Tuesday, May 30, 2017

EP 85 - Emily VS Barbara


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman


At Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, Emily is asleep on one of the chairs. Betsy taps her shoulder and holds a cup of coffee in front of her nose. Emily slowly awakes.

BETSY: (sitting on the table) Morning.

EMILY: Morning.

BETSY: I got you a cup of coffee.

EMILY: Thank you.

Emily takes the cup and takes a sip.

EMILY: Has Doctor Martin given us any news?

BETSY: No. Paul’s still in surgery.

EMILY: (standing) For Heaven’s sakes, it's been six hours.

BETSY: (standing) Honey, these things take time.

EMILY: I just wish they would hurry.

Then, Barbara enters.

EMILY: Barbara, hi.

BARBARA: You bitch!

EMILY: What did you just say?

BARBARA: You heard me. Now, tell me, why the hell are you here?

EMILY: Barbara, Paul is my husband. I have every right…

BARBARA: You have no right! Now get out of this hospital!

At Java Underground, Steve and Eliza are having breakfast.

STEVE: Is everything okay, Eliza?

ELIZA: Not really.

STEVE: Your Aunt Betsy and I are here for you. So is your mom.

ELIZA: I know. I tried to sleep last night, but I couldn’t.

STEVE: I’ve been through many of those nights.

ELIZA: I still can’t believe this happened.

STEVE: I can’t either. But, there’s a lot of evil in this world.

ELIZA: Will you talk to me about that?

STEVE: About what?

ELIZA: Evil. What is evil really like?

At Bob and Kim’s Home, Sabrina enters. Kim shuts the door.

KIM: Thanks for coming over the day before my surgery.

SABRINA: Of course, mom. I thought you might want to do something fun. Hopefully I can cheer you up a little.

Kim and Sabrina go to sit on the couch.

KIM: I have all the cheer in me that I need.

SABRINA: I’m glad to hear that. You’ll need it.

KIM: Why do you say it like that?

SABRINA: Because, I’m about to take all that cheer out of you.

KIM: Sabrina, why do you say that? What’s going on?

SABRINA: Well, I’m leaving town.

At Diego’s Home, there is a knock at the door. Diego comes into the living room. He walks immediately to the door.
DIEGO: (opening the door) Oh my god.

IVA: Hi, Diego.

Diego goes into an immediate hug with Iva.

DIEGO: I’ve missed you so much.

Back at Java Underground, Eliza takes a sip of her coffee.

STEVE: Believe it or not, the true meaning of evil is hard to explain. I’ve seen a lot of evil in my life, Eliza. And, I still can’t truly explain it.

ELIZA: Are you referring to Diego Santanna?

STEVE: He’s a small fraction of the evil I’ve seen.

ELIZA: Why did he do those things to you?

STEVE: Well, I let my guard down. When you let your guard down, you give people a gateway to do things to you. Eliza, I wasn’t always a good man. I was involved in a lot of terrible things back in Guadalajara.

ELIZA: But, you changed?

STEVE: Exactly.

ELIZA: So, the moral of the story is to not let your guard down, because then evil can creep into your life and do stuff?

STEVE: You are on a role. Now, how about we drive over to the hospital and we can see how your father is?

ELIZA: Sounds good to me. Thanks for everything.

STEVE: Anytime, kiddo. Anytime.

Back at Bob and Kim’s Home, Sabrina and Kim are sitting on the couch.

KIM: You’re leaving Oakdale? I don’t understand.

SABRINA: I know it sounds sudden.

KIM: (chuckles) You got that right.

SABRINA: But, I need to go.

KIM: Darling, why?

SABRINA: Well, Frannie needs help. Things are an absolute mess in Haiti. She can’t do everything by herself. It is too much work.

KIM: I thought she hired a new girl.

SABRINA: She did. But, that new girl is sick. Look, it pains me to leave again but I have too. I truly wouldn’t go if it wasn’t important.

KIM: Who’s going to run the research lab?


KIM: I love you. And, please, be safe over there.

SABRINA: Of course.

Kim and Sabrina embrace one another.

Back at Diego’s Home, in the Living Room, Diego and Iva are sitting on the couch. Iva takes a sip from a glass of water. She then sets it on the coffee table.

DIEGO: When did you get back?

IVA: Last night. I was planning on coming straight here. However, I got really tired. And, all I could think about was crashing.

DIEGO: I bet.

IVA: Look, before we talk about where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to, there’s something that I need to tell you.

DIEGO: Honey, I’m sure it can wait.

IVA: It can’t. It really can’t. I need to tell you this.

DIEGO: Iva, you’re starting to scare me. What’s going on?

IVA: (sighs) I can’t marry you.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, Emily steps in front of Betsy. Barbara throws her purse down on a chair.

BARBARA: You heard me. Beat a path.

EMILY: How dare you. How dare you think that you have any right to barge in here and tell me to get out of this hospital. What do you think gives you the right?

BARBARA: You broke my son’s heart. You didn’t want anything to do with him. But, oh wait, now that he’s been shot by a mad man…, you suddenly want to be right by his side. Well, I’m sorry, but I’m not playing that game.

EMILY: This is not a game, Barbara. And, I love Paul very much. Just because he made a mistake, doesn’t mean we are officially over.

BARBARA: That’s what you said.

EMILY: No, I said that I needed time to think.


Then, a doctor enters.

BETSY: Ladies, let’s table this discussion.

Barbara and Emily see the doctor. They flock to him.

BARBARA: Doctor, how’s…

EMILY: How’s Paul?

DOCTOR: Look, I know you two must be absolutely worried.

BARBARA: We are. Now, tell me. How did the surgery go?

DOCTOR: There is good and bad news. The good news being that we did manage to get the bullet out of Paul. However, do to major amounts of blood loss, Paul has slipped into a coma. And, there is no telling when he’ll come out of it.

EMILY: Oh my god. Oh god.

BARBARA: Oh lord.

The camera pans to everyone’s faces. Emily is curled up in Betsy’s arms. Barbara has her hand covering her mouth, as she sobs.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 85***

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EP 171 - The Finale