Tuesday, June 6, 2017

EP 87 - Lily and Sierra Make Amends


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At WorldWide, in Lucinda’s Office, Lucinda and Marshall are sitting at Lucinda’s mini conference table. They are going through several files.

LUCINDA: Thank you for staying late tonight, Marshall.

MARSHALL: Of course. I was happy to.

LUCINDA: We just need to get this deal closed ASAP.

MARSHALL: I hear you there.

LUCINDA: Look, how about we take a break? We are close to closing this deal. So, yeah, let’s take just a quick one.


LUCINDA: And, on this break, you can tell me why you love my daughter. That’s right, she told me that you said that you love her. So, what’s the deal there?

At Sierra’s Penthouse, there is a knock at the door. Sierra enters the living room. She sets her teacup down on her bar cart. She then goes to the door.

SIERRA: (opening the door) Lily. What are you doing here?

LILY: Look, I know it is getting late. And, I hope it is no trouble that I stopped by here. However, I was in the neighbourhood…

SIERRA: Come in.

Sierra moves aside. Lily enters. Sierra shuts the door.

SIERRA: (turning around) So, what brings you by?

LILY: Well, I think it is time that we made amends.

At Sheila’s Apartment, Sheila is in the kitchen making dinner. There is then a knock at the door. She turns off her stove and goes to the door.

SHEILA: (opening the door) Parker, thanks for coming by.

PARKER: Hey, I could never turn down a free meal.

SHEILA: (laughs) Come on in.

Parker enters. Before shutting the door, Sheila looks both ways, to see if anyone is in the hall. She then smiles seductively and shuts the door.

At Casey and Alison’s Apartment, Alison is in her pajamas. She is sitting in on the couch and watching television. She is also eating a bowl of chips. Casey enters the apartment. He sets his briefcase down. He kisses Alison on the forehead.

CASEY: Hey, babe.

ALISON: (mouth full) Hey.

Casey goes into the kitchen to get a beer.

WOMAN: (on tv) Join us again for The Young and the Beautiful.

Alison turns the TV off, as Casey reenters the living room. Casey sits next to her and Alison sits up. She sets the chips on the table.

CASEY: How was your day?

ALISON: It was good. I looked for a job.

CASEY: That’s good. Have you called Doctor Martin?

ALISON: Honey, I’m not sure I have the energy to beg for my job.

CASEY: Well, do you have the energy to go through a lawsuit?

At Bob and Kim’s Home, Bob and Kim enter the home. Bob shuts the door and walks Kim over to the living room couch.

KIM: Thank you for helping me. This surgery really took all the energy out of me. However, that was to be expected.

BOB: Is there anything I can get you?

KIM: How about a cup of warm tea?

BOB: You got it.

Before Bob walks off, Kim notices a package assigned to her. The package is sitting on the coffee table. She sits it on her lap.

KIM: Honey, do you know what this is?

BOB: I’m sorry, but I don’t. It was on our doorstep. I found it when I came home to grab some of your things. I just brought it in here.

KIM: Alright. Would you grab me the letter opener?

BOB: Of course.

Bob walks off to get the tea and letter opener. Kim looks at the box. She is very curious to know what is inside.

Back at Casey and Alison’s Apartment, Casey takes a swig of his beer.

ALISON: You want to know if I have energy for a lawsuit? Why exactly would you ask me a question like that?

CASEY: Well, you don’t want to beg for your job. So, this is the only option left. Look, I know that you love that hospital. I know you love your patients. Sandra Martin had no right to fire you from your position.

ALISON: Casey, she got permission. It wasn’t like she just did this, just because. There’s a lot that goes into firing someone. It is not just her decision.

CASEY: I know that. However, what if she did do that?

ALISON: You think she went over people’s heads?

CASEY: I do think that. It just all seems too mysterious.

ALISON: So, what do we do?

CASEY: We ask her.

ALISON: Well, if she did do what you’re accusing her of, then she won’t admit that point blank. She’ll clearly lie about it.

CASEY: Ali, I’m a lawyer. I can tell when people are lying. Just like how I knew you were lying about spending 300 dollars on those shoes.

