Wednesday, February 7, 2018

EP 159 - Cal Goes To See Lucinda


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Co-Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison


NEW SET: Steve and Betsy’s Home

--Paul wished Julian good luck on being the newest addition to BRO.
--Margo revealed that Julian is moving his money. She went on to reveal that she wants to bring on Dusty Donovan as an investigative partner.
--Dusty remembered his time with Janet.
--Katie told Henry that she doesn’t care if she ever sees Julian again.

At the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, the camera pans throughout the living room. The camera then goes over to Lucinda. Lucinda is laying on the couch, asleep. She is holding onto a vodka bottle. Then, there is a knock heard at the door. The knocking wakes her up. She wakes up slowly and groggy. She slowly stands, holding onto the bottle.

MAN: Lucinda! Are you home?!

Lucinda stands up and grabs her head. She then walks over to the desk in the room and opens a drawer. She sets the bottle in the drawer, closes it, and walks off to the door.

MAN: (knocking) Lucinda?!

Lucinda finally makes her way to the door.

LUCINDA: (opening the door) Oh my goodness. Is it really you?

CAL: You better believe it is.

LUCINDA: (laughs) Hi, Cal.

Cal and Lucinda hug.

LUCINDA: It’s so good to see you.

At Oakdale County Prison, in the Visitation Room, Carly and Casey are sitting across from one another. Casey’s briefcase is on the table, opened. Casey is looking over Carly’s client file and taking notes at the same time.

CASEY: So, do you understand our strategy?

CARLY: Yes, I do.

CASEY: Good.

CARLY: (sighs) I just have two questions.

CASEY: Shoot.

CARLY: Do you really think you can get me out from under this mess? Or, do you think that I am going to prison for the rest of my life?

At BRO, in the Lobby, the elevator doors ding open and Julian steps off of the elevator. The double doors close behind him. As he smiles and looks around the lobby, Paul and Barbara walk up to him.

BARBARA: Welcome to your first day of work at BRO.

JULIAN: Thank you, Barbara.

PAUL: Yeah. Welcome.

JULIAN: Thanks, Paul.

BARBARA: Well, if you’ll come right this way, I’ll show you to your office.

JULIAN: I get an office? So soon?

PAUL: Yeah. Unlike you, we respect people.

BARBARA: (laughs) You’ll have to excuse, Paul.

JULIAN: It’s okay. I can understand why my nephew forgot his manners.

BARBARA: Anyway, right this way.

Julian and Barbara walk off. Paul stares off at them. He then rolls his eyes.

At Steve and Betsy’s Home, in the Living Room, Steve and Betsy are standing an empty living room. Surrounding them are a bunch of boxes. Betsy is standing over by the fireplace in the room and putting pictures on the mantle. Steve walks up to her.

STEVE: The mantle looks nice, babe.

BETSY: Thank you.

As Betsy puts the box down, Steve wraps his arms around her.

BETSY: I can’t believe we finally bought a new house together.

STEVE: I’m glad that we did.

Betsy turns around. Her and Steve kiss.

BETSY: I love you.

STEVE: I love you too.

BETSY: And, you want to know what else I love?

STEVE: What?

BETSY: Food. (laughs) I’m starving.

STEVE: Well, we’ve worked up quite an appetite. Haven’t we?

BETSY: Yes. We have.

STEVE: Well, I guess I’ll head over to Java Underground and get us some sandwiches. How does that sound? Good?

BETSY: Perfect.

STEVE: I’ll be back in a bit.

BETSY: You better be.

Steve and Betsy kiss again. Steve walks over to a table and grabs his wallet and keys. He then exits the home. Once Betsy hears the door shut, she smiles. Then, her phone rings. She grabs her phone from her back pocket and answers the call.

BETSY: Hello, this is Betsy. Hello?

All she hears is static.

BETSY: Hello? Is someone there?

The person on the other line hangs up. Then, Betsy ends the call.

BETSY: That was weird.

The camera zooms in on Betsy’s puzzled expression.

Back at the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, Cal is now in the home. He and Lucinda are sitting on the couch.

