Thursday, November 23, 2017

EP 137 - Julian's Reveal Pt. 5

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory


At Java Underground, Carly is sitting at a table in the corner. She is drinking a cup of coffee. Then, Andy enters. He looks around and spots Carly. He then walks over to her.

ANDY: Well, well, well, if it isn’t Carly Tenney.

CARLY: Oh my goodness, Andy Dixon!

ANDY: How are you?

CARLY: I’m good. How are you?

ANDY: Couldn’t be better.

At the Old Mansion, in the Living Room, Tom steps away from Julian.

JULIAN: Look, the sooner all of you start to believe me, the sooner I can give you all my plan of action of how you can stay protected.

BARBARA: I think we are all done here. You’ve had your fun, Julian. But, I think it is time all of us return to Oakdale.

JULIAN: You can’t leave.

PAUL: Like hell.

As people begin to leave, the lights suddenly go off. Gasps are heard throughout the room. Then, a gun is heard going off. Then, screams are heard. The lights come on and everyone begins to look around.

KATIE: Is everyone okay?!

TOM: Who’s been shot?!

BARBARA: I don’t know!

Then, everyone looks down at the floor.

EMILY: Oh my god.

PAUL: Oh my god.

BARBARA: This can’t be.

LUCINDA: Oh dear lord. No! No! No!

Lucinda bends down by Grant’s body. He is bleeding out.

LUCINDA: (yelling) No!

At Betsy’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Betsy and Steve are laying on the couch together. Betsy is leaning on Steve’s arm.

BETSY: I wish we could stay in this moment forever.

STEVE: Me too.

Then, there is a knock at the door.

BETSY: Don’t answer that.

STEVE: Wasn’t planning on it.

Then, there is another knock.

JACK: (on the other side of the door) Betsy! Steve! It’s Jack!

BETSY: (sighs) Maybe we should get it. It could be about the case.

Betsy stands and goes to the door. Steve then stands up.

BETSY: (opening the door) Hi, Jack.


BETSY: Please, come in.

Jack enters the penthouse. Betsy then shuts the door and turns around. She then walks over to Jack and Steve.

STEVE: Do you have news about Diana?

JACK: I actually do.

BETSY: What’s going on?

JACK: We are dropping the case on Diana. We’ve begun to investigate whoever sold Diana the drugs. And, I think I might have a lead.

Back at Java Underground, Andy sits across from Carly.

CARLY: I haven’t seen you since your father’s funeral last year. What brings you back to town, Andy? Anything interesting?

ANDY: You could say that. I decided to move my photography business here.

CARLY: Wow. So, does that mean you are moving back here permanently?

ANDY: You’d be right about that one.

CARLY: That’s great.

ANDY: You think?

CARLY: I do.

ANDY: Hey, I heard that you and Craig now work together at your company. I thought that you hated that man. Why are you working with him?

CARLY: He made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. Now, trust me, I was very hesitant at first. But, it actually feels pretty good to be back at my company. And, no matter who owns it, I will always consider it to be my company.

ANDY: Of course. I get that. How are you juggling Metro and CT?

CARLY: I manage. It is difficult. But, I manage.

ANDY: You always have managed tough situations. Your management amazes me.

CARLY: Does it now?

ANDY: Yeah, it does.

Back at Betsy’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Betsy walks passed Jack and goes over to Steve. The two stand next one another.

BETSY: So, you think you may know who sold Diana the drugs?

STEVE: Who do you think sold her the stuff?

JACK: Look, I went to see Craig earlier today. At first, I thought he sold Diana the drugs. However, he said he didn’t. He said Diana got the drugs from Grant Gibson. Do you by chance know who that is?

BETSY: You have got to be kidding.

JACK: I take it you do know who he is.

STEVE: We do.

JACK: Who is he?

STEVE: When Diana came out of the WPP, she came straight here to Oakdale. She said that she needed my help.

JACK: What did she need your help with?

BETSY: She said that Grant was the reason she went back into the WPP. She said that he was some dangerous drug dealer and that she brought down his operation.

STEVE: Diana said that Grant was trying to kill her.

BETSY: She wanted Steve to protect her.

JACK: But, this whole time she was trying to get Steve back?


STEVE: Look, I don’t doubt that Diana was on the run from this Grant guy. And, I don’t doubt that he sold her the drugs. But, what I also don’t doubt is that Diana is crazy for me.

BETSY: Definitely no question there.

STEVE: So, what happens now?

JACK: We get evidence on this Grant guy, arrest him, and we see what answers he can give us to this whole investigation.

BETSY: Fingers crossed everything works out.

Back at the Old Mansion, everyone is crowded around Grant. Margo helps Lucinda up. There is blood on her gown and hands and arms. Dusty leans down by Grant. Dusty checks his pulse.

LUCINDA: Dusty…, is Grant dead?

DUSTY: I’m afraid so.

LUCINDA: (crying) Oh god!

MARGO: Lucinda, let’s go. We’re getting you out of here.

TOM: This is over! The party's over!

The camera pans over to Henry and Katie. They are standing in a corner.

KATIE: Julian was right.

HENRY: I guess he was.

KATIE: James is trying to kill us all.

The camera pans over to Tom and Julian.

JULIAN: I tried to warn all of you.

TOM: Yeah, you did. However, that doesn’t mean all of your crimes suddenly disappear into thin air. You are still going to prison.

JULIAN: I’m not going anywhere.

Lucinda then walks up to Julian.

LUCINDA: So, this was your plan all along.

JULIAN: What do you mean?

LUCINDA: This was your plan all along to ruin any chance I have at happiness! First, you kill John! But, that wasn’t enough. Oh, no, no, no. You just had to go and kill the new man in my life! Didn’t you?!

JULIAN: I didn’t kill Grant. This was all…

LUCINDA: Enough about James’ plan! This was all your fault! If you wouldn’t have forced Katie into inviting all of us here, none of this would’ve happened!

BARBARA: Lucinda’s right.

LUCINDA: All of us are leaving right now!

EMILY: I hear that.

Party guests begins to leave. Tom then gets out handcuffs.

JULIAN: Are you really doing this here?

TOM: Damn right I am.

MARGO: Do it, honey.

Tom begins to put handcuffs on Julian.

TOM: Julian Stenbeck I am placing you under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these right as I have read them to you?


TOM: Good.

Tom then walks Julian out of the mansion. The camera then pans back over to Katie and Henry. Barbara walks up to them.

BARBARA: I can’t believe all of this has happened.

HENRY: I can’t either.

BARBARA: Katie, how are you doing?

KATIE: I’m fine. Thanks for asking.

BARBARA: Of course. I bet you are glad that Julian has been arrested.

HENRY: Now, all of this can finally be over with.

KATIE: Over? The word over isn’t in Julian’s vocabulary. Nothing is ever over with that man. I have a feeling things are just beginning where he is concerned.

The camera cuts to all of them. Then, in an aerial shot, the camera zooms out.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 137***

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EP 171 - The Finale