Tuesday, December 20, 2016

EP 39 - Susan & Ed Diagnose Kim

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman

SPECIAL GUEST STAR: Peter Simone as Dr. Ed Bauer

At Memorial Hospital, in Susan’s Office, Susan and Ed are working on Kim’s case. Ed is walking around the office. He is on the phone. Susan is sitting behind her desk.

ED: (on the phone) I love you too, darling. Let me know how your trip to Springfield goes. Alright. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.

Ed hangs up the phone. He then walks back to Susan’s desk and sits.

SUSAN: Was the Holly?

ED: Yes.

SUSAN: How is she?

ED: Good. So, how’s the research coming along?

SUSAN: Well, I actually think I’ve discovered what’s wrong with Kim.

At the Snyder Farm, Carly puts a Christmas themed vase on the fireplace mantle. She backs up from the fireplace, admiring the vase. There is then a knock at the door.

CARLY: Coming!

Carly walks to the door. As she opens it, Craig barges in.

CARLY: (shutting the door) Evening, Craig.

CRAIG: Sorry to barge in. It is so damn cold.

CARLY: Well, you’re the devil. You should be perfectly warm.

CRAIG: Ha, Ha, Ha. Very funny.

CARLY: What brings you by?

CRAIG: We need to talk about Rosanna.

CARLY: Rosanna?

CRAIG: Carly, she is out for revenge.

At the Mona Lisa, Diego is at the bar. He is having a glass of scotch. Paul walks up to him and sits down next to him.

DIEGO: Hello, Paul.

PAUL: Diego.

DIEGO: What can I do for you?

PAUL: You can give Emily back the paper.

DIEGO: Is this the part where I say “or”?

PAUL: It is.

DIEGO: Alright. Or…

PAUL: Or...I make your life a living hell. Which will it be Diego? Your choice.

At Oakdale’s AIDS/HIV Research Facility, Sabrina is in her office. She is hard at work. She is typing up reports.

ASSISTANT: (over phone speaker) Ms. Hughes, Iva would like to see you.

SABRINA: (pushing intercom button) Send her in.

As Sabrina takes her finger off the button, Iva enters.

IVA: Hello, boss.

Sabrina takes her reading glasses off and looks up from her laptop.

SABRINA: Hey. I thought I gave you the night off.

IVA: You did.

SABRINA: So, what brings you by here?

IVA: We need to talk.

SABRINA: About what?

IVA: Well, I need advice.

SABRINA: On what?

IVA: Relationships.

At Lisa’s Penthouse, Katie is still reeling from the shocking news.

LISA: Katie, are you alright?

LUCINDA: Katie, it is okay to feel as though you can’t process anything. I’ve gotten shocking information about a lover before.

LISA: Me too.

KATIE: I can’t believe this.

LUCINDA: Are you alright?

KATIE: No. No. I’m not alright.

LISA: Tell us what’s wrong.

KATIE: You just told me.

LUCINDA: What do you mean?

LISA: You can tell us.

KATIE: I don’t know what it means. When Chris passed, I didn’t know where to go in life. I had a child to think about. I still do, as Jacob finishes boarding school. Being with Julian was the one thing that reminded me that love is still out there. God, I’m so stupid!

LUCINDA: You are not stupid.

KATIE: When it comes to love, yes I am.

LISA: Why do you say that?

KATIE: I’ve been married six times. I really know how to pick them, don’t I?

LISA: Oh, Katie. That doesn’t mean anything. I’ve been married nine times.

LUCINDA: Lisa’s right. I’ve been married seven times. And, who knows? Maybe I just jumped the gun on this one.

KATIE: What do you mean by you jumped the gun?

LISA: I confessed what I knew. Now, it’s your turn.

KATIE: Lucinda…?

LUCINDA: (sighs) I’m the one who discovered the info about Julian.


LUCINDA: I had Jack dig into his past.

KATIE: You have got to be freaking kidding me.


KATIE: I just want to know one thing, Lucinda.


KATIE: What else did you find?

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Susan’s Office, Susan pours two cups of coffee. She hands one to Ed, and keeps one for herself.