LUCINDA: You sure I can’t get you anything good to drink?

CAL: No, I’m fine. Thank you though.

LUCINDA: Don’t mention it. So, what brings you by after all this time?

CAL: Well, I wanted to reconnect with an old friend.

LUCINDA: And, I’m that friend?

CAL: You bet. Lucinda, we go way back.

LUCINDA: I know. (laughs) Trust me, I know.

CAL: So, how are you doing these days?

LUCINDA: I’m good. I’m really good.

CAL: Oh, Lucinda.


CAL: You were never a good liar to those who know you.

LUCINDA: Excuse me?

CAL: Lily told me everything.

LUCINDA: Did she now?

CAL: Yes.

LUCINDA: Well then…

CAL: So, I ask you again, how are you?

LUCINDA: (standing) I’m doing fine. And, how dare you come in my home and judge me. You can get the hell out of my house right now!

CAL: (standing) Lucinda.

LUCINDA: I said go!

The camera zooms in on Lucinda.

Back at the Oakdale County Prison, in the Visitation Room, Casey closes his notepad. He then clicks his pen closed.

CASEY: Carly, every case is not a slam dunk.

CARLY: I know. But, do you think mine is?

CASEY: Here’s what I’ll say. I believe in your case. I really do. And, I believe in you as a person. And, I also believe that the DA doesn’t have enough evidence to convict you.

CARLY: But, yet, I’m here in an orange jumpsuit.

CASEY: They only arrested you because they had one little shred of evidence and they threw that in with your past and made you seem like a terrible person.

CARLY: Maybe I am.

CASEY: Carly, if I believed that, then I wouldn’t be fighting to win this case. We have got this. We will win. You will be set free. Do you understand?

Carly nods her head. She then smiles.

Back at Steve and Betsy’s Home, in the Living Room, Betsy is sitting in a chair that is by one of the windows. She is looking out the window and talking on her phone.

BETSY: (on the phone) Honey, don’t worry about it. We have plenty to drink already here at the house. Well, if you insist, I won’t stop you. Okay. I’ll see you in a couple of minutes. Alright. Bye, honey. Love you.

Betsy hangs up the phone. A couple of seconds later, the phone rings. Betsy picks up her phone from her lap and answers the call.

BETSY: (on the phone/laughing) Did you already change your mind?

Betsy hears nothing on the other line.

BETSY: (on the phone/standing) Look, I don’t know who this is, but you better stop calling me right now. Do you understand me?

MYSTERY VOICE: (over the phone) You know exactly who this is, bitch!

The caller on the other line hangs up. Betsy then drops her phone out of her hands. The camera zooms in on her horrified face.

Back at BRO, in Barbara’s Office, Barbara is leaning up against her desk. A couple of seconds later, Paul enters the office. He shuts the door behind him. However, the door is apparently left open by just a crack.

PAUL: You said you wanted to see me?

Outside of the office, Julian walks up to the door. He is just about to enter. However, he decides to hang back and listen in on Paul and Barbara’s conversation.


BARBARA: Yes, I did want to see you.

PAUL: What about?

BARBARA: This whole Julian plan of mine.


BARBARA: Paul, you need to calm down. If you don’t, then this plan is going to blow to smithereens. Understood?

PAUL: Mom…

BARBARA: Paul, Julian is going to be here for a long time till this plan comes to an end. Got it? He is going to play a very important role in the company. And…

PAUL: I’m gonna stop you right there.

BARBARA: Excuse me?

PAUL: There’s something I need to tell you.

BARBARA: Okay. Go on.

PAUL: I can tell you for certain that he won’t be here for long.

BARBARA: What is that supposed to mean?

PAUL: I’m sure you can draw your own conclusions.

The camera cuts to outside the office and zooms in on Julian listening into the conversation. A smile then comes across Julian’s face.

JULIAN: Oh, Paul, it’s funny how you think you’re one step ahead of me.

Julian lets out a small laugh and walks off. The camera follows him.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 159***

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EP 171 - The Finale