Tuesday, November 14, 2017

EP 134 - Julian's Reveal Pt. 2


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory


At Ruffles, Craig is sitting at the bar. He is drinking a beer. Valerie enters. She walks up to the bar. She sits on a bar stool. The Bartender walks over to her.

BARTENDER: What can I get you, Miss?

VALERIE: I’ll take a glass of white wine.

BARTENDER: You got it.

VALERIE: Thanks.

Valerie let’s out a sigh. The Bartender then puts a glass in front of her. He is holding a wine bottle. He opens it and pours her a full glass. The Bartender walks away and Valerie takes a sip of her wine.

VALERIE: What brings you here?

CRAIG: (looking at Valerie) Are you talking to me?

VALERIE: You bet I am.

At the Mona Lisa, Lily and Iva sit down at a table.

LILY: I was a little shocked to get your call.

IVA: I bet that you were.

LILY: However, I am glad that you called.

IVA: Are you?

LILY: Yes. So, why did you want to have dinner tonight?

IVA: Well, I have something that I need to say to you.

LILY: What do you need to say to me, Iva?

IVA: I forgive you, Lily. I forgive you for what you did to my relationship the night before my wedding. I forgive you for all of it.

At the Old Mansion, in Julian’s Bedroom, Katie reenters the room.

KATIE: The maid told me that all the guest have arrived.

JULIAN: Have they really?


JULIAN: We are one step closer to my reveal. I can’t wait to see the look on all of their faces. Seeing their faces is going to be worth more than this mansion. I just can’t wait.

The party is in full swing. Classical music is playing as everyone stands around the living room. Caterers are handing out appetizers and champagne.

MARGO: I can’t believe Katie put a party together like this.

TOM: I can’t either.

MARGO: I wonder how much money she spent on this.

TOM: I don’t care about that. I just care about the good time we’re gonna have tonight.

MARGO: I bet we will have a wonderful time. I think I’m going to go grab more of those sweet potato puffs. And, I think I’ll snag the recipe from one of the caterers.

TOM: I had a feeling you were going to say that.

MARGO: Oh did you now?

TOM: Yes.

Margo lets out a little laugh and walks off.

The camera pans over to Barbara and Henry. Barbara is drinking a glass of champagne.

BARBARA: Thank you for getting me this glass of champagne.

HENRY: No problem.

BARBARA: This place is absolutely lovely. Don’t you think?

HENRY: I do. I just can’t believe that Katie threw this thing all together. And, did she rent this place? Or, maybe she bought it. Maybe, she’s moving here.

BARBARA: One, this is so not Katie’s taste. Two, Katie couldn’t fill her presence with a place like this. And, three, I don’t think she has this kind of money.

HENRY: She probably saved up the money from her divorces.

BARBARA: She hasn’t exactly been married to Oakdale’s one percent.

HENRY: True.

BARBARA: Well, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that the food is good. And, so far,it is so sub-par. It definitely is not meeting my standards.

The camera pans over to Emily and Paul. They are both sitting at a small table by the window. Then, Dusty walks up to them.

DUSTY: Hey, guys.

EMILY: Dusty, hey.

PAUL: Hey.

EMILY: Where’s Rosanna?

DUSTY: She decided to stay home tonight.

PAUL: Is everything okay?

DUSTY: (short pause) Yeah, yeah, everything is fine.

PAUL: Um…, I think I’m gonna go grab a drink. You guys want anything?

EMILY: I’ll take a glass of champagne.

PAUL: Okay. Dusty?

DUSTY: I’m good.

PAUL: Okay. Cool.

Paul gets up and walks off. Dusty sits across from Emily.

DUSTY: You look stunning tonight.

EMILY: Thank you. Hey, are you sure everything is okay with Rosanna? When Paul asked you, you seemed off. What’s going on?

DUSTY: Everything is fine with Ro.

EMILY: Dusty, we’ve been friends for ages. You can tell me anything.

DUSTY: I know that. Emily, (sighs) there is something wrong with Ro.

EMILY: What is it?

DUSTY: She has a brain tumor.

The camera pans over to Lucinda and Grant.

LUCINDA: Wow. Who knew that Katie Peretti could go all out.

GRANT: She did a good job. I can’t wait to meet her.

LUCINDA: I can’t wait to know how she pulled all of this together.

GRANT: Same here.

LUCINDA: Well, shall we grab a drink?

GRANT: I think that is a lovely idea.


Lucinda and Grant hold hands and walk off to the open bar.

