Tuesday, November 21, 2017

EP 136 - Julian's Reveal Pt. 4

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory


At Lily and Holden’s Home, in the Living Room, Lily is sitting on the couch. She has once again resumed reading her magazine. Then, Holden enters.

LILY: Hey, honey.

Holden takes off his coat, puts it on the chair, and goes to her.

HOLDEN: (kissing Lily) Hey.

Lily puts down her magazine.

LILY: Did you get that fire wood all chopped up?

HOLDEN: I did.

LILY: Good.

HOLDEN: I saw Sierra’s car out front. Sorry that I didn’t come in and say hi.

LILY: That’s okay. She was only here for a couple of minutes.

HOLDEN: Why was she here?

LILY: Well, she offered me my old job back.

HOLDEN: (sitting down) She did?

LILY: Yes. And, I took her up on it. I am once again the CEO of WorldWide.

HOLDEN: Are you sure that, that’s a good idea?

At Iva’s Apartment, as Iva enters the Living Room, there is a knock at the door. She then rushes over to the door.

IVA: (opening the door) What are you doing here?

DIEGO: We need to talk.

IVA: Diego, I don’t have time for this.

DIEGO: Iva, please. It’s important.

IVA: What’s going on?

DIEGO: I’m leaving town.

At the Old Mansion, in the Living Room, Emily and Lucinda walk off to the open bar. Tom then goes up to Julian.

TOM: Alright, that’s enough.

JULIAN: This is my party. I call the shots.

TOM: You don’t call the shots when it comes to the law. You are going to prison, Julian. I am arresting you right now.

Tom walks over to Julian. He is about to grab him. But, Katie stops him.

KATIE: Tom, stop! You can’t do that!

MARGO: Katie, why won’t you let Tom arrest Julian?

KATIE: Because, there is a very specific reason that Julian had me invite all of you here. And, I think that he should be heard.

Outside, someone is seen hiding behind the bushes. The person hiding behind the bushes is also seen putting a silencer on a gun. The camera zooms in on the gun.

MAN: I’ll carry out these orders. I made a promise to Mr. James Stenbeck all those years ago. And, I’m a man who keeps my promises.

Back at Lily and Holden’s Home, in the Living Room, Lily leans on Holden.

LILY: I really do think I’m ready for this. I don’t think I would’ve said ‘yes’ to the offer if I didn’t think that I was ready to step back into the corporate world.

HOLDEN: You’re right. I know your mind has been clear for the past couple of days. I just want to make sure you're not overdoing it.

LILY: Sierra said the same thing. I am perfectly fine. I promise.

HOLDEN: Far be it from me to disagree with you.

LILY: Good idea not to.

HOLDEN: Agreed.

Back at Iva’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Diego enters. Iva shuts the door and turns around. She walks over to him.

IVA: You’re leaving town? I don’t understand. I spoke to you earlier about the advertisements about the Mayoral debate coming up. You didn’t lead on that you were leaving town.

DIEGO: I couldn’t tell you then. I had to make sure the offer I got was legit.

IVA: Offer? What offer did you receive?

DIEGO: The people who run the town newspaper in Springfield are putting it under new management. They want me to run it.

IVA: Wow. That is a big offer. I assume you accepted it.

DIEGO: I did.

IVA: When do you leave?

DIEGO: Tomorrow morning at six a.m.

IVA: Wow. That’s soon.

DIEGO: I know.

IVA: Where are you going to stay?

DIEGO: The Beacon Hotel till I get moved into this house by the name of Cross Creek. This woman by the name of Reva agreed to sell it to me.

IVA: That was nice of her.

DIEGO: Yeah. It was.

IVA: So, that’s it? You’re just gonna leave?

DIEGO: I have to. There’s nothing left for me here.

IVA: (getting choked up) Does that mean you’re done fighting for us?

DIEGO: Iva, it’s apparent you don’t want an us ever again.

IVA: (sobbing) I’m not sure what I want.

DIEGO: Let’s make a deal.

IVA: What are you talking about?

DIEGO: In a year, if you discover that you still have feelings for me, call me. We’ll meet up and talk things out. If we get back together, I’ll move back here.

IVA: A year?



DIEGO: Don’t say another word. Just hang on to this.

Diego gets real close to Iva and kisses her passionately.

DIEGO: I love you, Iva.

IVA: I...I...I love you too.

DIEGO: I have to go now. (going to the door) Goodbye, Iva.

Diego opens the door.

IVA: Diego, be careful. And, good luck.

DIEGO: Thank you.

Diego then exits the apartment. He shuts the door behind him. Iva then makes her way to the couch. She then breaks down in tears.

Back at the Old Mansion, in the Living Room, Tom backs away from Julian.

BARBARA: What do you have to reveal to us?

JULIAN: I’m sure you all know that tomorrow marks the seventh anniversary of my brother’s tragic passing from this world.

MARGO: I would hardly call James Stenbeck dying a tragedy.

JULIAN: That is where you are wrong.

PAUL: What is that supposed to mean?

JULIAN: It means that my brother is carrying out one last revenge plot on all of you that stand in this very room.

LUCINDA: What the hell are you talking about?

JULIAN: Seven years ago, my brother hired a hitman to enact revenge on you people. However, this act of revenge could only be carried out on the seventh anniversary of his final demise.

DUSTY: Why the seventh anniversary?

JULIAN: Seven was James’ lucky number.

EMILY: Tell us more about this revenge plot.

JULIAN: I will. James wanted each and everyone of you to know that he could reach you beyond the grave.

HENRY: How do we know you’re telling us the truth?

JULIAN: I am telling you the truth.

MARGO: Katie, do you think he is?

KATIE: I warned him if he wasn’t.

JULIAN: Look, I am telling all of you the truth. I promise.

EMILY: Why would you want to protect us?

JULIAN: Because, I want to clear my name of any wrongdoings.

TOM: That will never happen.

JULIAN: Look, the sooner all of you start to believe me, the sooner I can give you all my plan of action of how you can stay protected.

BARBARA: I think we are all done here. You’ve had your fun, Julian. But, I think it is time all of us return to Oakdale.

JULIAN: You can’t leave.

PAUL: Like hell.

As people begin to leave, the lights suddenly go off. Gasps are heard throughout the room. Then, a gun is heard going off. Then, screams are heard.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 136***

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EP 171 - The Finale