Tuesday, January 30, 2018

EP 156 - Parker Says Goodbye To Carly


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Co-Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison


At FairWinds, Paul and Barbara enter the Living Room. Barbara takes off her fur coat and lays it gently on the couch. She then turns around to face Paul.

PAUL: So, what brings you by, mom?

BARBARA: Well, I needed to talk to you about a business move that I just made this morning. In fact, this move I made impacts your cosmetics division.

PAUL: Alright. Well, tell me. What’d you do?

At Java Underground, Katie is at the front counter. She picks up her latte from the counter. As she turns around, she bumps into Julian.

KATIE: (sighs) Hello, Julian.

JULIAN: Hello, Katie. How are you?

KATIE: Well, I was fine till I saw you.

As Katie remains very serious, a smirk comes across Julian’s face.

At Lisa Penthouse, in the Living Room, Bruce and Lisa are standing in the room.

LISA: I really can’t believe you’re back in Oakdale.

BRUCE: I can’t believe it either.

LISA: Gosh, it has been…

BRUCE: 56 years,

LISA: Oh dear Lord. Well, be careful who you say that too. I don’t want my true age to be shown. Anyway, what brings you back to Oakdale after all these decades?

BRUCE: Well, to tell you the truth, Lisa, I want you back.

The camera zooms in on a shocked Lisa.

At Oakdale County Jail, in the Visitation Area, Carly is in an orange jumpsuit. She is sitting at a metal table. Then, Parker enters the room.

CARLY: Hello, son.

PARKER: Hello, mom.

Parker sits across from Carly.

CARLY: How are you?

PARKER: I’m okay. You?

CARLY: As good as I can be. So, why’d you want to see me?

PARKER: Well, we need to talk.

CARLY: Okay. What do we need to talk about?

PARKER: Well…, there’s something I need to tell you. Something important.

CARLY: You can tell me anything. No matter what is going on between us, you can come to me with anything. So, what’s going on?

PARKER: I’m leaving town.

At the LakeView, in Emma’s Suite, Emma and Bruce are sitting on the couch.

EMMA: Gosh, I really can’t believe you are back in town.

CAL: Yeah. It was kind of a spur-of-the-moment decision.

EMMA: So, may I ask what brings you back after all these years?

CAL: I’ve officially retired.

EMMA: Really?

CAL: Yes.

EMMA: And, I take it you decided to retire to Oakdale?

CAL: I have.

EMMA: Can I ask you a burning question of mine?

CAL: Of course.

EMMA: Why Oakdale?

Back at Lisa’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Lisa brushes passed Bruce.

LISA: What do you mean you want me back?

BRUCE: I mean that I’ve missed you all this time.

LISA: (turning around) Bruce, it has been decades upon decades since we last saw one another. And, when we were seeing one another, it wasn’t some great love story. I cheated on Bob with you. Our relationship was tainted from the beginning. Therefore, I don’t understand why you have returned to town and why you have waltzed into my home.

BRUCE: Lisa, through the decades, I have changed myself. And, I’m old and retired now. And, since I’ve been retired, all I have thought about is you. Lisa, you were the best part of my life. You were one of the reasons I kept living. Did you know that after all these years, I’ve kept two photos of us?

LISA: You have?

BRUCE: Yes. I went to great lengths to preserve them.

LISA: Why?

BRUCE: Because, I’m still in love with you.

LISA: Bruce…

BRUCE: Let’s go on a date.

LISA: Excuse me?

BRUCE: Say you’ll come on a date with me. We can go to Paris on my private jet and have dinner as we look out at the beautiful Paris landscape.

LISA: I don’t know. Bruce, you mentioned you’re getting old. Well, I’m no spring chicken either. The only thing that keeps me busy is writing my column and taking care of my restaurant. That’s it.

BRUCE: Lisa, we’re not dead yet. We still have some spark left inside of us. Just...just...meet me at my private jet tomorrow night. I’ll send a car for you.

LISA: (sighs) I don’t know.

BRUCE: If you agree, then you’ll be at my jet by six. If you don’t, then I’ll take the hint. I hope to see you soon, Lisa.

