Tuesday, June 20, 2017

EP 91 - A Shocking Paternity Reveal!


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At Ruffles Bar, Dusty and Rosanna come of their kiss.

DUSTY: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to jump the gun.

ROSANNA: You weren’t jumping any gun. In fact, it was kind of nice to be kissed like that. I can’t remember the last time a man made my knees buckle.

DUSTY: I made your knees buckle?

ROSANNA: Yes, you did. And, if you don’t mind, I’d like you to make that happen again. So, go ahead. Make your move.

As Rosanna and Dusty kiss again, Craig enters. He watches them from a distance. He then walks up to the two.

CRAIG: Am I interrupting something?

At Natalie’s Boutique, Brooklyn enters. She sees boxes piled up, waiting to be unpacked. She smiles because she is so proud of her girlfriend. Then, Natalie enters.

NATALIE: Hey, I didn’t know you were coming by.

BROOKLYN: I thought I would stop by to tell you something.

NATALIE: Tell me something? Couldn’t this wait till I got home?

BROOKLYN: No, it couldn’t. It is important that we talk.

NATALIE: You’re scaring me. What’s going on?

BROOKLYN: Oh, trust me. It is nothing to be scared about. In fact, it is something that you’ll be very happy about.

NATALIE: What is it? What do you need to tell me?

At Sheila’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Parker is sitting shirtless on the couch. However, he has his pants on. Sheila enters with a glass of water. She is naked but is covered by a silk robe. She then sits next to Parker.

SHEILA: Are you sure you don’t want anything?

PARKER: I’m sure. I’m good.

SHEILA: Okay. Are you sure you’re good emotionally. Sorry. I had to ask. It is the therapist in me. So, is everything good?

PARKER: (deep breath) No.

SHEILA: No? What’s going on?

PARKER: What the hell are we doing here?

At the Murphy Home, in the Living Room, Madison stands from the couch. She walks over to the living room that sits in front of the couch. Johnny stands and walks in front of the couch, but up to Madison.

MADISON: God, what are we going to do?

JOHNNY: I don’t know. I’ve wondered that myself.

MADISON: (turning around) I mean of course I’ve wanted children. But, what girl hasn’t dreamed about having children? This is just too early.

JOHNNY: I know it is. I feel the exact same way that you do. However, I want to clear away the patch of fog real quick. I think I know what we have to do.

MADISON: Well, if you have an idea...please...toss it out there. I would love to hear something. I need an idea of where this is going to go.

JOHNNY: Well…, I was thinking of telling my dad. What do you think about that? Should we ask for his help on this situation?

Back at Ruffles Bar, Dusty and Rosanna face Craig.

ROSANNA: Craig, what are you doing here?

CRAIG: Well, it is a public bar. And, it is a free country.

DUSTY: Free country. Exactly. That means that Rosanna and I can kiss where we want. I hate to break that to you.

CRAIG: Dusty, I’m just saying that I think it’s frowned upon when someone takes up a relationship with another woman, when their wife has only been dead for a few short months.

ROSANNA: Janet has been gone long enough for Dusty to move on.

CRAIG: What makes you think you can make that call, Rosanna?

DUSTY: Craig, you don’t get to make that call either. No one gets to make that call except for me. Plus, Rosanna of all people knows what it feels like to not have anyone to love.

CRAIG: That was a nice shot towards me.

DUSTY: Thanks. I’ve been holding that one for a long time.

CRAIG: I believe that. Look, I’m just here to get a beer.

Craig walks over to the bar and sits down.

ROSANNA: I understand if you wanna go.

DUSTY: We’re not going anywhere.

Then, Dusty once again kisses Rosanna. Craig turns in his bar stool. He takes a sip of his beer and continues to watch Rosanna and Dusty.

Back at the Murphy Home, in the Living Room, Madison and Johnny sit back down on the couch. They hold hands.

MADISON: You want to tell your dad about my pregnancy?

JOHNNY: Yeah. I think he can help us out here. He’s very smart and wise. Plus, I don’t think he’ll be angry. I think he’ll just wanna help.

MADISON: Okay. Maybe it is for the best. But, how do we tell him this? I mean how do we come out say that I’m pregnant?

JOHNNY: I’ve always learned that honesty is the best policy. I know that sounds cheesy but it is true. I know from experience.

MADISON: So, telling your dad is covered. But, how do we keep this from my mom?

JOHNNY: Do you really think that your mom will be a problem?

MADISON: Obviously, I haven’t told your enough about my mother.

Back at Sheila’s Apartment, Sheila takes a sip of her water.

PARKER: I’m being serious. What is this gonna turn out to be?

SHEILA: Well, I hope that we can develop a relationship together. You know? Beyond sex. Maybe we can potentially be boyfriend and girlfriend.

PARKER: Do you think that would ever happen for us?

SHEILA: It definitely could happen. Anything can happen.

PARKER: What happens when my mom finds out?

SHEILA: She’s an obstacle that we can face together.

PARKER: Alright, I think we can do that.


PARKER: Let’s do this thing.

Sheila smiles. Then, her and Parker kiss.

Back at Natalie Boutique, Brooklyn sets her purse on a counter.

BROOKLYN: Do you remember when I told you about my father passing away all those decades ago? You know, back in the 80s?

NATALIE: Yeah. And, all you had left was your brother.

BROOKLYN: Correct. And, he died too.

NATALIE: Yeah. I’m really sorry for you.

BROOKLYN: That’s fine. Anyway, my father left me a trust fund of five million dollars. He decided that this trust would be legally open to me when I turned 25. I turned 25 a month ago, and the paperwork for my trust finally went through. Which means, I now am a millionaire.

NATALIE: Well, congratulations!

BROOKLYN: Thank you. Look, I know you need 500,000 dollars to cover the rest of your expenses here. So, I’ve decided to give you that money.

NATALIE: Honey, you would do that for me?

BROOKLYN: Of course I would.

NATALIE: Are you sure?

BROOKLYN: Yes. Yes, I am sure.

NATALIE: Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

BROOKLYN: You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure. Now, there is one thing that I need from you. You know, as a way to repay me.

NATALIE: I will do anything you want.

BROOKLYN: Good. I want you to come home so I can see you in that thing I got you for Valentine’s Day. So, will you deliver your payment now?

NATALIE: You bet. Just let me grab my purse?

BROOKLYN: Okay. Go ahead. I’ll be right here.

Natalie walks off. Then, Brooklyn digs in her purse. She pulls out her phone. She unlocks it and goes to her camera roll. She clicks on a picture and smiles.

BROOKLYN: I hope I do you proud with this money, dad. Gosh, I miss you so much. And, I promise you that I will get revenge on Kim Hughes for all that bitch put you through. I love you. I love you very much daddy.

The camera zooms in on the phone picture of Brooklyn’s father. Brooklyn’s dad is revealed to be DOUGLAS CUMMINGS!

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 91***

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EP 171 - The Finale