Tuesday, June 27, 2017

EP 93 - Dusty Makes A Tough Choice


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At Susan’s Home, in the Living Room, Susan walks down the stairs. As she walks in the living room, there is a knock at the door. She walks to the door.

SUSAN: (opening the door) Bob! What a lovely surprise!

BOB: Hi, Susan.

SUSAN: Well, come on in.

Bob enters. Susan shuts the door. The two walk into the living room.

SUSAN: So, what brings you all the way here?

BOB: I wanted to see you. See how you were doing.

SUSAN: Oh, that is very sweet of you. I’m doing well. What about you?

BOB: See, that’s the thing. I’m not doing as well as one might think.

At the LakeView, in Iva’s Suite, there is a knock at the door. Iva comes from the bathroom. She is putting her earrings on. She walks to the door.

IVA: (opening the door) Diego. Honey, thanks for coming. Please, come in. It is very important that I speak to you.

Diego enters. Iva shuts the door and turns around.

DIEGO: Yeah. I got your message. That’s why I rushed right over here. So, what’s going on? Is everything okay with you?

IVA: Everything...for the first time in a long time...is okay.

Iva smiles at Diego.

At WorldWide, in Sierra’s Office, Sierra is leaning up against her desk. She has reading glasses on and is going over a contract. Then, Marshall enters.

MARSHALL: Hello, baby.


Sierra takes off her reading glasses and sits the contract on her desk. She then walks over to Marshall and kisses him.

MARSHALL: So, you said you wanted to see me?

SIERRA: I did want to see you.

MARSHALL: And, why is that?

SIERRA: Because, I think it is time I tell you how I really feel.

At the Murphy Home, in the Living Room, Dusty stands.

DUSTY: You’re pregnant?

JOHNNY: (standing) Now, dad…

DUSTY: I didn’t even know you two were having sex.

MADISON: (standing) We only had sex twice.

DUSTY: Yeah, well, trust me, it doesn’t take a bunch of times to get a girl pregnant. In fact, it can even happen after one time.

JOHNNY: I know that. So, how angry are you?

DUSTY: I’m not angry that Madison is pregnant. Hell, I’m not even angry that you two had sex. I’m angry because you two forgot to practice safe sex.

At Fairwinds, Outside, Barbara walks up to the door. Before she knocks, she becomes deep in her thoughts.


HENRY: Honey, there’s no telling when Paul will wake up. However, when he does, I’m sure he doesn’t want to wake up to you and Emily doing pistols at dawn.

BARBARA: Henry, I’m just trying to do what is right for my son.

HENRY: And, I get that. I understand where you are coming from. But, maybe it is time that you reevaluated the situation.


BARBARA: I guess maybe it is time.

Then, Barbara knocks on the door. A couple seconds later, the door opens.

EMILY: Barbara, what the hell are you doing here?

BARBARA: Look, before you bite my head off, I come in peace.

EMILY: Just tell me what you want.

BARBARA: I want to apologize.

Back at Susan’s Home, in the Living Room, Susan and Bob sit on the couch. Susan crosses her legs. Bob leans back in his seat.

SUSAN: How are you not alright? I thought everything was going well. I even heard that Kim had her surgery and that she is now cancer free.

BOB: Yes, I know. I should be very happy. However, I am not. See, Kim and I have an issue that has just appeared in our lives.


BOB: One day, Kim got these flowers. They’re her favorite. Apricot roses. Then, about a week later, she got a package in the mail. The package was hundreds of autographs that she had signed during her singing days.

SUSAN: What in the world?

BOB: I know. For the life of us, we can’t figure out who sent them.

SUSAN: Well, I have no clue either. Have you guys gone to the police?

BOB: No, we haven’t yet. The gifts haven’t turned gruesome.

SUSAN: Bob, I would go to the police. Gruesome or not...this is very concerning and very creepy, I might add.

BOB: Yes, it is very creepy. I just hope that things don’t get worse.

Back at the LakeView, in Iva’s Suite, Iva walks up to Diego.

DIEGO: Well, I’m glad to hear that things are okay in your life. But, how exactly were things made okay for you?

IVA: Well, see, things are also okay for you.

DIEGO: What does that mean?

IVA: It means that my divorce to Jason finally went through.

DIEGO: Are you serious?

IVA: Yes. We can finally get married.

Diego laugh excitedly. He then goes to Iva. They kiss and hug.

DIEGO: I love you so much.

IVA: I love you too.

Back at WorldWide, in Sierra’s Office, Sierra pours herself a cup of coffee.

MARSHALL: You want to tell me how you really feel? Should I be nervous?

SIERRA: No, not at all. Unless you have done something to change how I feel about you. But, if you haven’t, then you are safe.

MARSHALL: Well, I haven’t. I promise. You have my word.


MARSHALL: So, how do you really feel?

Sierra then sets her mug down on the mini conference. She then walks over to Marshall. She kisses him passionately.

SIERRA: I love you.

Back at the Murphy Home, in the Living Room, Madison sits back down. Johnny and Dusty walk over to another part of the room.

JOHNNY: Dad, we were practicing safe sex. But, the condom broke.

DUSTY: Well, apparently the sex wasn’t safe enough.

JOHNNY: Look, I can do this. I can step up. I’ll drop out of college...I’ll get a job. I will do whatever I have to do to be the best father.

DUSTY: Look, you’re not gonna do any of that.

JOHNNY: Dad, I have to step up.

DUSTY: No, I will.

Dusty and Johnny walk back over to Madison.

MADISON: (standing) So, what did we decide?

DUSTY: I’m going to raise the baby.

Back at Fairwinds, Barbara and Emily walk into the living room.

EMILY: You want to apologize? I can only imagine what for.

BARBARA: Emily, please. I never meant for things to get ugly.

EMILY: Barbara, you blocked me from seeing my husband. I would say that the day you did that, you made things ugly.

BARBARA: You can see Paul.

EMILY: What?

BARBARA: I won’t stop you from seeing him.

EMILY: Wow. That is very gracious of you.

Then, Barbara’s phone rings. She digs in her purse and pulls out her phone.

BARBARA: Look, I gotta take this. Please excuse me.

Barbara answers her phone call.

BARBARA: Hello. Yes, this is his mother. I’m sorry, what’d you say? Oh my god. Thank you for relaying this news. Alright, I’ll see you soon doctor. Thank you. Bye.

Barbara hangs up the phone.

EMILY: Was that Paul’s doctor?


EMILY: And…?

BARBARA: Paul has awaken from his coma.

EMILY: Seriously?

BARBARA: Seriously.

The camera pans to both Emily and Barbara. Both are smiling.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 93***

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EP 171 - The Finale