Thursday, June 22, 2017

EP 92 - Alison Makes A Bold Move


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman


NEW CHARACTER: Wayne Northrop as Grant Gibson

At Metro, Carly is behind the bar. She is unpacking bottles of alcohol and putting them on the bar shelves. Then, Jack comes down the stairs and enters the club. He walks up to Carly. Carly turns around.

CARLY: Hello.

JACK: Hey. The place looks great.

CARLY: Thank you. Gosh, I can’t believe that I reopen this place tonight. I hope everyone likes it. And, I hope Metro becomes the Oakdale hotspot again.

JACK: I hope that too.

CARLY: So, what brings you by here?

JACK: Well, I wondered if you thought this was actually the right decision to make. Are you prepared to quit fashion forever and hand over CT Designs to BRO?

At the Snyder Farm, in the Kitchen, JJ puts his cereal bowl in the sink. He runs some water to wash it off. Then, Parker enters.


JJ: Hey.

Parker gets a bottle of water from the fridge.

JJ: How was your night with Sheila?

PARKER: It was good.

The two walk over to the kitchen island.

PARKER: Sheila and I decided on something last night.

JJ: You decided on something? What’d you decide?

PARKER: Sheila and I are going to make things official.

At the Murphy Home, in the Living Room, Madison pours herself a cup of decaf coffee. Then, Johnny enters, shutting the door behind him.

MADISON: Morning.

JOHNNY: Morning.

MADISON: (turning around) Is your dad almost here?

JOHNNY: Yes, he is almost here. Are you ready to tell him?

MADISON: I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.

At Java Underground, Lucinda is sitting at a table. She is having a muffin and drinking a latte. She is also on her cellphone.

LUCINDA: (on her cellphone) Marshall, thank you for telling me this news. I am so happy that we managed to sign the deal. Yes, I will come over to the penthouse to celebrate tonight with you and Sierra. Alright, have a lovely day. Bye.

Lucinda hangs up. She puts her cellphone in her purse. As she looks up from her purse, a man walks up to her table.

LUCINDA: May I help you?

GRANT: Hello. My name is Grant Gibson. And, yes, you can help me. In fact, I would love getting help from such a beautiful woman.

At Memorial Hospital, in Sandra’s Office, Sandra, Alison, Casey, and a Hospital Lawyer are sitting at a mini conference table. There is forms scattered on the table.

LAWYER: If you look at page four, you will see that all demands have been met. Mrs. Hughes will be hired back here in her position that she obtained pre-termination. She will also receive a raise in her pay. All of this will be made possible, as long as she does not sue the hospital or Chief Martin.

SANDRA: It is all there. We don’t have to drag this to court.

ALISON: So, let me get this straight, you are basically admitting to firing me unlawfully? Is that why you are putting that demand in front of me?

SANDRA: Our hospital lawyer has advised me not to state whether or not I am guilty of that crime. However, I am going against those wishes. I am admitting that I unlawfully fired you in your position. I did that because I wanted to save this hospital money.

ALISON: (sighs) Can you give my husband and I a minute?

LAWYER: Of course.

The Hospital Lawyer and Sandra step out.

CASEY: Wow. That was quite the shocking admission.

ALISON: Yes, it was.

CASEY: So, are you going to sign that contract?

ALISON: Oh hell no. Sandra’s not getting away with this. We are going to sue this hospital and her. I am going to stand up for every nurse who has ever worked in this hospital. I am going to stand up for every nurse who has ever worked in this country. Hell, I am going to stand up for every nurse who has ever worked in the world. I am not going down without a fight. This was wrong. And, what she did needs to be made everyone.

Back at Metro, Carly comes out from behind the bar.

CARLY: Look, when I heard that Barbara was going to betray me like that, I went on the warpath. However, I realized that I am not up for a war right now.

JACK: Wow. There really is a first time for everything.

CARLY: (laughs) I know. I know it is shocking for me to say that. But, it took a lot of thinking. Plus, Barbara is going through alot right now. I give it two months before she runs that company straight into the ground.

