Thursday, June 1, 2017

EP 86 - Margo Makes A Life-Changing Decision


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At Tom and Margo’s Home, in the Kitchen, Tom and Margo are having sandwiches for lunch. They both has glasses of iced-tea for drink.

MARGO: I’m glad that we’re doing this. It has been such a long time since we both had lunch together. This is really nice.

TOM: It is really nice. I’m glad you said that we should do this.

MARGO: Well, I have to let you in on a little secret as to why I wanted to have lunch with you today. That’s right. I do have an ulterior motive.

TOM: Oh yeah? What’s up?

MARGO: Well, there’s something I need to share with you.

TOM: Okay. Go ahead.

MARGO: Well, I’ve decided to retire.

At Diego’s Home, in the Living Room, Iva takes a sip of her water.

DIEGO: You don’t want to marry me?

IVA: It’s not that I don’t. It’s that I can’t.

DIEGO: Why not?

IVA: Diego, when I was taking my vacation, and dealing with Jason’s funeral arrangements, I discovered something that was news to me.

DIEGO: What’d you discover?

IVA: Jason never filed our divorce papers.

At Holden and Lily’s Home, in the Living Room, Faith is sitting on the couch. She is reading a fashion magazine. Then, Holden enters.

HOLDEN: Hey. There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.

FAITH: (looking up) You have?

Holden sits next to Faith.

HOLDEN: I have.

FAITH: And, why is that, dad?

Holden takes the magazine from Faith. He sets it on the table.

HOLDEN: Because, we need to have a serious talk.

FAITH: A serious talk? About what?

HOLDEN: About this thing with Paul.

At Memorial Hospital, in Paul’s Hospital Room, Barbara is sitting by Paul’s bedside. She is patiently awaiting his awakening.

BARBARA: (sighs) You look so peaceful and handsome. I need you to wake up, Paul. I need my son in my life. Please, come back to me. There are so many people that need you in this world. I hope that you know that. So, please…, please come back to us. Please.

At Betsy’s Penthouse, Betsy and Steve enter the home. Betsy puts her purse and keys on the couch. She flops down on the couch. Steve shuts the door.

STEVE: Do you need me to get you anything? Something to drink? Something to eat? One of my world famous foot massages?

BETSY: As tempting as that massage sounds, I’m fine.

STEVE: Are you sure? Because, you don’t look fine.

BETSY: Steve…

STEVE: Okay. I’m gonna go ahead and go. I’ll see you later.

Then, Betsy stands.

BETSY: Steve?

STEVE: (turning around) Yeah?

BETSY: Don’t go.

Back at Tom and Margo’s Home, in the Kitchen, Margo sips her tea.

TOM: You want to retire from your position as Commissioner?

MARGO: I do. I truly do want to retire.

TOM: Honey, why? You love the force. You love your officers. You love taking care and protecting this town.

MARGO: It doesn’t seem like I’ve been protecting this town, as of late.

TOM: Do you feel that way because of everything that happened with Julian?

MARGO: Of course I feel that way because of him. He’s the reason that this town is back on the danger map. At least we can all rest easier now, knowing that he is dead.

TOM: Yeah. Yeah, we can. Look, when I shot Julian, via wrestling with that gun, I knew that a weight was going to be lifted off this town’s shoulders. There was a huge bad guy...dead. We can all go on living now. We can live our normal lives. Don’t let this one thing wreck your career. Don’t let this one thing wreck who you truly are.

MARGO: Tom, it’s time. It is time that I say goodbye to this job. I can no longer do it. I just can’t. In fact, I’m gonna go ahead and make the appropriate calls.

Margo gets up from the table and leaves the room.

Back at Diego’s Home, in the Living Room, Iva holds Diego’s hands.

DIEGO: Jason never filed the divorce papers?

IVA: Correct.

DIEGO: But, to your knowledge, you guys got divorced in 2015.

IVA: To my knowledge…, yes. However, I was fooled.

DIEGO: So, did you file them?

IVA: They can’t be found. So, now, I have to wait one month. That way our marriage can be dissolved because of his death. Now, I know this isn’t what you wanted to hear…

DIEGO: Don’t worry about it.

IVA: What?

DIEGO: I’ll wait.

IVA: You’ll wait that long for me?

DIEGO: Iva, don’t you get it? I love you.

IVA: I love you too. How did I get so lucky?

Iva and Diego passionately kiss.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Paul’s Hospital Room, Barbara stands up halfway to fix her cardigan. She then sits back down.

BARBARA: We’ve been through so much together. Some would say that we don’t go through the average mother-son problems. (laughs) I would say that, that is quite the understatement. However, regardless of all we’ve been through, I still love you so much. You are the apple of my eye. Look, I’m doing one more thing to protect you. And, you’ll find out about it when you awake from this coma. I am getting Emily out of your life for good. I believed you two would get back together. I was your main supporter. But, she needs to go. I know I said I wouldn’t intervene. But, I feel that it is my motherly duty to do so. I just hope that you can forgive me for the things that I have to do, to get this mission of mine completed, as soon as possible.

Back at Betsy’s Penthouse, Steve goes over to Betsy.

STEVE: You don’t want me to leave?

BETSY: I don’t. I don’t want you to go anywhere.

STEVE: Why not?

BETSY: Because, I realize that I still need you.

STEVE: Betsy, are you sure you’re not saying this…

BETSY: No. I’m not saying this out of sadness. I am saying this because I still have feelings for you. And, I realized something when I was at the hospital this morning. And, what I realized is that you still have to say these things, while you still can.

Steve and Betsy walk closer to one another. They have a short pause. Then, they get wrapped up in a very passionate kiss.

Back at Lily and Holden’s Home, in the Living Room, Faith runs her fingers through her hair. She then crosses her legs.

FAITH: Dad, I don’t want to talk about this.

HOLDEN: Honey, we have to talk about this.

FAITH: Why? Why do we?

HOLDEN: Because, obviously you have emotions that you are expressing in the wrong way. I know that because I’ve had those emotions before. Those type of emotions that make your do very stupid things.

FAITH: This wasn’t a stupid thing. I have feelings…

HOLDEN: No, you don’t.

FAITH: (abruptly standing) Don’t tell me I don’t have feelings for him!

HOLDEN: (standing) Honey, this is a fantasy of your’s.

FAITH: No! This is real! Paul is going to leave Emily. Then, we will have this happy life. Then, I won’t be scared for a man to touch me.

HOLDEN: Is this what this is? Are you afraid that you’ll get raped again? Are you only safe around Paul these days?

Faith gets choked up and begins to sob. She falls to the floor.

FAITH: I just don’t know what to do anymore, daddy.

Holden sits next to her on the floor.

HOLDEN: (deep breath) Look, your mom and I are going to get you the help that you need. I just need you to trust us.

FAITH: Okay. Okay. What do we do now?

HOLDEN: Mom and I want to send you to this facility. It is kind of a rehabilitation/therapy center. You can get your thoughts under control. You can get back to being you. Doesn’t that sound nice?

FAITH: Yeah. When do I go?

HOLDEN: I can drive you up there tonight?

FAITH: That sounds good. But, can you do something for me first?

HOLDEN: Honey, I will do anything for you. What do you want me to do?

FAITH: Can you just hold me like you used to? You know, like when I was a little girl? You know, back when I would get sad and scared because of monsters under my bed?

HOLDEN: Of course I’ll hold you.

Faith falls into Holden’s arm. The camera zooms out.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 86***

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EP 171 - The Finale