Monday, November 21, 2016

EP 33 - Lucinda Begins Her Search


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At WorldWide, Sierra is in her office. She is sitting behind her desk looking over files. She presses a button, on her office phone.

tuck.jpgSIERRA: Eliza, could you come in here please?

Sierra gets off the button. A couple seconds later, Eliza enters.

SIERRA: Hello.

ELIZA: Good morning, miss Esteban.

SIERRA: Morning.

miranda-cosgrove-2.jpgELIZA: So, what’s going on? Why’d you call me in here?

SIERRA: Well, it is already day three, of your employment as my assistant.

ELIZA: Yeah.

SIERRA: And, you’ve already made a huge mistake.

At the old Montgomery Enterprises building, Lucinda steps off the elevator, on the main floor. She walks over to Julian.

elizabeth-hubbard.jpgLUCINDA: Mr. Beck.

JULIAN: Mrs. Dixon, it is lovely to know that you found the place.

LUCINDA: Well, I’ve been here many times.

Lucinda looks over at the old Montgomery Enterprises sign.

LUCINDA: Please tell me that, that sign will be the first thing that goes.

JULIAN: I planned on that. This is now the building for JB Enterprises.

LUCINDA: Wonderful. Anyway, shall we talk about me investing in the ballroom?

JULIAN: We shall.

LUCINDA: Oh, real quick. I have to satisfy my curiosity.

JULIAN: Go right ahead.

LUCINDA: Do I know you from somewhere?

At the LakeView, in a hotel suite, Iva and a man roll off of one another in bed. They have just finished making love.

MAN: Well, that was a good way to wake up.

CBS_BOLD_6582_BONUS_640x480_31681091917.jpgIVA: It really was. Before you get a shower, can I ask you a question?

MAN: Sure.

IVA: When can we take our relationship public?

MAN: Whenever everything gets straightened out.

IVA: Well, why don’t you work on that faster?

MAN: I’ll try. Plus, won’t your family be mad?

IVA: I don’t think so.

MAN: Well, I think they will.

IVA: Why do you think that?

MAN: Because, I’m not exactly their favorite person.

The camera pans over to Iva's boyfriend. Her boyfriend is revealed to be….

IVA: I love you regardless.

DIEGO: I love you too, baby.
At BRO, in Barbara’s office, Barbara is sitting behind her desk. Faith is sitting on the other side. Barbara is looking over Faith’s resume.

BARBARA: I’m so happy that you decided to apply for this job, Faith.

FAITH: Well, I just felt a calling to this company.

BARBARA: That is very sweet. Now, I love your resume. It without a doubt passes my criteria. Now, since you want to work, in the cosmetic division, Paul will review it.

cover_media_cmg1e12b0e5-7734-4257-b0f3-e8ba16e27c63_0.jpgFAITH: Of course. I would expect nothing less.

BARBARA: Excellent. Since we are finished up here, I can ask you my question. How are you holding up with life?

At Java Underground, Craig and Johnny are having breakfast.

Hunt-Block.jpgCRAIG: I’m glad that you had the chance to come out to breakfast.


CRAIG: So, we need to talk.

all-my-children-eric-nelsen.jpgJOHNNY: Listen, I should be getting back soon. We better make this conversation quick. They still don’t know that I’m having these visits, with you.

CRAIG: You can tell Dusty and Janet.

JOHNNY: No, I can’t.

CRAIG: Why not?

JOHNNY: Because, they still think you’re dangerous.

CRAIG: (sighs) Of course. Well, you won’t have to worry about keeping our visits a secret, forever. I can promise you that.

JOHNNY: Why can you promise such a thing?

CRAIG: Because, I’m suing for full custody, of you.

Back at WorldWide, in Sierra’s office, Sierra comes out from behind her desk.

ELIZA: I don’t understand. What mistake have I made?

SIERRA: You leaked flies. Now, this was accidental. Thank God, we got them back, in time. Do you know how you did this, Eliza?


