Friday, December 2, 2016

EP 36 - Diego Blackmails Emily!

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman

At Betsy’s Penthouse, Steve is pacing. He stops pacing, when Betsy stands.

BETSY: So, do you understand why I don’t want you going after Diego? Please, tell me that you do, Steve.

STEVE: (sighs) I understand why you don’t want me, to go after him.

BETSY: What does that mean?

STEVE: It means that I think, I will be a-ok. I can take care of myself. Plus, Diego is not getting away, with what he did to me.

BETSY: Dammit! I am not letting you go after him! I am not burying you!

STEVE: Why do you care if I die, or not?

BETSY: Because, I still love you.

At Brooklyn’s Apartment, Carly enters.

BROOKLYN: (shutting the door) I’m sorry. Who are you?

CARLY: I think you know.



BROOKLYN: What are you doing here?

CARLY: I’m here to talk to you about Craig. Craig Montgomery.

BROOKLYN: I’m sorry...who?

CARLY: Come on, honey. You know who I am talking about. Question is, do you want revenge on him? If you do, I know how you can do exactly that.

At The Intruder, Emily is looking over copies of the evening edition. She is on an office phone, and sipping coffee.

EMILY: Yes, please, fire Marty. This article is unacceptable. I told her that strike three, is it. This is strike three. Alright, thanks for taking care of this. Talk to you soon. Bye.

As Emily hangs up, Diego steps off the elevator. Upon hearing footsteps, Emily turns around. She drops her cup of coffee.

DIEGO: Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.

EMILY: You son of a bitch. What the hell are you doing here?

DIEGO: We need to talk.

EMILY: About what?

DIEGO: The night you shot me.
At the Mona Lisa, Lucinda is having a glass of wine. She is sitting down in a booth. She peeks at her watch. Sierra enters, and walks up to the booth.

SIERRA: Hey, mom.

LUCINDA: Darling, finally.

Lucinda stands, and Sierra and Lucinda kiss one another on the cheek. Sierra and Lucinda then sit down, at the booth.

LUCINDA: Not that I’m not happy that you called this urgent dinner, but I am curious. Why did you call this dinner?

SIERRA: It’s about WorldWide.

LUCINDA: Did I leave my phone at the office again?

SIERRA: No. No, that’s not it. There’s something you don’t know about the company. Something that is huge.

LUCINDA: What’s going on?

SIERRA: Mom, the company is going broke.

At Memorial Hospital, Susan is sitting in an examination room. Dr. Jeffries enters, with her chart. He shuts the door, behind him.

SUSAN: (standing) Thank goodness those results are ready. I swear I was going crazy, being in this room. I hope you understand.

DR. JEFFRIES: I do, Susan. However, you don’t have to wait any longer. I have your recent test right here. Right in my hand.

SUSAN: Okay, what do they say?

DR. JEFFRIES: This might come as a shock to you. You’re not getting any better. You still have a better chance of going paralyzed, than ever before.

Back at Betsy’s Penthouse, Betsy and Steve are standing face to face.

STEVE: You still love me?

BETSY: I didn’t mean it, like that.

STEVE: How did you mean it?

BETSY: I will always love you, Steve. You are the father of my child. We share a long and complicated history.

STEVE: I feel like it goes beyond that.

BETSY: It doesn’t.

STEVE: The thing about having a long complicated history with someone, is that you can always tell when they lie. You’re lying.

BETSY: No, I’m not. I told you what I meant. I stand by that.

STEVE: Listen, I’m staying at the LakeView. Come by. Room 432.

BETSY: When do you want me to come by?

STEVE: Tomorrow night.


STEVE: Because, I wanna have dinner, with you.

Back at Brooklyn’s Apartment, Brooklyn is in a bit of a shock.

BROOKLYN: (gathering her thoughts) You need to leave.

CARLY: Brooklyn…

BROOKLYN: I can’t discuss this, with you.

CARLY: Listen, just hear me out. You promised you would get revenge on him, with me. With Dusty, and me.

BROOKLYN: So, you’re Carly?

CARLY: Yeah. Did you not know that?

BROOKLYN: No. Sorry. Any contact we’ve had has been over the phone. I thought you were just some random person.

CARLY: Well, I’m not. I know what it will take to put Craig away. The statute of limitations for his crime does not apply here.


CARLY: So, do this with me. Help me. Please.

BROOKLYN: This might seem rushed, but I already have an answer for you.

CARLY: You do? Wow. Okay, what is it?


CARLY: No? Why not?

BROOKLYN: Because, I decided against it.

CARLY: Brooklyn, why?

