you do this to me?! To us!


EMILY: Don’t try to explain anything else. Listen, I told Betsy everything. I think between the stuff with Diego and now this...we need a break. She’s letting me stay with her. I’ll call you when I get there.

PAUL: Emily…, don’t leave.

EMILY: I’m sorry. But, you don’t get to make that choice.

Emily wipes a tear from her face. She then walks off.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Rita’s Office, Rita goes to Bob.

RITA: Thought I would never see this day. The high and mighty Robert Hughes using curse words. How shocking.

BOB: Rita, I need you to leave town.

RITA: Not gonna happen. Bob…, I’m going to tell you this one time only. I am not the same girl you met in medical school. In fact, I am far from it. That was 62 years ago.

BOB: What are you trying to say?

RITA: You do not want to screw with me. I have told Kim. Your son knows. I know. You know. If you barge into my office again...us four will not be the only ones who know.

There is a short silence that falls.

RITA: Now, I have a lot of work to do. Please leave.

Bob is at a loss for words. He exits in a hurry. Rita smiles. She then walks back to her desk and sits. She continues her work. The camera zooms out.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 71***

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EP 171 - The Finale