Back at Ruffles, Valerie takes her drink and goes over to Craig. She takes the seat next to him. She then sets down her glass on the table.

VALERIE: It looks like we are the only two people in this place tonight. I’m here because I’ve been having alot of stressful days lately. Why are you here?

CRAIG: I’m here for the same reason.

VALERIE: Really? What’s causing you to be stressed?

CRAIG: I was being accused of a crime I didn’t commit.

VALERIE: Interesting.

CRAIG: What’s causing your stress?

VALERIE: I came to this town to get some answers about my past. But, I have yet to find those answers. And, the stress of the situation is beginning to get to me.

CRAIG: Sorry about that.

VALERIE: Thanks.

CRAIG: Your welcome.

Valerie then takes a sip of her wine.

CRAIG: What’s your name?

VALERIE: Valerie Peterson. What’s your name?

CRAIG: Craig Montgomery.

VALERIE: Well, Craig, it is very nice to meet you.
Valerie and Craig shake hands.

CRAIG: Likewise, Valerie. Likewise.

Craig and Valerie smile at one another.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Lily and Iva are both drinking tea.

LILY: I can’t believe you are forgiving me. I never expected this to happen.

IVA: I’m starting a new chapter in my life. I just want to get rid of everything that has happened in the past few months. I want a fresh start.

LILY: I can understand that. I really can. Iva, I can’t thank you enough for forgiving me. This mean alot to me. It truly does.

IVA: Good. I’m glad it means alot to you. Anyway, how are you these days? How have your appointments been going?

LILY: They’ve been going good. I’ve made some real progress.

IVA: That makes me very happy to hear.

LILY: I think that I am finally getting a hold of my life again.

IVA: I feel the exact same way. It feels good.

LILY: (smiling) Damn right it does.

Back at the Old Mansion, in the Living Room, the camera zooms out from a candle that is burning on a small table. The camera then pans over to Dusty and Emily.

EMILY: She has a brain tumor? I am so very sorry.

DUSTY: Thank you.

EMILY: When was she diagnosed?

DUSTY: A couple of weeks ago.

EMILY: How is she doing?

DUSTY: She says she is okay.

EMILY: But, she’s just putting on a brave front?

DUSTY: I think so.

EMILY: She’ll be in my prayers.

DUSTY: Thank you.

EMILY: Of course.

The camera pans over to the open bar. The Bartender is fixing multiple drinks. Paul is waiting for his drinks. Then, Barbara walks up to him.

BARBARA: Hello, son.


BARBARA: Lovely party.

PAUL: I think so.

BARBARA: Hey, do you mind if I speak with you for a moment?

PAUL: Not at all. (to the Bartender) I’ll be back for my drinks.

BARTENDER: No problem, sir.

Barbara and Paul walk off to a corner.

PAUL: What’s up?

BARBARA: I’ve been thinking about James.

PAUL: What? What do you mean?

BARBARA: As you know, tomorrow is the seventh year anniversary of his death.

PAUL: I know that. But, how does that warrant you thinking about him?

BARBARA: Well, I told Henry that I still feel his presence.

PAUL: You do?


PAUL: Why do you think that is?

BARBARA: I don’t know. But, I hope I can figure this all out soon.

PAUL: Good luck, mom.

BARBARA: Thank you, honey. Thank you.

The camera pans over to Tom. Margo walks back over to him.

MARGO: Hello, darling.

TOM: Hi.

MARGO: Enjoying the party?

TOM: I am.

MARGO: So, I got the recipe for the sweet potato puffs.

TOM: Nice work putting those detective skills to use.

MARGO: Thank you. Oh, and I got a text from Katie.

TOM: You did?


TOM: What did it say?

MARGO: She said she’ll be down here any moment now.

Then, a Maid enters the room.

MAID: Everyone! Everyone, can I have your attention?!

Everyone turns around to face the Maid.

MAID: Thank you. Your guests of honor are ready to reveal themselves.

The camera pans over to Margo and Tom.

MARGO: Did she guests? As in more than Katie?

TOM: Yeah she did.

MARGO: Why would she say that?

TOM: I don’t know.

The camera cuts back to the Maid.

MAID: I am pleased to announce your guests of honor. Here they are.

Katie and Julian then enter the room.

JULIAN: Good evening everyone. It is so good to see you again.

The camera pans on everyone’s faces. All of them are shocked and horrified to see Julian. Margo even drops her champagne glass.

JULIAN: (smiling) I bet all of you thought I had died.

The camera then zooms in on Julian’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 134***

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EP 171 - The Finale