Monday, January 23, 2017

EP 49 - Alison & Casey Pick A Baby Name


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At Susan’s Home, Susan comes down the stairs. She is walking with her cane. There is a knock at the door.

SUSAN: Coming.

She goes to the door.

SUSAN: (opening the door) Oh. Honey, come in.

Emily enters the home. Susan shuts the door.

SUSAN: This is a lovely surprise. What brings you by?

EMILY: I just wanted to check up on you.

SUSAN: Oh. How sweet.

EMILY: And, I need a little bit of motherly advice.

SUSAN: What’s going on?

EMILY: Diego. Diego is what’s going on.

At Memorial Hospital, Dusty and Johnny are in Janet’s Hospital Room. They have surprised her. Janet sits up in bed.

JANET: I’m so glad that my two favorite boys are here.

DUSTY: We couldn’t resist coming for a visit.

JOHNNY: Yeah. How do you feel?

JANET: I’m doing fine. I’m doing okay.

Then, Rita enters.

RITA: Oh. I’m sorry to intrude. I can come back later, if you would like.

JANET: No, you are fine Doctor Davenport.

RITA: Alright. Great.

DUSTY: So, what’s going on?

RITA: Well, I have Janet’s latest test results.

JANET: And…?

RITA: And, they don’t look so good.

At the Oakdale Police Department, Margo and Tom barge into Margo’s Office. Margo takes her coat and scarf off.

MARGO: I can’t believe that son-of-a-bitch!

TOM: Margo, honey, calm down.

MARGO: I will not calm down! He killed my father.

Margo goes behind her desk. She picks up her phone, dials, and puts it up to her ear. The phone begins to ring.

MARGO: Hi. This is Commissioner Margo Hughes. I want to put an APB out on Julian Beck. Do it right away. Thank you. Bye.

Margo hangs up the phone.

MARGO: I’m going to catch him. He’s not going to get away with this.

At Kim and Bob’s Home, Kim comes down the stairs.

KIM: Bob! Are you coming to bed?

She walks into the living room. She sees candles lit throughout. Then, she sees Bob, who is standing by the fireplace.

KIM: Honey, what’s all this?

BOB: I thought I would surprise you.

KIM: Well, I am surprised.

BOB: Your surprise goes way passed the candles.

KIM: Oh really?

BOB: Yes.

Bob picks up a gift box. He goes to Kim.

BOB: (handing the box over) Go ahead. Open it.

Kim is smiling as she begins to open the box.

Back at Memorial Hospital, Alison is leaning on Casey. The two are walking to the elevators.

ALISON: I’m so happy that we got hear the baby’s heartbeat.

CASEY: I am too. I can’t wait until we have our little boy.

ALISON: Speaking of our baby’s gender, we need a name.

CASEY: You want to pick out a name with six months left?

ALISON: I just want to make sure we have everything ready.

CASEY: Alright. What name were you thinking of?

ALISON: How about we name the baby after you?

Back at Kim and Bob’s Home, Kim and Bob sit on the couch.

KIM: A trip to Paris?

BOB: Just the two of us.

KIM: Oh. Honey. This is too much.

BOB: No. No, it is not.

KIM: Yes, it is. What is this for?

BOB: (sighs) I just love you so much. We haven’t done much exploring since my retirement. That all changes right now.

KIM: Bob, there is just one reason why I can’t accept this gift.

BOB: And, why is that?

KIM: Rita has come up with some ways to save my life. My treatment starts in one day. I can’t exactly uproot everything. Besides, I don’t think I could hold down all that French food.

BOB: Honey, everything will work itself out. Just say you’ll go with me. I’m sure we can work something out with Rita.

KIM: Honey, Rita will be the easy one to work something out with. But, I’m not sure we can work anything out with my cancer. Look, I appreciate this gift. I’m just not so sure that I can accept it.

Kim gives Bob a kiss on the cheek.

KIM: I love you. (standing) I’m going to go back to bed.

As Kim is about to walk back upstairs, she starts to feel lightheaded.

BOB: (standing) Are you alright?

KIM: Yes. I’m fine.

As Kim begins to walk, she becomes weak.

KIM: Oh, Bob.

Kim faints, and Bob catches her. In a panic, he lays her on the couch.

BOB: Kim. Kim! Darling! Wake up! Wake up!

Back at Memorial Hospital, Casey and Alison step onto the elevator.

CASEY: So, you think the baby should be named after me?

ALISON: I do. It is the perfect name to carry on the Hughes legacy.

CASEY: Casey is a good name.

ALISON: I can’t believe this is all happening. These years are going to be the best years of our life together.

CASEY: Yes, they will be.

Casey kisses Alison.

Back at Susan’s Home, Susan and Emily sit on the couch.

SUSAN: What has Diego down now?

EMILY: He’s after me.

SUSAN: He’s after you?

EMILY: Yes. I’m sure that you heard about me selling him the paper.

SUSAN: You sold him the paper? When?

EMILY: Before the year ended.

SUSAN: Honey, why? Why would you do that?

EMILY: Well, he had leverage.

SUSAN: Leverage? He blackmailed you, didn’t he.

EMILY: Yeah. He did.

SUSAN: You know that you can tell me anything. What is he blackmailing you with? Tell me, Emily. Let me know. I can help.

EMILY: (sighs) When I shot him, Margo gave me help.

SUSAN: What kind of help?

EMILY: She covered it up. She made it look like it never happened.

SUSAN: How did Diego find out the truth?

EMILY: He bugged Margo’s office. He recorded a conversation that we had about the whole thing. He came to the paper one night, with the recording, and he told me that if I didn’t sell him the paper then he would have no choice but to hand the recording over to the authorities.

SUSAN: Oh my god. Well, it was nice of Margo to help you. However, the help puts you in quite the sticky situation.

EMILY: It’s better than being in prison.

SUSAN: What are you going to do now?

EMILY: There’s nothing I can do.

SUSAN: Yes, there is.

EMILY: What do you suggest I do?

SUSAN: I suggest you get that recording and delete it.

Back at the Oakdale Police Department, in Margo’s Office, Margo and Tom are working around the clock. Then, a police officer enters.

MARGO: What do you got for me Riggs?

RIGGS: We found Julian.

TOM: You did?

MARGO: Where the hell is he?

RIGGS: Morocco.

MARGO: Dammit!

TOM: What’s wrong?

MARGO: Did you forget? Morocco has no extradition treaty.

TOM: Damn.

MARGO: Listen, thanks for your hard work Riggs. Take tomorrow off. I’ll make sure that you aren’t called in.

RIGGS: Seriously?

MARGO: Yeah. Go on.

Riggs exits.

MARGO: We’re never going to catch him.

TOM: Come here.

Tom embraces Margo.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Janet’s Hospital Room, Johnny goes to the door. Rita takes out her reading glasses.

JOHNNY: I’ll be back.

JANET: I love you.

JOHNNY: I love you too.

Johnny exits.

DUSTY: So, what do the results say?

RITA: This isn’t easy for me to say but it needs to be said. Janet, I’m so sorry. You are getting worse and worse.

JANET: Oh. How is that happening?

RITA: We aren’t sure. We just know that the poison is spreading.

DUSTY: Oh my god.

JANET: I just have one question.

RITA: Go ahead. Ask anything.

JANET: How long do I have to live?

Rita lets out a sigh.

JANET: Tell me!

RITA: With the poison spreading this quickly throughout your system, we are giving you approximately two weeks.

Janet is deeply saddened. She begins to cry. Dusty goes to her and holds her. The camera zooms in on Janet’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 49***

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EP 171 - The Finale