ED: Thank you.

SUSAN: Yeah.

ED: So, you believe you know what Kim has?


ED: Well, what do your findings conclude, doctor?

SUSAN: (sighs) It wasn’t easy. This definitely took some digging. With your help, I know that I couldn’t have done it.

ED: You are a great doctor, Susan.

SUSAN: Thank you.

ED: So…

SUSAN: Back to the findings. My finding conclude that she has Multiple Myeloma.

ED: Bone marrow cancer.


ED: Stage?

SUSAN: Four.

ED: Progressive?

SUSAN: Yes. We have to get Kim to this hospital first thing in the morning.

Back in Sabrina’s Office, Iva and Sabrina walk over to Sabrina’s office couch. The two sit down, crossing their legs.

SABRINA: Can I tell you something?

IVA: Sure.

SABRINA: I’m the last person you want relationship advice from.

IVA: Why’s that?

SABRINA: I’m surprised you don’t know this story.

IVA: What story?

SABRINA: About your brother Seth and I.

IVA: Oh. That one.


IVA: Sabrina, that was ages ago. You are no longer that person.

SABRINA: It seems like only yesterday.

Sabrina thinks about the broken engagement between Seth and Frannie. She thinks about her involvement in it all.

SABRINA: It really does seem like yesterday.


SABRINA: That is why I don’t want you asking me. I know that there are far better people to ask for relationship advice. Anyway, I don’t even know who you are dating. So, who is it? Who are you shacking up with these days?

IVA: Diego Santana.

SABRINA: Come again?

Back at the Mona Lisa, Diego takes a sip of his drink.

DIEGO: You’ll make my life a living hell?

PAUL: That is what I said.

DIEGO: I’m already there.

PAUL: Why do you need it?

DIEGO: Excuse me?

PAUL: The paper. Why do you need it? Are you trying to make Oakdale come over to your side? Is that it? Trying to be a good, upstanding citizen?

DIEGO: Listen, this sale was perfectly legal. Emily sold me…

PAUL: You blackmailed her.

Paul stands from the chair. He’s had enough of Diego. That is made apparent. He puts his coat on. Diego stands. Before Paul leaves, Diego speaks up.

DIEGO: Paul, if Emily would keep her hands away from a trigger, I wouldn’t have to blackmail her. But, she just couldn’t control herself.

PAUL: (turning back) That’s because of you.

DIEGO: God, you act like I did something wrong to her.

PAUL: You did.

DIEGO: It was ages ago. Time to forget.

PAUL: She will never forget. Neither will anybody else.

DIEGO: Well she could start.

Paul chuckles. He is fed up with Diego.

PAUL: Leave town.

DIEGO: Not a chance in hell.

Diego takes a sip of his drink, as Paul leaves.

Back at Lisa’s Penthouse, Katie sits on the couch.

KATIE: I’m all ears Lucinda.


KATIE: Go ahead.

LUCINDA: Honey, I didn’t find anything else.

KATIE: Are you kidding me?



LUCINDA: Listen, as soon as I have anything, I will call you. Now, I really must be going. I have a visit with Lily. Good bye.

Lucinda collects her things and leaves.

LISA: (sitting next to Katie) Are you going to be alright?

KATIE: We’ll just have to wait and see, Lisa. God, I hope this is just some misunderstanding.

LISA: For your sake, I hope so too.

Lisa and Katie hug.

Back at the Snyder Farm, Carly and Craig stand face to face.

CARLY: What do you mean by she’s out for revenge?

CRAIG: We slept together.

CARLY: Tell me something I don’t know.

CRAIG: Anyway, Rosanna is upset about that.

CARLY: I expected this. I hurt her.

CRAIG: Well, I found out that how she’s taking it is not well.

CARLY: Will you just cut to the chase?

CRAIG: (sighs) Car…

CARLY: Dammit! Tell me! What is she doing?!

CRAIG: Suing you.

CARLY: Suing me? For what?

CRAIG: For your shares in CT Designs.

Carly is in shock. The camera zooms in on Carly’s face.


***FADE OUT***

***END OF EP. 39***

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EP 171 - The Finale