Thursday, June 15, 2017

EP 90 - Susan Returns From Her Trip


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At the Mona Lisa, Emma, Holden, and Lily sit down at a table.

EMMA: Thank you for coming out to dinner with me.

LILY: Of course, Emma. It was our pleasure.

HOLDEN: Exactly what Lily said. And, thanks for saying that you’ll pick up the check, mom. I assume this is because your company is thriving.

EMMA: Actually, that is why I called you two to dinner.

LILY: Oh really?

EMMA: Yes. See, this may be the last dinner where I pick up the check.

At Betsy’s Penthouse, Betsy and Steve are snuggling on the couch.

BETSY: Gosh, do you remember the last time we did this?

STEVE: I truly don’t. However, it is nice.

BETSY: Yes, it is.

Betsy smiles at Steve, then kisses him.

BETSY: I’m so glad that we are falling back in love.

Then, there’s a knock at the door. Betsy stands.

STEVE: Do you really have to get that?

BETSY: I should. My leg was starting to fall asleep.

STEVE: (sitting up) Okay. Go for it.

Betsy walks to the door. Upon opening it, she is shocked at what she sees.

BETSY: Oh my god! Mom, you can walk again?

SUSAN: You bet I can. Come here, honey!

Betsy and Susan hug. They both are absolutely delighted about Susan’s news.

At the Murphy Home, in the Living Room, Madison is sitting on the couch. Then, there is a knock at the doorbell. She rushes to the door. She opens it.

JOHNNY: Hey. Your text sounded urgent.

Madison immediately embraces Johnny.

MADISON: Thank god you’re here.

At Bob and Kim’s Home, in the Living Room, Kim is on the home phone.

KIM: Alright, thank you very much for calling Doctor Martin. Alright, you have a lovely night as well. Alright, goodbye.

As soon as Kim hangs up the phone, she sits on the couch, smiling. Then, Bob enters the room. He goes over to Kim.

BOB: What’s going on? Are you alright?

KIM: (standing) I’ve never been better.

BOB: Who was that on the phone?

KIM: It was Doctor Sandra Martin. The new chief who did my surgery.

BOB: What was she calling about this late?

KIM: Well, she got my final scans back.

BOB: And…?

KIM: And, well, the cancer’s gone.

BOB: Gone?

KIM: Yes, honey I’m cancer free.

Bob and Kim both happily laugh. They kiss and then embrace.

At Ruffles Bar, Rosanna and Dusty are sitting at the bar. Rosanna is having a glass of chardonnay. Dusty is having a beer.

DUSTY: Thanks for suggesting that we go out tonight.

ROSANNA: Of course. I’m glad that you agreed to it.

DUSTY: Turn down a night with a beautiful lady and one of my closest friends? I could never do that to myself or you.

ROSANNA: That’s very sweet. Thanks for that.

DUSTY: I only tell the truth.

ROSANNA: (laughs) Come on, Dusty. I’m not that drunk yet.

DUSTY: Ha, ha, ha. Very funny. Hey, you want to watch me beat you at darts?

ROSANNA: Oh, in your dreams. Let’s do it.

DUSTY: Oh, it’s on.

ROSANNA: It’s so on.

Rosanna and Dusty get up from their seats and go to the dart board.
Back at the Mona Lisa, Lily, Holden, and Emma are looking at menus.

HOLDEN: Mom, you’re kinda starting to worry me.

LILY: Emma, what do you mean by what you just said?

EMMA: Well, the company hasn’t been flourishing.

HOLDEN: What are you talking about? I thought you just got that partnership with Lisa. Aren’t you two doing a masquerade ball at her ballroom?

EMMA: We were going to. However, we couldn’t secure sponsors. So, the ball is a no-go. I poured so much money into this event already. That was a bad move.

LILY: Emma, what do you need from us? We’ll do anything for you.

EMMA: Seriously?

HOLDEN: Ma, of course. I promised that I would take care of you at some point in your life. As a way to repay you. Tell us what you need.

EMMA: Ten thousand dollars.

Back at Betsy’s Penthouse, Betsy and Susan come off of their hug.

BETSY: It is so good to see that you’re walking. Do you wanna come in?

SUSAN: Honey, I would love to come in. (walking in) We can…

Susan then notices Steve. Steve stands.

SUSAN: ...catch up. What is he doing here?

STEVE: Hello, Susan.

SUSAN: Is there something you need to tell me, Betsy?

BETSY: Actually, there is. (walking over to Steve) And, you will be the first to know. Steve and I are officially back together.

Back at Ruffles Bar, Dusty and Rosanna are in the middle of a game of darts. Rosanna has had two glasses of chardonnay. Dusty has had three beers.

ROSANNA: Alright, if I make this right on the target, you have to buy the next round of drinks. And, this time, I want a beer.

DUSTY: Well, well, well, look at Rosanna loosening up.

ROSANNA: Once in a great while I do like a beer or two.

DUSTY: (chuckles) Let’s see if you even get one.

ROSANNA: Alright. Let’s do this thing.

Rosanna throws the dart. She hits the target.

ROSANNA: (laughs/turns around) Time to pay up.

DUSTY: You got it. It’s only fair.

Dusty walks up to the bar.

DUSTY: Two beers, please.

A couple seconds later, Dusty is handed two beers.

DUSTY: Thank you.

He walks back over to Rosanna. He hands a beer to Rosanna. However, before she takes it in her hand all the way, the two look into each other’s eyes.

DUSTY: Rosanna.


The two continue to look into each other’s eyes. A couple seconds later, the two sit the beer bottles down and kiss.

Back at the Murphy Home, in the Living Room, Johnny and Madison are sitting on the couch. Madison takes a sip of her water.

JOHNNY: So, what your text said that you needed to tell me something. What is this something that you need to tell me?

MADISON: (sighs) This isn’t easy for me.

JOHNNY: Madison, we’re in a relationship. You can be honest with me. That is how relationships are supposed to work.

MADISON: Yeah. You’re right. 100 percent right.

JOHNNY: So, what is it that you have to tell me?

MADISON: I’m pregnant.

Back at Bob and Kim’s Home, in the Living Room, Bob and Kim come off of their hug. The two smile at one another.

KIM: Gosh, I can’t believe this whole mess in my life is over. This whole horrific disease is out of my body. I prayed for this day to happen for so long. I prayed every single day.

BOB: I prayed too. I knew this day would come. You know what?

KIM: What?

BOB: We need to celebrate. There’s this bottle of champagne that I’ve been saving for a very long time. I’m going to go get it.

KIM: Sounds wonderful.

Bob walks away. Kim smiles. Outside, someone is staring through Bob and Kim’s window. It is the stalker. The one who has sent Kim all the gifts. The camera zooms in on the masked stalkers face. The stalker then runs away into the night.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 90***

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EP 171 - The Finale