Thursday, June 29, 2017

EP 94 - The Grand Reopening of Metro


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At Memorial Hospital, the elevator doors ding open. Barbara and Emily step off of the elevator. They spot Sandra and rush up to her.

BARBARA: Doctor Martin.

SANDRA: Barbara. Emily.

EMILY: You called Barbara.

BARBARA: You said Paul was awake?

SANDRA: That’s correct. He is awake.

At the Walsh Mansion, Lucinda comes down the rather large staircase. She is putting on a pair of pearl earrings. Then, there is a knock at the door. She goes to answer it.

LUCINDA: (opening the door) Oh. Right on time. I like that.

GRANT: I’m happy to know that I’m off to a good start.

LUCINDA: (smiling) Come in.

Grant enters. Lucinda shuts the door. The two walk into the living room.

GRANT: This a very beautiful mansion you have.

LUCINDA: Thank you. I’m almost finished getting ready.

GRANT: Okay.

As Lucinda goes to a living room mirror, Grant walks up to the fireplace mantle. He starts examining the photos Lucinda has on the fireplace. Then, he comes to one of Iva.

GRANT: Oh my gosh.


GRANT: If I’m not mistaken, this is Iva.

LUCINDA: Yes. That is her name. How do you know Iva?

GRANT: Well, she used to be one of my lead artist.

LUCINDA: Are you serious?

GRANT: Very. God, how I miss that voice.

Grant smiles at the photo.

At Metro, Carly comes out from behind the bar. She walks up to Jack.

CARLY: Gosh. I can’t believe that I am minutes away from reopening this place. I am so very nervous right now. I haven’t owned this place in years.

JACK: Honey, calm down. Everything will be just amazing. People will see that Metro is once again the hottest place to be.

CARLY: One can only hope.

Then, Carly checks her watch.

CARLY: Oh my god.

JACK: What?

CARLY: It’s time.

At Sheila’s Apartment, Sheila and Parker are in the living room. Parker is zipping up the back of Sheila’s purple party dress. After he zips her up, she turns around.

SHEILA: Are you sure you are ready for this?

PARKER: Of course I’m ready. Couples go out.

SHEILA: Yeah, but we aren’t exactly your average couple. Plus, it is your mom’s club. God knows what she’ll do when she sees us tonight.

PARKER: She’s just gonna have to live with it.

SHEILA: That’s very brave of you.

PARKER: I like to be brave for beautiful women.

SHEILA: Listen, there’s something I need to tell you before we go.

PARKER: And, what is it that you need to tell me?

SHEILA: I love you.

PARKER: Oh god. I’ve been waiting for you to say that. I love you too.

Parker and Sheila passionately kiss. Then, Sheila goes to grab her purse.

SHEILA: So, are you ready to go to this shindig?

PARKER: You bet.

Parker walks up to Sheila. They both hold hands.

PARKER: Let’s go.

SHEILA: Let’s.

They exit the apartment, shutting off the lights, and closing the door.

Back at Memorial Hospital, Barbara, Emily, and Sandra walk into Paul’s Hospital Room. Barbara rushes to his bed.

BARBARA: Honey, hi.

PAUL: (groggy) Mom?

BARBARA: Yes. I’m right here, darling. Emily’s here too.

EMILY: (walking to Paul) Hi, baby. How do you feel?

PAUL: (slight laugh) Sleepy.

EMILY: (laughs) I bet.

BARBARA: Doctor, how long will he feel like that?

SANDRA: Two days or so. A coma takes a toll on a patient, believe it or not. They are waking up from a very long nap. Plus, Mr. Ryan experienced quite the trauma.

EMILY: We’re just happy that you are with us again.

BARBARA: Very. We are very happy.

Barbara smiles at Paul.

Back at Metro, things are in full swing. People are crowding the dance floor and the bar. Katie and Henry walk up to the bar and manage to grab the last two stools.

BARTENDER: What can I get you two?

KATIE: Dirty olives.

HENRY: Same for me, please.

BARTENDER: You got it.

The bartender goes off to make the drinks.

KATIE: Thanks for coming with me tonight.

HENRY: You’re welcome.

KATIE: I’m shocked that you came with me though.

HENRY: Oh yeah? Why is that?

KATIE: Barbara.

Then, the bartender give Katie and Henry their drinks.

KATIE: I thought you would be at the hospital with her.

HENRY: Well, I actually sent her off.

KATIE: Sent her off?

HENRY: Her and Emily started this small feud.

KATIE: Was this because of Paul’s kiss with Faith?

HENRY: It was. Barbara thought she needed to protect Paul from Emily. She thought this because Emily didn’t want to take Paul back…

KATIE: And, Barbara felt that Emily only wanted Paul back because of the accident? Is that why this whole things started?

HENRY: Wow. You really catch on fast.

KATIE: I try.

The camera pans to the stairs. Rosanna and Dusty come down the stairs. They then walk over to a small table and sit.

ROSANNA: Wow, I thought I would never see the day.

DUSTY: What day is that?

ROSANNA: The day Carly gave this place back some of its former glory.

DUSTY: Yeah. I hear ‘ya. She really has worked her butt off.

ROSANNA: Yes she has. The whole thing is just odd to me.

DUSTY: Why is it odd?

ROSANNA: Because, I know my sister. I really don’t think that she’ll be able to give up her whole life in the fashion world. Not after what she’s worked for all these years.

DUSTY: Sometimes you just need to find another calling.

ROSANNA: Well, she’s owned this place before. Even then, fashion was still a mainstay in her life. It will definitely be interesting to see what happens next.

DUSTY: Well, in this town, things are always interesting.

Back at the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, Lucinda goes up to Grant.

LUCINDA: I don’t understand. Iva used to be a singer for you?

GRANT: Oh, yes. She had quite the talent. She almost went on tour.

LUCINDA: Are you serious?

GRANT: Very.

LUCINDA: What happened?

GRANT: She wanted to come back here.

LUCINDA: So, this was recent?

GRANT: Yes, it was. She was starting to become one of my biggest stars. But, life happens. How do you know Iva?

LUCINDA: It is a long story. Very long. In fact, if we become serious, I may tell it to you sometime. But, that sometime is going to be down the road...way down the road.

GRANT: I see. So, are you ready to go?

LUCINDA: You bet.

Lucinda grabs her purse. Her and Grant leave the home.

Back at Metro, Sheila and Parker come down from the stairs.

SHEILA: (sighs) I don’t see your mom anywhere.

PARKER: I don’t either.

SHEILA: Well, maybe that is a good sign.

Then, Parker spots Carly. Carly walks up to them.

PARKER: You spoke too soon.

CARLY: Son, hi.

Carly hugs Parker.

PARKER: Hey, mom.

CARLY: (noticing Sheila) Who’s this?

PARKER: This is my…

SHEILA: I’m his girlfriend. I’m Sheila.

CARLY: What the hell did you just say to me?

The camera zooms in on Carly’s face. She is in absolute shock at the admission. She can’t even process what was just said to her.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 94***

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EP 171 - The Finale