JACK: Ah. So, you’re just lurking in the bushes. Waiting until Barbara makes a wrong move. I get it. Very smart.

CARLY: What can I say? I’m one smart cookie.

JACK: That you are.

Carly wraps her arms around Jack.

JACK: Regardless, I am so very proud of you.

CARLY: Thank you.

JACK: Good luck tonight.

CARLY: As long as I have you, I’ll be fine.

JACK: You’ll always have me, baby.

Carly and Jack kiss.

Back at the Snyder Farm, in the Kitchen, JJ loads the dishwasher.

JJ: You two decided to make things official?

PARKER: You heard it here first.

JJ: Wow. That is quite a move to make. Wait until mom gets a load of this. What do you think she’ll say once she hears the news?

PARKER: I don’t know. I don’t think she’ll be on board at first. But, I hope that she’ll come around in the near future.

JJ: Well, I think you are being ambitious, brother. But, if you think that mom will come around in the near future...then you need your head examined.

Back at Java Underground, Grant and Lucinda are now sitting down together. Both are drinking coffee.

LUCINDA: I’m glad you sat down with me, Mr. Gibson. I can’t remember the last time a man was so ambitious towards me.

GRANT: I believe in being ambitious. And, please, call me Grant.

LUCINDA: Alright…, Grant. So, tell me, what has brought you all the way to the lovely town of Oakdale, Illinois?

GRANT: Well, I moved my company here.

LUCINDA: Your company?

GRANT: Gibson Records.

LUCINDA: (shocked) You’re that Grant Gibson?

GRANT: Yes, I am.

LUCINDA: Oh my goodness. You’ve worked with so many hit singers. You’ve worked with everyone from Celine DIon to Beyonce.

GRANT: I am very proud of those achievements.

LUCINDA: I bet you are.

GRANT: So, tell me, what’s your name?

LUCINDA: Lucinda Walsh.

GRANT: As in WorldWide Industries?

LUCINDA: (smiling) Correct.

GRANT: Last time I checked, you run this town.

LUCINDA: What can I say? I’m very proud of my achievements too.

GRANT: So, since I’m new to town, will you tell me something?

LUCINDA: Tell you what?

GRANT: What’s the hottest thing to do here?

LUCINDA: Well, tonight is the reopening of Metro.

GRANT: I saw an ad for that in the paper. It looks exciting. I would love to go.

LUCINDA: You definitely should go. It does look like a lot of fun.

GRANT: In order to have real fun, I need someone to go with.

LUCINDA: Are you asking me out on a date?

GRANT: If you’ll have me.

LUCINDA: I would love to.

Lucinda leans back in her chair. She smiles at Grant and takes a sip of her coffee. Grant smiles right back at her.

At the Murphy Home, in the Living Room, Madison and Johnny are sitting next to one another on the couch. Dusty is sitting on a chair next to the couch.

DUSTY: So, what do you two crazy kids need to tell me?

JOHNNY: Well, dad, it is pretty serious.

DUSTY: What? Have you two decided to get married?

MADISON: (laughs) We should consider that. It might be easier than going through this whole thing, that we are about to experience.

DUSTY: What is that supposed to mean?

JOHNNY: Dad, Madison and I are not getting married.

DUSTY: Okay. Stop. Tell me right now. What is going on?

MADISON: I’m pregnant.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Sandra’s Office, Alison and Casey stand. Alison grabs her purse. Sandra and the Hospital Lawyer enter.

LAWYER: I think we’ve given you two enough time.

SANDRA: I would agree.

LAWYER: Have you signed the agreement?

CASEY: Actually, my wife and I are not signing the agreement.

LAWYER: And, why have you made that decision?

ALISON: I just got through telling my husband that Doctor Martin unlawfully firing me was not okay. So, we are taking matters into our own hands.

SANDRA: What does that mean?

ALISON: We’re suing the hospital...and you. Good talk.

Alison and Casey walk out of the room. The camera zooms in on Sandra’s face.

SANDRA: (deep breath) They want a war? Well, they’ll get one. A big one.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 92***

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EP 171 - The Finale