Thursday, January 25, 2018

EP 155 - Two BIG Returns!

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Co-Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison


At the Mona Lisa, Craig and Valerie are sitting across from one another at a table. Both of them are having breakfast. Valerie is drinking a mimosa. Craig is drinking a cup of coffee.

CRAIG: So, what is the meaning of this breakfast?

VALERIE: Well, I wanted to thank you.

CRAIG: Thank me? For what?

VALERIE: Well, because of you, I found out who my mother was. And, thanks to you pushing me to solve the mystery, I am now apart of Susan’s life.

CRAIG: Congratulations. That’s great.

VALERIE: It is. It really is.

CRAIG: But, why do I feel as though there is more to this breakfast than what you are telling me at this very moment?

VALERIE: Am I that transparent?

CRAIG: A little bit. So, what’s up, Valerie. Why’d you ask me to breakfast?

At the LakeView, in Emma’s Suite, Emma is sitting at the desk in the room. She is putting on a pair of silver earrings. Then, there is a knock at the door. She gets up from the desk and walks to the door.

EMMA: (opening the door/shocked) Oh my Heavens. What in the world are you doing here? What brings you back to Oakdale?

At Lisa’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Lisa is over by her bar cart. She is pouring herself a cup of tea. Then, there is a knock at the door. She puts down the teapot, lets out a sigh, and walks over to the door.

LISA: (opening the door/shocked) Oh. My. God. This can’t be real. I...I...I can’t believe it’s you. What in the world are you doing here?

The camera zooms in on Lisa.

At Java Underground, Katie and Henry walk over to a table. Both of them are holding a to-go coffee. The two sit down across from one another.

KATIE: Thanks for meeting me.

HENRY: Of course. So, why’d you want to meet?

KATIE: Well, I wanted to talk to you about a dream I had last night.

HENRY: A dream? Okay. Go on. I’m intrigued.

KATIE: It was a dream about Julian.

HENRY: Okay, suddenly I’m less intrigued.

KATIE: Henry, come on. Please. Be serious.

HENRY: Okay. Fine. Sorry.

KATIE: Thank you.

HENRY: Of course. What was the dream about?

KATIE: Well…

HENRY: Katie…

KATIE: (sighs) I dreamt that we made love.

At BRO, in Barbara’s Office, Barbara is sitting behind her desk. She is wearing a pair of blue reading glasses and looking over some papers. Then, there is a buzzing sound heard from her office phone. Barbara reaches over with her left index finger and presses a YELLOW button.

BARBARA: Yes, Kathy?

KATHY: Someone’s here to see you, Mrs. Coleman.

BARBARA: What’s their name?

KATHY: He didn’t give a name.

BARBARA: (sighs) Send him in.

KATHY: Okay.

Barbara lets her finger off of the button. Then, she looks up from her papers and takes off her reading glasses. A couple seconds later, Julian enters. He shuts the door behind him. Barbara leans back in her chair.

BARBARA: Mr. Stenbeck, what are you doing here?

JULIAN: Oh, please call me Julian. I mean, we’re practically family.

BARBARA: You are nothing to me. Anyway, like I asked you when you walked in just a bit ago
what are you doing here, Mr. Stenbeck?

JULIAN: Well, I was hoping you’d give me a job.
Barbara lets out a little laugh.

JULIAN: What’s so funny?

BARBARA: You really are insane.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Valerie takes a sip of her mimosa.

CRAIG: So, what is your little ulterior motive?

VALERIE: (sighs) Well, I was hoping you would view this as a date.

CRAIG: A date?

VALERIE: Yeah. Is that pushing it?

CRAIG: Well, this is a really nice breakfast. And, you are a really beautiful woman. So, yeah, I would consider this a first date.


CRAIG: All that’s missing is the man paying.

VALERIE: You don’t have to do that.

CRAIG: In order to make this date official, I insist.

VALERIE: Well, if you insist, then I won’t stop you.

CRAIG: Good.

Craig and Valerie smile at one another.

Back at Java Underground, Katie takes a sip of her coffee.

HENRY: You had a sex dream about Julian?

KATIE: (looking around) Henry, keep your voice down.

HENRY: (whispers) Sorry. So, you had a sex dream about Julian?

KATIE: Yeah. Look, if it makes you feel better, I don’t feel good about it.

HENRY: Yeah. That actually does make me feel a little better.

KATIE: Henry…

HENRY: Look, why do you think these dreams are happening? Why do you think you still have feelings for this man after what he has done?

KATIE: Well, I have thought about that. And, to tell you the truth, it’s his irresistible charm. Even when he kidnapped me and practically held me hostage, I still felt something for him. I just held my feelings back. Henry, he’s a charmer. He is so…

HENRY: Irresistible. I get it. Look, the fact of the matter is, is that his charm is why he can be so dangerous. That is why you have to do everything you can to be as careful as possible. Because if you aren’t careful, it could get you in a lot of trouble.

Back at BRO, in Barbara’s Office, Barbara gets up from her chair and comes out from behind her desk. She walks over to Julian.

BARBARA: I can’t believe you would ask me for a job after the way you hurt my son. Because of you, my son was in a coma for weeks.

JULIAN: And, I’m very sorry about that. But, I think you will come to find, that I could be a very valuable asset to your company.

BARBARA: Really? How so?

JULIAN: Well, I have a formula for the best anti-aging cream the world has ever seen. And, if you hire me, it’s all yours. So, what do you say? (holding out his hands) Am I hired?

Back at Lisa’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, the person who is at Lisa’s door leans up against the door. Lisa still has a shocked expression on her face.
LISA: I haven’t seen you in decades.

MAN: I know.

LISA: What are you doing here?

MAN: Well, isn’t it obvious? I came to see you.

The camera pans over to the man and reveals him to be BRUCE ELLIOT!

ANNOUNCER: The role of Bruce Elliot is now being played by, William Devane.

Back at the LakeView, in Emma’s Suite, Emma shuts the door. The man who was at her door is now in her suite. Emma turns around and walks over to him.

EMMA: What are you doing here in town?

MAN: I missed you, Emma.

EMMA: Well, if I’m being honest, I’ve kinda missed you too.

MAN: That’s exactly what I was hoping to hear.

The camera pans over to the man. The man is revealed to be CAL STRICKLYN! The camera then zooms in on Cal.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 155***

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EP 171 - The Finale