Tuesday, February 13, 2018

EP 160 - Julian Runs Into Lucinda


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Co-Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison


--Cal confronted Lucinda about her drinking.
--Steve and Betsy moved into their new home. However, Betsy began to feel unsafe in her life when a mystery person contacted her.
--Casey and Carly geared up for Carly’s trial.
--Julian began working at BRO.

At Photos By Andy, Andy is standing over a table. He is looking down at photos that he took of a family. Then, there is a knock heard coming from the front door of his studio. He looks over at the door and sees that it is Vanessa. He lets out a sigh and goes to the door.

ANDY: (sighs) What are you doing here?

VANESSA: I’m here to apologize for not making it to our date last night.

ANDY: You flaked. It’s okay. It just goes to show me that you don’t care what happens to the relationship that we once shared.

In Oakdale Park, Lucinda is walking through the park. She is drinking from a vodka bottle that is in a paper bag. As she keeps walking, she takes a big drink from the bottle. As she drinks, she shuts her eyes. The drink seems so gratifying to her. However, she bumps into Julian. The two stare deep into one another’s eyes.

JULIAN: Hello, Lucinda.

LUCINDA: Well, well, well, look who it is. Satan, himself.

At Dusty and Rosanna’s Home, in the Living Room, a knock is heard at the door. Dusty comes down the stairs and goes to the door.

DUSTY: (opening the door) Margo. Hi.

MARGO: Hi, Dusty.

DUSTY: Come on in.

Margo enters the home. Dusty shuts the door. Her and Dusty walk over to the couch.

DUSTY: So, what brings you by my home?

MARGO: I have a proposition for you.

DUSTY: Do you now?


DUSTY: Okay. Well, what’s up?

MARGO: Well, Dusty, I was just wondering if you would like to help me bring down Julian Stenbeck once and for all.

At FairWinds, in the Living Room, Paul is sitting on the couch. He is drinking a beer. He is also deep in thought. The camera zooms in on him.


PAUL: I can tell you for certain that he won’t be here for long.

BARBARA: What is that supposed to mean?

PAUL: I’m sure you can draw your own conclusions.

The camera cuts to outside the office and zooms in on Julian listening into the conversation. A smile then comes across Julian’s face.

JULIAN: Oh, Paul, it’s funny how you think you’re one step ahead of me.

Julian lets out a small laugh and walks off. The camera follows him.


As he comes out of his thoughts, Emily enters.

EMILY: Hello, honey.

Emily walks over to him and sits next to him.


EMILY: Okay...what’s going on?

PAUL: What do you mean?

EMILY: I can tell that something about you is off. Honey, what’s going on?

PAUL: (sighs) Nothing is going on. I’m just thinking about work.

EMILY: Yeah right. Paul, once again I’m gonna ask you, what is going on?

PAUL: Okay. You caught me. I was thinking about Julian.

EMILY: That is exactly what I thought. So, what did Julian do now to piss you off?

Back at Photos By Andy, Vanessa is now in the building.

VANESSA: Andy, I got caught up in work. I’m sorry.

ANDY: You can stop saying “I’m sorry.” In fact, it is starting to get quite annoying.

VANESSA: I’m telling you the truth here. (sighs) The department is thinking about bringing me on full time. And, I’m just trying to prove myself to them.

ANDY: They’re thinking about bringing you on full time?


ANDY: And, you’re thinking about vying for a position?


ANDY: What does that mean?

VANESSA: It means that I’m thinking about staying in Oakdale. And, if I do, then we can work on our relationship. I just hope that you’ll want to work on it. I just hope that all feelings that we once shared aren’t gone forever.

Back at FairWinds, in the Living Room, Paul takes a sip from his beer.

EMILY: Are you kidding me? Barbara hired Julian?

PAUL: You bet she did.

EMILY: Why the hell would she do that?

PAUL: Because, she supposedly has a plan.

EMILY: A plan? (laughs) This oughta be rich.

PAUL: She told me that she wanted to keep an enemy close.


PAUL: What?

EMILY: It isn’t actually that bad of a plan.

PAUL: You think so?

EMILY: Yeah. Think about it. Barbara wants to remain one step ahead of Julian at all times. And, how do you do that? You keep him close. It’s smart.

PAUL: (sighs) I guess it is. I’m just worried.

EMILY: What are you worried about?

PAUL: I’m worried that working with Julian will bring me back to a little of what I used to be. He gets under my skin so much. And, I’m just not sure I can handle myself all the time.

Back in Oakdale Park, Lucinda takes a drink from her vodka bottle.

JULIAN: Well, good day to you, Lucinda.

As Julian begins to walk off, Lucinda turns around.

LUCINDA: Do you get off on my misery?

JULIAN: (turning around) Excuse me?

LUCINDA: You heard me. Julian, you’ve taken two men from me. First, you took the love of my life from me. Then, you took a man from me who I was just beginning to get acquainted with.

JULIAN: First of all, I don’t know what you’re talking about. John passed in a tragic way. But, I had nothing to do with that. And, second of all, Grant was shot by an assassin that my brother hired.

LUCINDA: Grant Gibson’s blood, along with John’s, is on your hands.

JULIAN: Keep thinking that and it will lead you down a dark path. Anyway, enjoy the rest of your liquid lunch. I’ve gotta get back to work.

Julian walks off.

LUCINDA: I’m gonna get you, you son-of-a-bitch.

Back at Dusty and Rosanna’s Home, in the Living Room, Margo throws her purse and coat on the couch. She then crosses her arms.

DUSTY: You want me to help you bring down Julian?

MARGO: Yes. Once and for all.

DUSTY: Margo, I don’t mean to get your hopes up. But, Julian keeps skating by. He held a room full of people hostage, he stalked Katie, he killed your father, he inadvertently killed Grant Gibson. But, yet, he has skated by on all of these charges. He has been left unscathed.

MARGO: He won’t be this time.

DUSTY: What makes you so sure?

MARGO: Because, pretty soon, everybody’s luck runs out. And, who knows? His luck could run out as early as tonight.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 160***

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EP 171 - The Finale