Tuesday, January 23, 2018

EP 154 - Julian Goes To See Katie

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Co-Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison


At the Oakdale Police Department, in Vanessa’s Office, Vanessa is over by a small table next to the long window in the office. She is pouring herself a glass of water.

VANESSA: (turning around) Can I get you anything.

ANDY: No, I’m fine. Thanks. I just want to get back to the subject at hand.

VANESSA: Okay. No problem.

ANDY: I had no idea you felt that way about me. I had no idea that you felt so strongly about me still. I thought all of your feelings for me were dead and gone.

VANESSA: What would make you think that?

ANDY: Well, you did cheat.

VANESSA: Cheating means nothing. Just because you cheat doesn’t mean you still don’t have feelings for the person you cheated on. I just want to know one thing. Do you still have feelings for me, Andy?

At Holden and Lily’s Home, in the Living Room, Holden and Lily enter the living room. They are both holding wine glasses and drinking red wine.

LILY: I really needed this after the day I’ve had.

HOLDEN: Feel free to unload on me.

Holden and Lily make their way to the couch and sit.

HOLDEN: What’s up?

LILY: Well, I had a visit with my mother today.


LILY: And, she has gone off the rails when it comes to her drinking.

At Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Katie enters the room. It is apparent she just came from the small kitchen area in her apartment. She is also talking to someone on the phone.

KATIE: Marcie, I would love to meet with you about a possible job opportunity at Wake Up Call. I’ve wanted to get back into the entertainment industry for awhile. And, I think your news program would be a perfect fit for me. Alright, seya then. You have a lovely rest of the day. Bye.

As Katie hangs up the phone, there is a knock heard at the door. She lets out a sigh and begins to walk over to the door.

KATIE: (opening the door) What the hell are you doing here?

JULIAN: We need to have a little chat.

The camera zooms in on Julian as he leans up against the door and raises his eyebrow.

At Java Underground, Parker now has a cup of coffee in front of him.

JACK: I can’t believe you’re leaving town. When did you decide this?

PARKER: A couple of days ago. After Sheila’s memorial.

JACK: Where are you gonna go?

PARKER: I’m headed off on a journey. I’m not going anywhere specific. I’ll be all over the place. Dad, it’s time I found myself. It’s time I got out there and became my own person.

JACK: Well, I wish you the best of luck. I just have one problem with this whole entire leaving-town-thing.

PARKER: Problem? What’s up?

JACK: Well, how do you think your mother will feel about all of this?

At Sierra’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Marshall and Sierra are sitting on the couch.

SIERRA: I just wish the conversation would’ve gone better.

MARSHALL: Honey, you had to do what you had to do.

SIERRA: I just wish Lily and I wouldn’t have been so forceful with her.

MARSHALL: You were taking care of your mom. Don’t feel ashamed of taking care of someone that you love.

SIERRA: Yeah. I guess you’re right. (sighs) Anyway, I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I want to talk about our wedding.

MARSHALL: Do you now?


MARSHALL: What about our wedding?

SIERRA: Well, we need to pick a location. So, where should we get married?

Back at Holden and Lily’s Home, in the Living Room, Lily takes a sip of her wine.

HOLDEN: How much is she drinking?

LILY: I don’t know the specifics. All I know is that she is drinking a lot. When Sierra and I went over to the mansion, we found her passed out on her couch. And, a couple of days ago, Susan had texted me and told me about this discussion that she had with my mother. And, all Lucinda was focused on was tossing a few back.

HOLDEN: Wow. That’s very worrisome.

LILY: Yeah. It is.

HOLDEN: So, what did you and Sierra do about it?

LILY: We mentioned to her that she should think about rehab.


LILY: And, she kicked us out.

HOLDEN: Kicked you out?

LILY: Yes. She told Sierra and I to get the hell out of her house.

HOLDEN: Oh my god.

LILY: My thoughts exactly.

HOLDEN: Honey, I’m so sorry this is all happening.

LILY: Thank you.

HOLDEN: It’s hard to watch a woman like Lucinda crumble.

LILY: Yeah...yeah it is. It really is.

Back at the Oakdale Police Department, in Vanessa’s Office, Vanessa takes a sip from her water glass. She then sets the glass down on the table, turns around, and walks over to Andy.

ANDY: Truthfully, I don’t know what I feel.

VANESSA: Really?

ANDY: Yeah.

VANESSA: Andy, I still love you. I really do. And, all I’m asking for is that you give me a chance. Just one chance to make things up to you. Please.

Andy lets out a sigh.

VANESSA: Please.

ANDY: Okay, here’s what I’ll do. Tomorrow night, we’ll go out to dinner.

VANESSA: Really?

ANDY: Yes.

VANESSA: That’s wonderful. Thank you. Thank you so much.

ANDY: Don’t mention it. Look, I’ve gotta get back over to my studio. I have some photos to develop. I’ll be in touch. Okay?

VANESSA: Okay. Sounds good.

Andy walks off and exits the office. The camera pans back over to Vanessa. As soon as she hears the door shut, a smile projecting joy and happiness comes across her face.

Back at Java Underground, Jack takes a sip of his coffee.

PARKER: I think mom will accept my decision.

JACK: Really?

PARKER: Well, at least she better. Because, I’m not changing my mind.

JACK: When are you planning on telling her?

PARKER: Tomorrow afternoon. I’m gonna say goodbye to a couple people first. And, then, I’ll make my way over to the police department.

JACK: Sounds good. I’m gonna miss you.

PARKER: I’m gonna miss you too, dad. (smiling) I’m gonna miss you too.

Back at Sierra’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Sierra brushes her fingers through her hair and then tucks her hair behind her ears.

SIERRA: So, any thoughts?

As Sierra continues to talk, Marshall becomes deep in thought.

SIERRA: We could do a beach in Hawaii. Or, we could go traditional and…


Iva and Marshall are in Iva’s office having sex on her desk.
Marshall and Iva kiss in the spare room at the church.
Marshall and Iva are in Sierra’s Penthouse Living Room.

MARSHALL: I mean that I have feelings for both you and Sierra.

IVA: Do you now?

MARSHALL: Yes. Look, with Sierra, I feel love in my heart 24/7. For you, I feel this passion in my heart. That’s what makes this all so complicated for me. That’s why I can’t choose.


SIERRA: Marshall...Marshall…

MARSHALL: I’m sorry. What?

SIERRA: Honey, is everything okay?

MARSHALL: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Everything’s fine. Just fine.

Back at Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Julian is now standing in the room. The door is shut. Katie walks over to him.

KATIE: What do we need to talk about, Julian?

JULIAN: Our future.

KATIE: Future? We have no future.

JULIAN: I beg to differ.

KATIE: And, why is that?

JULIAN: Because, you invited me in, Katie.

KATIE: That was…

JULIAN: That was because I think you wanted me to do this.

KATIE: Do what?

Julian rushes up to Katie and passionately kisses her. He then begins to kiss her neck. Katie begins to unbutton his shirt. Julian begins to remove her shirt. The two make their way over to the couch and Katie lays down. Julian lays on top of her. As the camera zooms in on their kiss the camera cuts away.

In Katie’s Bedroom, Katie is asleep in bed. She then wakes up right away, breathless, and even sweating a little bit. The camera begins to zoom out.

KATIE: It was all a dream. It was just a dream.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 154***

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EP 171 - The Finale