Bruce takes Lisa’s hand and kisses it. He smiles at her and then leaves the penthouse. Once Lisa hears the door close, she walks over to a closet in the living room. She retrieves a shoebox and goes over to the couch. She sits down and opens the box. Inside is a picture of her and Bruce.

LISA: (sighs) What am I going to do? This all seems so sudden. What to do? What to do? Come on Lisa. Think. You’re a smart girl. Do you want this relationship?

Back at the LakeView, in Emma’s Suite, Cal leans back on the couch.

CAL: I wanted to come back to Oakdale to reconnect with people that I’ve missed. I’ve missed Lily. I’ve missed Lucinda. But, most importantly, I’ve missed you.

EMMA: You’ve missed me the most?

CAL: Yes. That’s the truth. Scouts honor.

EMMA: Wow. After the way we ended things, I didn’t think that you would miss me ever again. I’m quite shocked by your admission.

CAL: Really?

EMMA: Yes.

CAL: Well, it’s the truth, Emma. I missed you.

At Java Underground, Katie walks over to a small table. She then takes the lid off of her coffee cup. She then begins putting sugar and milk in her coffee.

KATIE: You know, my sister filled me on the case she’s building against you.

JULIAN: Yeah. She even came to visit me.

KATIE: I think you’re going away for a long time.

JULIAN: Don’t count on it.

KATIE: Why do you say that?

JULIAN: I have my ways.

KATIE: I’m sure you do. Look, what do you want?

JULIAN: I just want to talk to you.

KATIE: What makes you think I’d give you the time of day?

JULIAN: Well, you’re certainly giving me the time of night.

KATIE: What?

JULIAN: I overheard your conversation with Henry.

KATIE: You were eavesdropping on me and my best friend?

JULIAN: You two spoke loudly enough. Anyway, I heard about that little dream you heard about me. Tell me, how was I in your dream?

KATIE: You pig. Stay the hell away from me.

Katie puts the lid back on her coffee, collects her things, and walks away. The camera zooms in on Julian. He is smiling.

Back at Oakdale County Jail, in the Visitation Room, Carly puts her hands on the table. She gets as close to Parker without touching him.

CARLY: You’re leaving town?

PARKER: Yes, I am.

CARLY: When?

PARKER: Tonight.

CARLY: Wow. This is quite sudden.

PARKER: Yeah. That’s what dad said too.

CARLY: I wish you wouldn’t leave. I’m gonna miss you.

PARKER: Yeah. Look, I thought I would just stop by and say farewell. Even though we aren’t on the best of terms right now, thanks to you killing the love of my life, you do deserve to know. Anyway, you are one of the last people I have to say goodbye to. I already said goodbye to JJ, aunt Rosanna, and many others.

CARLY: I’m sure they were just as sad as I was.

PARKER: Yeah. They were.

CARLY: Look, can I be honest with you?


CARLY: (sniffles) I didn’t mean to kill Sheila. I didn’t mean to wreck your life. And, I regret every single second of that night. And, if I could turn back the clock, I would.

PARKER: But, you can’t.

CARLY: I know. I know. And, I cannot tell you how sorry I am for what happened. I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. But, what I will never regret, is you. Parker, I love you so much. You are my little boy. You are the apple of my eye. I’ll always love you son. Always.


CARLY: Yeah?

PARKER: I love you too.

A tear strolls down Carly’s cheek.

CARLY: I’m gonna miss you so much, honey. So very much.

The camera pans back and forth between Carly and Parker.

At FairWinds, in the Living Room, Paul walks over to Barbara and hands her a glass of water. Barbara takes a sip of her water.

BARBARA: Thank you, darling. My throat was feeling quite dry.

PAUL: No problem. Now that your throat isn’t dry, you can now tell me about this business move you made in my division without consulting me.

BARBARA: Paul, I know that me not consulting you wasn’t the best decision. And, you may not even agree with what I have done. But, what I did will be good for the long term of the company. And, in time, I think you’ll agree with my decision.

PAUL: Mom, what are you talking about?

BARBARA: (sighs) I hired your uncle Julian.

PAUL: You did what?!

The camera zooms in Paul’s shocked expression!

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 156***

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EP 171 - The Finale