SIERRA: You left your computer on, during your lunch break.

ELIZA: Oh. I’m so sorry.

SIERRA: You got hacked. The person who hacked you was arrested. You need to realize, that this can never happen again. In fact, it should've never happened.

ELIZA: I completely understand.

SIERRA: Now, please leave. Have a good day.

ELIZA: You too.

Eliza exits. Sierra pours herself a cup of coffee.

SIERRA: (sighs) No one can know that this company, is going broke. No one.

Back at BRO, in Barbara’s office, Faith stands, and Barbara comes out from behind her desk. Faith grabs her purse.

FAITH: I’m doing good.

BARBARA: Are you sure? I heard all that news about Justin, on the news. What you are going through, is not easy.

FAITH: Life isn’t easy. However, I’ve learned to pick myself back up.

BARBARA: Can I tell you something?

FAITH: Sure.

BARBARA: You remind me, of me, at your age.

FAITH: I do?

BARBARA: Yes. Faith, I can see that you are a go-getter.

FAITH: I am. It is one of the very few lessons, I learned.

BARBARA: It’s a good one. You know what?

FAITH: What?

BARBARA: I’m gonna do something drastic.

FAITH: I don’t understand.

BARBARA: I’m giving you the job. I’m skipping over Paul.

FAITH: Are you sure that’s a good idea?

BARBARA: I’m a 100 percent positive. You deserve this.

FAITH: Thank you so much, Mrs. Coleman.

BARBARA: Of course, Faith. Now, I would get out of here. Take some time. Relax. Take a nap. Be well rested, for tomorrow.

FAITH: Okay. Seya tomorrow.

Faith, as happy as can be, leaves Barbara’s office. Barbara has a smile on her face, as she returns to her desk, to finish the workday.

Back at the LakeView, in Iva’s hotel suite, Iva and Diego are full dressed. Diego is buttoning up his shirt. Then, there is a knock at the door.

IVA: Oh. Our room service must be here.

Iva walks to the door. Upon opening the door, Iva is in shock.

IVA: Holden.

HOLDEN: Do you have a minute?

IVA: Um…

Holden then sees Diego.

IVA: Now’s not a good time.

HOLDEN: (entering) What the hell is going on, here?

Back at Java Underground, Craig and Johnny’s table has just been cleared. Craig is signing his signature, on the check.

JOHNNY: You want full custody, of me?


JOHNNY: What brought this on?

CRAIG: You are my son by blood. I love you.

JOHNNY: Blood doesn’t create a family or love.

CRAIG: I know. I really do love you, son.

JOHNNY: (standing) I think I should go.

CRAIG: (standing) Did I upset you?

JOHNNY: You’re not my dad.

CRAIG: Johnny...

JOHNNY: I’m just not sure we should hang out, anymore. Goodbye, Craig.

Johnny walks off.

CRAIG: Johnny!

Back at the old Montgomery Enterprise building, Lucinda walks down a hallway, coming from Julian’s office. She looks at the Montgomery Enterprises sign, again.

LUCINDA: God, that sign makes me sick. Thanks to Julian, I won’t ever have to look at it, again. (sighs) Goodbye, Montgomery Enterprises.


Julian is on the phone.

JULIAN: Hey. We may need to watch out for Lucinda Walsh. Be sure to keep an eye on her. I don’t want her knowing, that I’m a Stenbeck and that I killed John.


Lucinda then takes out her phone, dials, and puts it to her ear.

LUCINDA: Stuart. Hello. Yes, this is Lucinda Walsh. How are you? I’m good, as well, considering all I’ve had to go through. Anyways, I need you to find out everything you can about, Julian Beck. When do I need this information? As soon as possible. I want a full search, all the way down to the name of his first pet. Have a lovely day, Stuart. Talk to you later.

The camera zooms in, on Lucinda.

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***FADE OUT***


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EP 171 - The Finale