Thursday, July 20, 2017

EP 101 - Henry's Shocking Proposition


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman


At WorldWide, in Sierra’s Office, Sierra is sitting behind her desk. She is typing on her laptop. Then, there is a knock at the door.

SIERRA: Come in!

Marshall enters. Sierra looks up.

SIERRA: Hello.

Sierra gets up and goes to him.


SIERRA: What brings you up to the 15th floor?

MARSHALL: Well, I have good news for you.

SIERRA: Oh? What news?

MARSHALL: WorldWide is no longer in financial ruin.

At Bancroft, in the Living Room, Barbara is over at the bar cart. She pours herself a cup of coffee. Then, Henry enters.

HENRY: Morning, Babs.

BARBARA: Good morning, darling.

Henry walks over to Barbara. They kiss. Henry pours himself a cup of coffee.

HENRY: I am actually glad that I caught you before you headed to work.

BARBARA: Well, I am actually working from home today.

HENRY: Good. Because, we need to talk.

BARBARA: What do we need to talk about?

HENRY: How we can improve for our future.

At Craig’s new Home, there is a knock at the door. Craig enters the living room and walks to the door. Upon opening the door, he is in a state of shock.

CRAIG: Oh my god. It can’t be.

DIANA: It is. So, tell me. Did you miss me, Craig?

At the Mona Lisa, Kim and Bob are sitting across from one another in a booth. They both are having breakfast together. However, Kim has barely touched her’s.

BOB: Are you okay, darling?

KIM: I’m sorry. What?

BOB: I asked if you were okay.

KIM: Oh. I’m fine.

BOB: Really? You don’t look as though you are fine. What’s going on?

KIM: I’m just thinking about the horrific things that have been sent to me.

BOB: I bet you are. They are getting very scary.

KIM: Yes, they are. So, I’ve made a decision.

BOB: A decision? What decision did you make?

KIM: I think it is time that I involve the police.

At Memorial Hospital, the elevator doors ding open. Lily and Holden step off and walk up to Sheila’s office door.

LILY: (sighs) So, here we are. My first therapy appointment.

HOLDEN: Are you ready for this?

LILY: I am as ready as I’ll ever be.

HOLDEN: I will be waiting for you. I’m just going to go to Java Underground and grab a coffee. You can text me when you’re done.

LILY: Okay. I love you.

HOLDEN: I love you too.

Then, Sheila opens the door.

SHEILA: Hi. You must be Lily?

LILY: Yes, that’s right.

SHEILA: (smiling) Come in.

Lily enters. She then turns back and smiles at Holden. Holden smiles back at her. Sheila and Lily enter the office fully. Sheila shuts the door.

Back at WorldWide, in Sierra’s Office, Marshall hands Sierra a file. Sierra puts her reading glasses on and looks over the contents of the file.

SIERRA: These numbers are fantastic. You must’ve closed the Truman deal.

MARSHALL: I did close that deal. It only took a few weeks.

SIERRA: Truman Manufacturing is so stubborn from time to time.

MARSHALL: No kidding.

Sierra puts the file and her reading glasses on her desk.

SIERRA: I am so proud of you.

MARSHALL: Oh really? How proud?

SIERRA: This proud.

Sierra kisses Marshall passionately.

MARSHALL: It’s almost lunch time.

SIERRA: Are you suggesting I take an extended lunch to celebrate with you?

MARSHALL: I believe I am suggesting that. Do you want to take an extended lunch? You are the CEO. You can do things like that.

SIERRA: I think I will do something like that.

MARSHALL: You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that.

Marshall pulls Sierra close.

SIERRA: Oh, Mr. that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

MARSHALL: You’ll find out soon just how happy I really am.

SIERRA: I love it when you tease me.

Marshall and Sierra kiss again.

Back at Craig’s Apartment, Diana enters and Craig shuts the door.

CRAIG: (turning around) What the hell are you doing here?

DIANA: You haven’t seen me in over 20 years. And, that is the introduction I get? Surely, you can be more nice than that.

CRAIG: Don’t bank on it.

DIANA: I thought we were friends.

CRAIG: Cut the crap. I thought you were in the WPP.

DIANA: I was in the WPP. I just got out.

CRAIG: Congratulations.

DIANA: Don’t give your congrats yet. I am still in danger.

CRAIG: Nothing new. But, why are you here?

DIANA: I’m here because I needed to see you.

CRAIG: Why did you need to see me?

DIANA: Because, I wanted to know if you wanted to be my partner in crime again. What do you say old pal?

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Sheila’s Office, Sheila and Lily are in the middle of a therapy session. They are sitting across from one another in chairs.

SHEILA: So, tell me how you are feeling today.

LILY: I’m feeling okay. Still trying to get over last night.

SHEILA: Lily, maybe you shouldn’t get over what happened last night.

LILY: Why do you think that?

SHEILA: You are going through a very hard time in your life. You should use last night’s events as the driving force behind your recovery.

LILY: How so?

SHEILA: It is clear to me that you are going through a case of PTSD. That PTSD is caused by what happened at the church. You went back to the church to relive everything that happened the day of John and Lucinda’s wedding. Clearly the explosion is the main focus of your PTSD. You continuing to remember what happened last night will only help you get better.

LILY: I just want this whole thing to be over.

SHEILA: Well, these things don’t get over quickly. It takes some time to heal. You have to heal. I am here to help you. Your family is here to help you. I know for a fact that Holden is here to help you. Lily, all these people stand with you. We are here to help you recover. The only question you need to ask yourself is, do you want that help? If you agree that you need help, then you come back next week. And, we will start the recovery process.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Bob signs the check.

BOB: So, you want to involve the police?

KIM: I think we should.

BOB: Honey…

KIM: Just hear me out.

BOB: Okay. Go ahead.

KIM: (sighs) Bob, we don’t really know what is going on here. We don’t know who is behind this. I am tired of not knowing what is going on. I need some answers. And, dammit! I need them now!

Back at Bancroft, in the Living Room, Barbara and Henry sit on the couch.

BARBARA: It makes me so happy to hear that you are thinking about our future. So, how do you think we can make our future better?

HENRY: I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. In fact, I’ve been thinking about it for months now. And, now, I think it is the right time to present this idea to you.

BARBARA: Idea? Thinking about something for months? My, my, you really have me intrigued here. What’s going on?

HENRY: Well, I am just going to throw this idea in the suggestion box…

BARBARA: Henry, just spit it out, honey.

HENRY: I think we should adopt a baby.

The camera zooms in on Barbara's face. It is apparent that she has been caught extremely off guard. She doesn't know what to say...for once!

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 101***

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EP 171 - The Finale