Thursday, November 16, 2017

EP 135 - Julian's Reveal Pt. 3

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory


At Lily and Holden’s Home, in the Living Room, Lily is sitting on the couch. She is reading a magazine. Then, there is a knock at the door. She closes the magazine and puts it on the table. She gets up and walks to the door.

LILY: (opening the door) Hey.


LILY: What brings you by?

SIERRA: I have a business proposition for you.

At Ruffles, the Bartender sets another beer in front of Craig.

CRAIG: So, you’ve only been in town a couple of weeks now?

VALERIE: That’s correct.

CRAIG: How are you liking Oakdale so far?

VALERIE: I love it. Of course, that is excluding the stress part.

CRAIG: Of course. So, you said that you came to town searching for answers about your past. What are the answers you're searching for?

VALERIE: I’m trying to find answers that will point me in the direction of who my mother is. All I know is that my mother is either Lucinda Walsh or Susan Burke.

CRAIG: Who’s your father?

VALERIE: John Dixon.

CRAIG: Oh my god. John Dixon has another child?

VALERIE: That would be me.

CRAIG: You don’t say.

At the Old Mansion, in the Living Room, Julian and Katie fully enter the room.

JULIAN: So, who wants to be the first to give me a welcome back greeting?

Margo walks up to Julian. She then slaps him across the face.

MARGO: How’s that for a welcome back greeting, you bastard!

Tom runs up to Margo. He grabs her and gets her to back away.

JULIAN: Thanks for that, Margo.

The camera pans over to Grant and Lucinda.

GRANT: Who is this guy?

LUCINDA: His name is Julian Stenbeck. He’s the man who killed my husband. He’s the man who killed Margo’s father. (to Julian) How are you alive, Julian?!

TOM: I’d like an answer to that too.

JULIAN: I’ll answer all of your question in due time. However, we have to get to more pressing matters first. Understood?

DUSTY: You’ll answer our questions first. Then, we’ll get to what you have to say.

The camera pans over to Barbara. She is now standing by Henry.

BARBARA: Oh my god.

HENRY: Honey, what is it?

BARBARA: I’ve been thinking about James because of Julian. Julian is the reason I’ve felt James' presence. Julian is the reason I’ve felt that danger is ahead.

Back at Lily and Holden’s Home, in the Living Room, Lily and Sierra enter the room. Sierra takes off her gloves and coat and sets them on a chair.

SIERRA: Thanks for letting me in. It is absolutely freezing out there.

LILY: (laughs) No problem. So, you said you have a business proposition?

SIERRA: Yes. For you.

LILY: Yeah, I got that. So, what’s up?

SIERRA: I’m stepping down as CEO of WorldWide.

LILY: You are?


LILY: Why?

SIERRA: It is time. Lily, I was never meant to run that company forever. I just know that it is time to move on from the corporate world.

LILY: I can understand where you are coming from.

SIERRA: Look, I promised mom that I would find my replacement. And, I want my replacement to be you, Lily. I think that it is only right. And, I want you to only take the job if you are ready. I don’t want you to in anyway overdue it.

LILY: Sierra, I can’t thank you enough for giving me my job back.

SIERRA: Lily, it is my pleasure. So, does that mean you’re going to accept?

LILY: Yout bet I am.

Back at Ruffles, Craig takes a drink of his beer. He sets it back down on top of his coster.

VALERIE: Did you know my father?

CRAIG: Everyone in Oakdale knew your father.

VALERIE: What about Susan and Lucinda?

CRAIG: I go way back with everyone who might be connected to you.

VALERIE: You do?

CRAIG: I do.

VALERIE: I just wish that I could find out who my mother is.

CRAIG: Have you tried getting samples of their DNA?

VALERIE: I haven’t even thought that far ahead.

CRAIG: Maybe it is time you thought farther ahead.

VALERIE: Maybe you’re right.

CRAIG: You’ll come to know that I’m right about a lot of things.

Back at the Old Mansion, in the Living Room, Tom walks up to Julian.

TOM: Julian, tell us already. How are you alive? Everyone saw us struggle over a gun. You were the one who got shot. You bled out in front of us.

JULIAN: I got some friends of mine to patch me up.

TOM: Did you now?

JULIAN: It is the truth.

KATIE: He’s telling the truth about that.

MARGO: Katie, how can you stand by this man?

KATIE: It isn’t by choice. He had me kidnapped. He brought me here. He revealed himself to me during a thunderstorm.

BARBARA: (going to Katie) He what?

KATIE: Yeah. He was dressed up in this robe. He took down the hood…

BARBARA: ...and he said your name.

KATIE: Right. How did you know that?

BARBARA: Because, his brother did the same thing to me decades ago.

KATIE: He did?

BARBARA: Yes. I guess Julian wanted to make the past become present.

PAUL: (going to Barbara) Mom, come on. Don’t give this man the time of day.

HENRY: (going to Paul and Barbara) Agreed.

LUCINDA: (going up to Julian) Hello, Julian.

JULIAN: Hello, Lucinda. It has been a long time since we’ve come face-to-face. How are you doing these days?

LUCINDA: I think you know.

EMILY: (going to Lucinda) Lucinda, he’s not worth it.

LUCINDA: I deserve to confront the man who murdered John.

JULIAN: I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt during your wedding.

Lucinda then slaps Julian.

LUCINDA: Well someone did! Someone did get hurt! My daughter almost died! And, my husband did die! You did that! You killed him! My husband is six feet under because of you! You son of a bitch!

A crying Lucinda falls into the arms of Emily.

EMILY: Let’s go over here, Lucinda. Let’s get you some water.

Lucinda and Emily walk off.

TOM: Alright, that’s enough.

JULIAN: This is my party. I call the shots.

TOM: You don’t call the shots when it comes to the law. You are going to prison, Julian. I am arresting you right now.

Tom walks over to Julian. He is about to grab him. But, Katie stops him.

KATIE: Tom, stop! You can’t do that!

The camera pans to Tom then to Katie then to Julian.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 135***

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EP 171 - The Finale