BROOKLYN: Because, I think it will destroy my brother’s memory. I don’t want revenge. I don’t wanna go after Craig. I just wanna finish college, and live my life. So, please leave. Don’t ever come back here, again.

CARLY: Listen, you know where to find me. Call me, if you change your mind.

Carly puts her purse on her shoulder.

CARLY: I’ll show myself out.

Carly exits.

Back at Mona Lisa, Sierra has a martini in front of her.

LUCINDA: The company, that I built, is going broke?


LUCINDA: How the hell did this happen?

SIERRA: Well, since you don’t have any knowledge of this, I’m gonna tell you the whole story. Every last detail.

LUCINDA: Start talking.

SIERRA: When I became interim CEO, after the explosion, I had to do my research on the company. I had been out of play, for a very long time. I decided to start with financial records. I realized that there was a record missing. It was for a deal in Spain, to bring robotic machines to our factories. One night, I looked around for the record.

LUCINDA: Did you find it?



SIERRA: And…, what I found startled me. I found out that the deal didn’t work out. That part, might’ve been common knowledge. However, the amount of money we had lost, was probably not common knowledge.

LUCINDA: How much?

SIERRA: Half a billion.

LUCINDA: Oh my god! How is that possible?
SIERRA: The robots were already built. WorldWide had to pay for them to be broken down, and have the parts shipped somewhere else.

LUCINDA: How has Lily been covering her ass?

SIERRA: She’s been proportioning the finances. I guess she thought it would be a little cushion. However, if we don’t find a way to fix this, we’ll be on borrowed time.

LUCINDA: How do you suggest we fix it?


LUCINDA: Don’t say that you don’t have any ideas.

SIERRA: You want my honesty?

LUCINDA: Of course I do.

SIERRA: I say that we remove Lily as CEO.

Back at Memorial Hospital, Dr. Jeffries closes Susan’s chart.

SUSAN: I’m getting worse?


SUSAN: I don’t understand. I’ve been to every appointment. I’ve taken my medications. I’ve done the workouts. I don’t understand how I’m getting worse. I was supposed to keep getting better.

DR. JEFFRIES: Chief, this is one of those unpredictable things in medicine. Sometimes, the treatments for this disease work. Sometimes they don’t.

SUSAN: How long do I have before I have to start using a cane?

DR. JEFFRIES: I’d say two weeks. You’d be in a wheelchair maybe in February.

Susan sits down.

SUSAN: Oh my god. Do you think now is the time I should tell my family?

DR. JEFFRIES: I think it is the time. If not, they are going to get one hell of a shock come Valentine's Day 2017.

SUSAN: (sighs) How do I tell them this? How?

Back at The Intruder, Emily steps over the coffee spill.

EMILY: Diego, I don’t think we should be talking about this.

DIEGO: I think, that now is the perfect time. You don’t have the influence of police commissioner Margo. You don’t have anyone here to scare me away. It is just me and you. Face to face. Just us two.

EMILY: What do you wanna bring up, concerning your shooting?

DIEGO: This.

Diego gets into his suit jacket, and pulls out his cellphone.

EMILY: What are you doing?

Diego goes to his recordings, and presses play on a particular one.


MARGO: Why are you thinking this way?

EMILY: Because, he’s out of the hospital.

MARGO: Honey, that doesn’t mean a thing. I paid off those officers. I paid off a lot of people. I called in a lot of favors. There is nothing to worry about.

EMILY: What if we get caught?

MARGO: (sighs) Can I just be real, with you?

EMILY: Sure.

MARGO: You need to stop worrying. You need to stop with the “what ifs”. There is nothing to worry about. I have everything under control.

EMILY: Are you sure that he isn’t going to come after me, with this?

MARGO: He’s going to come after you. However, I’ll be damned if he goes after you, with this attempted murder charge.

EMILY: Margo, I can’t thank you enough.

MARGO: It is my job to protect the ones, I care about. Diego isn’t going to get anywhere near you, with this. I promise.


EMILY: How’d you get that?

DIEGO: Doesn’t matter

EMILY: It does.

DIEGO: Why you scared?

EMILY: I just wanna know what you plan on doing with it.

DIEGO: Make you fall in line.

EMILY: Excuse me.

DIEGO: I’ll destroy every copy of this recording…

EMILY: If....

DIEGO: If you sell me the paper.

EMILY: What?

DIEGO: Think about it. You don’t have that much time. So, I would think quickly. Listen, I’m hungry. I’m gonna go grab some dinner. Have a nice night, Emily. I’ll be in touch.

Diego exits. Emily is left speechless, as the camera zooms in on her face.


***FADE OUT***


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EP 171 - The Finale