Tuesday, June 13, 2017

EP 89 - Brooklyn Has A Secret


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At Natalie and Brooklyn’s Apartment, Natalie and Brooklyn are making out. The two are also sitting down on couch.

NATALIE: You make me so happy.

BROOKLYN: I’m glad that I do.

Before kissing again, Natalie check her phone.

NATALIE: (standing) Oh, shoot.

BROOKLYN: (standing) What?

NATALIE: I need to get ready. I have my meeting soon.

BROOKLYN: That’s exciting. So, are you nervous to open your first business? If you want my input, I think your clothing store will be a hit.

NATALIE: I am nervous. But, thank you for your support. I love you.

BROOKLYN: I love you too.

At Memorial Hospital, the elevator doors ding open. Henry has two coffee cups in hand, as he steps off. He goes into the waiting room. He spots Barbara and walks upto her.

HENRY: Hey, honey.

BARBARA: (walking to him) Hi.

Henry hands a coffee cup to Barbara.

BARBARA: Thank you so much.

HENRY: Of course. I know you probably want to get back to Paul. But, I feel as though we should talk first. Just real quick.

BARBARA: Talk? What do we need to talk about?

HENRY: Well, I know what you’re doing to Emily.


HENRY: ...and, do you feel like it is the right thing?

BARBARA: Damn right I do.

At the Snyder Farm, Parker is coming down the stairs. He enters the living room. Then, there is a knock at the door. He goes to the door.

PARKER: (opening the door) What are you doing here?

SHEILA: We need to talk about last night.

Sheila walks past Parker. Parker turns around. He let’s out a heavy sigh.

At Fairwinds, Emily and Eliza enter the home with suitcases.

EMILY: Thank you for helping me move back in, baby.

ELIZA: Yeah, mom. No problem.

EMILY: Let’s go get some lemonade.

Emily and Eliza walk into the living room. They walk up to a bar cart. Emily pours two glasses of lemonade. She hands one to Eliza and keeps one for herself.

ELIZA: Thanks.

EMILY: You’re welcome.

ELIZA: Hey, can I ask you a question?

EMILY: Of course.

ELIZA: What made you want to move back?

EMILY: It is time that I start bringing the passion back into my marriage. That is only going to happen with me here…

ELIZA: ...And, dad awake.

EMILY: Exactly. Plus, I want to make your grandmother very upset. In fact, that is starting to become my priority in life.

At the Mona Lisa, Margo and Katie are sitting at a table. Both of them have a glass of white wine. They are looking over their menus.

KATIE: Thank you for inviting me to lunch.

MARGO: Of course. It was my pleasure.

KATIE: So, why’d you want to invite me?

MARGO: Well, I wanted to see how you’re doing.

KATIE: How I’m doing? I don’t understand.

MARGO: You know, since the hostage crisis? How are you doing since the man you fell for held a ballroom hostage, shot Paul, and was ultimately shot himself?

Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, Barbara and Henry walk over to the chairs. They sit next to one another.

BARBARA: Look, I don’t want to talk about Emily.

HENRY: I feel as though we should.

BARBARA: Why? I am in the right here. She’s in the wrong.

HENRY: Are you sure that you’re correct on this?

BARBARA: Of course I am sure. She abandoned my son. And, it took a gunshot and a coma for her to come crawling back. That is Emily to a tee. Do you see what is wrong with that whole picture?

HENRY: Are you trying to call Emily a golddigger?

BARBARA: If the shoe fits, wear it.

HENRY: Honey, there’s no telling when Paul will wake up. However, when he does, I’m sure he doesn’t want to wake up to you and Emily doing pistols at dawn.

BARBARA: Henry, I’m just trying to do what is right for my son.

HENRY: And, I get that. I understand where you are coming from. But, maybe it is time that you reevaluated the situation.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Katie and Margo both have a chicken salad in front of them. Katie takes a sip of her wine.

MARGO: You can tell me anything. I want you to know that.

KATIE: (sighs) I’m fine. Truly. I took some time to deal with it. To deal with getting involved with that evil man. To deal with him being shot dead right in front of me. Margo, I’ve dealt with all of it.

MARGO: Katie, I’ve been in the law game for a very long time. I’ve interrogated hundreds of people. I can tell when someone is lying.

KATIE: Well, I’m sorry, but this is a case where your instincts are wrong. I’m not lying. I have dealt with it. And, I’m over it. Emotionally over it.

MARGO: Listen, I just want you to know that I am here for you. I want you to know that Tom is also here for you. You’ve always been very special to us.

KATIE: I know that. And, thank you. Anyway, enough about me. What is new with you? What’s going on in your life?

MARGO: Well, tomorrow is my last day with the Oakdale Police Department. That’s right. You heard it here first. I’m retiring.

Back at Fairwinds, Emily is now alone in the Living Room. She sets her lemonade down on the table and walks up to the fireplace. She stares at the photos on the mantle. She then comes to a wedding photo of her and Paul. She smiles. The camera then zooms in on her face. Then the screen flashes into several flashbacks of the two.

After the montage, the camera zooms out from Emily’s face. She is still smiling at the photos. She then takes the wedding photo and walks over to the couch. She sits. She then lays down with the photo.

EMILY: Don’t you worry, honey. I’m not going to let anyone come between us. I love you too much for our love story to end.

Back at the Snyder Farm, Sheila and Parker enter the Living Room. The two then go to the couch and sit.

PARKER: I can’t believe you want to talk about it.

SHEILA: Well, I feel that it is crucial that we do.

PARKER: Why is that?

SHEILA: Parker, I’ve been lonely for a very long time. I haven’t found someone to love me in so long. Hell, I haven’t loved someone in a very long time.

PARKER: Whoa. Are you saying you love me?

SHEILA: I’m saying I have feelings for you.

PARKER: Really?

SHEILA: Yes. And, if it is okay with you, I’d like to act on those feelings.

PARKER: I guess you could. If you want to.

SHEILA: You bet I do.

Then, Sheila kisses Parker.

Back at Natalie and Brooklyn’s Apartment, Natalie walks back into the living room. Brooklyn stands from the couch.

NATALIE: So, how do I look?

BROOKLYN: In my opinion, you look so very sexy.


BROOKLYN: (stepping closer to her) Yes, you do.

NATALIE: I’m wearing that bra and underwear set you got me for Valentine’s Day. I can’t wait for you to slip it off.

BROOKLYN: (laughs) I love the way you tease me. But, if you don’t get to that meeting, then we won’t be able to afford surprises anymore.

Natalie and Brooklyn walk to the door.

NATALIE: Wish me luck?

BROOKLYN: Of course.

Natalie and Brooklyn kiss. Then, Natalie exits the apartment. After Brooklyn closes the door, Brooklyn goes to a floorboard in the apartment. She lifts the floorboard. She then gets a small box from underneath the floorboard. She walks over to the couch and sits. She then opens the box. The contents is only visible to her.

BROOKLYN: (deep breath) I can’t let anyone know my secret.

The camera then zooms in on Brooklyn’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 89***

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EP 171 - The Finale