Tuesday, July 18, 2017

EP 100 - The Lily/Holden Special Episode!


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


SPECIAL NOTE: Before anyone reads the actual episode, I would just like to take the time and say ‘thank you’. As The World Turns was one of my favorite soap operas that I have ever watched. And, I know millions of fans felt the same way. I just hope that I have done this continuation justice for all of the fans out there. Again ‘thank you’ to all of you who have been reading for these past 100 episode. That ‘thank you’ is also extended to anyone who has ever read an episode before, as well. And, now, without further-a-do, THE 100TH EPISODE OF ‘AS THE WORLD TURNS’!

At the Oakdale Catholic Church, Lily is asleep in her car. She is leaned up against her seat. The camera zooms in on her face.


JOHN: Lily, this was a traumatic life experience. Don’t think that something is wrong with you for thinking thoughts about what happened here. It is completely normal.


LILY: (sniffling) What’s that strange smell. Oh, whatever.

Lily grabs her purse, and walks to the door. Just as she opens the door, the building EXPLODES.

Lucinda turns back with everyone else.




As Lily comes out of her thoughts, a tapping on the window wakes her up. She sees that it is Holden. She rolls down the window.

LILY: Holden, what are you doing here?

HOLDEN: I’m here to make everything alright.

Lily and Holden smile at one another.

Back at Oakdale Catholic Church, Holden leans up against the car.

HOLDEN: Do you mind if I get in?

LILY: Not at all.

Holden walks to the passenger side. He gets in the car and shuts the door.

LILY: How did you find me?

HOLDEN: I had some help from friends and family. But, that isn’t important right now. How are you doing? Are you okay?

LILY: I don’t know. I’m just not sure.

HOLDEN: Why aren’t you sure that you’re okay?

LILY: Holden, there is something seriously wrong with me. I don’t know what is going on. I think that my issues go beyond thinking about what happened here at this church. There’s actually been some stuff I’ve been keeping from you.

HOLDEN: Keeping from me? What do you mean?

LILY: (sighs) I’ve been having thoughts for a very long time. These thoughts are not thoughts that I like. They are mostly thoughts about what happened here. Anyway, these thoughts that I am having are making life hard for me. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I have trouble keeping my train of thought going. I just can’t do life anymore.

HOLDEN: Look, I don’t think I have ever experienced what you have just described to me. But, I have experienced one big thing in life. And, that thing is helping people. I am here to help you. I am not going anywhere. I am right here.

LILY: That’s the thing. I don’t know if I want you by my side. Holden, I have a feeling that my life is about to get really ugly.

HOLDEN: Lily, I took vows with you. One of those vows was promising to love you for better, for worse. I made that promise. And, it is one that I intend to keep. I don’t care how ugly things get for you. I only care about making your life better. I only care about you getting better.

LILY: We’ve been through so much together. I just never thought we would go through something like this.

HOLDEN: We have been through alot together. But, every time we go through something together, I learn the same lesson.

LILY: What lesson is that?

HOLDEN: Lily, every time we go through something, we get stronger.

LILY: Do you remember that time that when we thought we might be related?

HOLDEN: Yes. Thank god it was revealed that Iva adopted you.

LILY: Speaking of Iva, maybe I should thank her one day.

HOLDEN: Why is that?

LILY: If she would’ve never revealed she was my mother, then we wouldn’t have ever fled to Wyoming. Our love really started there. We admitted our true feelings.

HOLDEN: I’m sorry.

LILY: Well, that came out of the blue. Why did you say that?

HOLDEN: Because, our happiness got cut short once the truth came out that I knew all about the truth behind your parentage.

LILY: Holden, you apologized for that a long time ago, and I forgave you. We moved passed that. Plus, it got us to the point where we are now....in love.

HOLDEN: Yeah. But, it brought some obstacles for us along the way.

LILY: What is love without obstacles? From time to time I look back on those obstacles that we’ve faced over the past decades. Amnesia from you, Damian Grimaldi, my twin...the list goes on and on.

HOLDEN: Damian Grimaldi. There’s a name I haven’t heard in awhile.

LILY: I’m so glad Luke never thought of him as dad.

HOLDEN: He caused us so much pain.

LILY: Yes he did. Thank god he is in prison.

HOLDEN: He’s gonna be staying there…

LILY: For a very long time.

HOLDEN: Thank god. You know what I think our greatest obstacle has been?

LILY: What do you think it has been?

HOLDEN: Molly.

LILY: I’d agree with you there.

HOLDEN: No one has ever wanted us to stay apart more than her.

LILY: I thought that she was my friend. But, I don’t think friends try to kill you twice. I also don’t think friends pretend to be you. I don’t think they blackmail you and file fake marriage certificates. And, don’t even get me started on what she’s done to you.

HOLDEN: Are you talking about the time she faked being pregnant with my baby? Or that time she stalked and drugged me?

LILY: Or when she made accusations that you were beating her?

HOLDEN: God, that woman is insane.

LILY: She truly is. Thank god she is out of our lives.

HOLDEN: The only good thing she gave me was Abigail.

LILY: (smiling) She is a sweet young woman that Abigail.

HOLDEN: Yes, she is.

LILY: I think you’re right.

HOLDEN: About what?

LILY: That these obstacles have made us stronger.

HOLDEN: They really have. And, they have made me love you even more.

LILY: I love you even more. I love you to the moon and back.

Holden and Lily kiss. As they kiss, the camera zooms in on them.



HOLDEN: So, will you let me help you through this difficult time in your life? Will you come home with me and let me love you?

Lily takes Holden’s hand.

LILY: For better, for worse, baby.

HOLDEN: For better, for worse.

LILY: I love you.

HOLDEN: I love you too.

Holden and Lily smile at one another. The camera pans on both of their faces.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 100***

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EP 171 - The Finale