ALISON: They were cute shoes. And, I hope you know that the heel broke.

CASEY: Oh. Sad. What a shame. Anyway, are you in or not?

ALISON: If it gets me my job back, then I’m in.

Back at WorldWide, in Lucinda’s Office, Lucinda closes a file.

MARSHALL: I can’t believe Sierra told you about that.

LUCINDA: We share everything together. We always have.

MARSHALL: I should’ve known that.

LUCINDA: So, do you really love my daughter?

MARSHALL: Of course I do. Why would you question that, Lucinda?

LUCINDA: Because, Sierra’s been hurt many times. Men tell her that they love her, then they do something unimaginable to hurt her. It is this vicious cycle.

MARSHALL: Lucinda, I can promise you that I will not be apart of this vicious cycle that Sierra has gone through in the past.

LUCINDA: Good. That makes me happy to hear that. Now, can I tell you something? I feel that you need to hear it.

MARSHALL: Say whatever you need to say.

LUCINDA: Marshall, if you do become apart of that vicious cycle, that my daughter has gone through so many times, then I will become apart of a vicious cycle you will face. And, trust me, you don’t want me as an enemy.

Back at Sierra’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Lily sets her purse on the couch. Sierra takes a deep breath and walks over to her.

SIERRA: You want to make amends? Over what?

LILY: Over this whole voting me out thing.

SIERRA: Lily, I really do apologize for that.

LILY: You don’t have to. What you did was the best thing possible for the company. I made huge mistakes. I realize that now.

SIERRA: Wow. That really is big of you to admit.

LILY: It isn’t easy. Trust me. But, it is the truth.

SIERRA: I appreciate this.

LILY: Now, to sure how much of amends I want to make, I have something special to give you. It is a surprise.

SIERRA: Oh, I love surprises.

Lily and Sierra smile. Lily then gets out an invitation from her purse. She hands it over to Sierra. Sierra opens the invitation.

SIERRA: What’s this?

LILY: This is an invitation to Holden and I's anniversary, Out of all the people in this world, I want you there the most.

Sierra and Lily smile at one another. Lily laughs.

Back at Sheila’s Apartment, Sheila and Parker are sitting at a small dining table. They have just finished their dinner. Sheila takes a sip of her wine.

PARKER: Thanks for the food. It was pretty good.

SHEILA: Thank you. I’ve been making that chicken pasta for years now. It is a family recipe. It is loved by many. Made well by few.

PARKER: (chuckles) So, what now?

SHEILA: Dessert.

PARKER: Wow. Sounds good to me.

Sheila gets up. She goes to the kitchen and brings out to pie plates. The plates each have a slice of peach cobbler on them. She puts one in front of Parker. She then sits down and puts her plate on the table.

PARKER: This looks delicious.

SHEILA: I hope you like it. Dig in.

Parker takes a bite. Sheila looks at him. She is waiting for some kind of reaction. Parker takes another bite. This time he gets whipped cream on his face.

SHEILA: You have…

PARKER: (chuckles) Where?

Sheila reaches across the table. She wipes off some of the cream.

SHEILA: It is right here.

Sheila then smiles. She looks deep into Parker’s eyes.

PARKER: Miss Murphy?

Sheila then leans across the table and kisses Parker.

Back at Bob and Kim’s Home, in the Living Room, Bob reenters the living room. He hands the letter opener to Kim. He sits her tea on the coffee table. He then sits next to her.

KIM: Thank you very much, darling.

BOB: You are very welcome.

KIM: Now, let’s see what is in this package.

Kim opens up the box. Inside are hundreds of copies of the same photo.

KIM: What in the world is all this?

BOB: I was about to as the same question.

KIM: These are all the same picture.

BOB: They are you from your singing days.

KIM: They’re all autographed.

Then, Kim finds a note. She digs it out and opens it.

BOB: What does the note say?

KIM: Dearest Kim, I’ve always wanted your autograph. You made me so happy every time I saw you. Hopefully, getting an autograph of you, will make me even happier.

Kim sets the note down on the table.

KIM: Who the hell sent this?

The camera zooms in on Kim’s curious face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 87***

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