Tuesday, July 4, 2017

EP 95 - Lily's Nightmare


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At Metro, Carly, Parker, and Sheila are standing at the bottom of the stairs.

CARLY: Did you just say that you’re my son’s girlfriend?

SHEILA: Yes, I did. My name’s Sheila.

CARLY: Yeah. I heard. Parker...back office...now!

Carly grabs Parker’s arm. The two walk off. Sheila has a smile that comes across her face. She then walks to the bar.

At Lily and Holden’s Home, Lily is laying on the couch in the living room. The camera zooms in on her face. She then has a flashback.


Lily walks into the sanctuary.

LILY: (sniffling) What’s that strange smell. Oh, whatever.

Lily grabs her purse and walks to the door. Just as she opens the door, the building EXPLODES.

Lucinda turns back with everyone else.




Lily wakes up in a sweat, as Holden enters.

HOLDEN: Lily, are you okay?

LILY: (breathless) No...no...nothing is okay.

Back at Metro, Rosanna and Dusty are sitting at a small table. Both of them are having a glass of champagne.

ROSANNA: So, Madison is pregnant?

DUSTY: Yup. That she is.

ROSANNA: Gosh...who saw that coming?

DUSTY: (chuckles) I hear that.

ROSANNA: Doesn’t it remind you?

DUSTY: Remind me of what?

ROSANNA: Our crazy teenage years?

DUSTY: (smiling) Kind of. You know what?


DUSTY: I kind of see those years creeping back in.

ROSANNA: Oh really? How so?

DUSTY: Because, I’m with you.


Parker and Carly enter. Carly slams the door behind them.

CARLY: Tell me something. What the hell is wrong with you?

PARKER: Mom…, it is just a relationship.

CARLY: With a woman who is old enough to be your mother.

PARKER: I know how this looks but…

CARLY: But, what?

PARKER: We really like each other.



CARLY: No! You don’t like one another. Honey, this is just one of life’s manipulative situations. They happen all the time.

PARKER: Well, you’re wrong.

There is a short silence between the two.

CARLY: Okay. So, we’ve established that you two like one another. But, now, I want you to tell me one more thing. And, don’t lie to me.

PARKER: What do you want to know?

CARLY: How old were you when you two started this thing?


Sierra and Marshall take a seat at the bar.

SIERRA: Thank you for pulling me away from work.

MARSHALL: It was my pleasure.

SIERRA: You know I was going to wait until later tonight to tell you what I’ve been dying to tell you. But, I guess I’ll tell you right here...right now.

MARSHALL: What do you need to tell me?

SIERRA: How would you like to move in with me?

Back at Lily and Holden’s Home, in the Living Room, Lily sits up. Holden goes to her and sits down next to her.

HOLDEN: Did you have a nightmare?

LILY: Yes, I did.

HOLDEN: What was your nightmare about?

LILY: The wedding.

HOLDEN: The wedding? What wedding?

LILY: The one between my mother and John. Gosh, I thought I was over that whole thing. I thought the emotional scars from the explosion were not with me anymore.

HOLDEN: Honey, you went through a traumatic experience. You have every right to still think about that day. Don’t block it out.

LILY: (standing) This isn’t the first time.

HOLDEN: (standing) What do you mean?

LILY: I’ve had the nightmare before.

HOLDEN: You have?

LILY: Yes.

HOLDEN: Why didn’t you come to me?

LILY: (sighs) Because, you were helping Faith. You were setting things up for our daughter to get better. She matters more. I couldn’t step in the way of her health.

HOLDEN: Honey, I am the man of this house. I can take care of both of you. That is my job. That is what I do. I take care of my wife and my children.

LILY: I can’t believe this happening. I can’t believe this horrific event is creeping back into my life. I thought all the therapies helped. I thought all the self help books helped. But, apparently, nothing helped. And, now, the only question I can ask myself is…, will I have a shot at a normal life again?

HOLDEN: (going to her) I will try my best to make sure that happens for you. You have me. Between the two of us, we can make your life normal again.

Holden takes Lily in his arms.

LILY: Are you sure it can happen for me?

HOLDEN: Yes. I am absolutely sure.

Back at Metro, Rosanna and Dusty are slow dancing.

ROSANNA: Gosh, I can’t believe Carly is having the DJ play this song.

DUSTY: It’s an oldie…

ROSANNA: But a goodie.

DUSTY: I don’t want this night to ever end. I could be on this dance floor with you for the rest of my life.

ROSANNA: Same here.

Rosanna leans again Dusty’s chest.


Sierra takes a sip of her white wine.

MARSHALL: You want to move in together?

SIERRA: Of course I do.

MARSHALL: Do you think we’re ready for that?

SIERRA: Marshall, we’ve been together for three and a half months now. I am pretty darn sure that we’re ready for this next step.

MARSHALL: Well, if you think that we’re ready, then let’s do it.

SIERRA: Are you sure that you’re ready?

MARSHALL: Yes. Plus, I don’t wanna argue with you.

SIERRA: You better not. I love you.

MARSHALL: I love you too.

Marshall and Sierra kiss.

MARSHALL: What do you say we dance?

SIERRA: I’d like that.

Marshall grabs Sierra hand. The two walk onto the dance floor.


Carly is on her cellphone.

CARLY: (on the phone) Okay. Talk to you later honey. Alright. Bye.

Carly hangs up her phone. She sets it on her desk.

PARKER: What’d dad say?

CARLY: He said that he would speak with you soon. He had to run off and work on a case for the PI firm. But, he’ll speak with you tomorrow morning.


CARLY: Now, you never answered my question.

PARKER: Mom, I was 18. And, now I’m 19. I am not lying to you.

CARLY: Okay. Just know this one thing. If I find out that you are lying to me...then you will be in trouble like never before. Do you understand?

PARKER: Yes, ma’am.

Then, there’s a knock on the door.

CARLY: Come in!

Sheila enters. She shuts the door behind her.

SHEILA: Hi, Carly.

CARLY: Don’t.

Carly brushes pass Sheila. She exits her office. The camera pans to both Parker and Sheila’s faces. They then go to one another. They kiss. The camera zooms in on them.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 95***

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EP 171 - The Finale