Thursday, May 25, 2017

EP 84 - Bonita Chica Facecream Launch PT. 3


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner

SPECIAL GUEST STAR: Jennifer Ferrin as
Jennifer Munson


At the Event Center, everyone is standing up against the wall. Julian is no longer at the podium. He has now come down in front of everyone, with gun in hand.

TOM: (whispers to Margo) I’m going to get him. He’s right there.

MARGO: (whispers to Tom) Okay. Let me know when. I’ll cover you.

TOM: (whispers to Margo) Wait a couple more minutes. After those minutes, we’ll get this bastard. Deal?

MARGO: (whispers to Tom) Deal.

JULIAN: Wow, would you look at this? Everyone is finally facing judgement from a Stenbeck. That is something I’m sure you Oakdale residents would’ve never expected. So, I want to lay off Paul. He’s heard everything I need to say. I want to move onto somebody my brother loved for so long. However, this person rejected him. I think you know who I’m talking about. Hello, Barbara.

At Rose Garden Cemetery, Johnny steps out of his car. He is holding a bouquet of orchids. He walks up to Jennifer’s grave.

JOHNNY: Hey, mom.

He sets the flowers down on the grave.

JOHNNY: I’ve missed you so much.

Then, someone taps Johnny’s shoulder. He turns around.

JENNIFER: (smiling) Thank you for coming to visit me.


Back at the Event Center, Julian gets closer to Barbara.

BARBARA: I don’t want to talk about James.

JULIAN: Who said you had to? You don’t. I’ll do all the talking about what a real bitch you are. What a bitch you were to him.

BARBARA: He was dangerous and manipulative.

JULIAN: That’s not the way I see it.

PAUL: And, how do you see it?

JULIAN: Paul, I would really hate to shoot my nephew. So, back off.

BARBARA: That’s what I was going to ask you anyway, Julian.

JULIAN: I saw my brother as a broken and misunderstood man.

BARBARA: That is a load of bull! James was an evil man. He did everything in his power to make the citizens of this town know how evil he was.

PAUL: Hell, you’re just like him.


PAUL: No...that’s it. That is it. It is time you listened to all of us. It is time you truly know what James was like.

Outside of the Event Center, Emily and Lucinda are standing by the doors.

EMILY: Oh my god. I can’t believe this is happening.

LUCINDA: I know. This is too much.

EMILY: Oh my goodness.


EMILY: I forgot Eliza. I meant to grab her with you.

LUCINDA: Look, I’m sure she is just fine.

EMILY: She’s in there with a psychopath.

LUCINDA: She has Betsy and Steve. She’ll be fine. Plus, this whole mess should be over soon. Now, let’s call the damn police.

Back at Rose Garden Cemetery, Johnny and Jennifer come off a hug.

JOHNNY: How is this possible?

JENNIFER: God sent me down.

JOHNNY: He did?

Jennifer and Johnny walk over to a bench and sit.



JENNIFER: He thought that my boy might need me. It’s no secret what you’ve been going through. Janet opened up to me in Heaven and told me how much her death might affect you. Has it affected you?

JOHNNY: Yeah. It has. But, I might this great girl.

JENNIFER: Madison. Right?

JOHNNY: Right. She’s really helping me cope.

JENNIFER: That’s great. That makes me really happy that you found someone. How are things with your father?

JOHNNY: Which one?

JENNIFER: Biological.

JOHNNY: Craig wanted custody of me. However, dad beat him. And, by dad, of course I mean Dusty. Gosh, I can’t believe Craig pulled a stunt like that.

JENNIFER: Trust me, you haven’t seen anything yet. Can I ask something of you, honey? I hope that you’ll say ‘yes’ to say this.

JOHNNY: Yes to what? What’s up?

JENNIFER: Would you promise me to look over Dusty?

JOHNNY: Yes. Of course.

JENNIFER: I knew I could count on you.

JOHNNY: He always looks after me, so I should return the favor.

JENNIFER: (smiling) That’s my boy. Now, tell me everything about this Madison girl. We still have another hour with one another.

JOHNNY: Well…, She is just…

Back at the Event Center, Julian sits in a chair. He is facing everyone.

MARGO: (whispers to Tom) Should we go for it?

TOM: (whispers back) Not yet.

JULIAN: Alright, everyone. Let me hear it. Tell me one thing that James has done to you that is so darn terrible and horrific.

STEVE: He told the police I stole a diamond necklace.

BARBARA: There was that time he drugged me and put me in a mental institution. That isn’t exactly something you do someone you love.

MARGO: He terrorized me when I was recovering from my PTSD.

PAUL: He framed me for Brandy Taylor’s murder.

HENRY: He’s held me prisoner.

PAUL: See, Julian, James was a terrible person. He did so many other things that these people haven’t even begun to mention. He was a monster. Since he’s been truly dead, none of us have complained.

JULIAN: (standing) Alright. Alright. All of you made him into that monster. You’re the terrible people. He never was.

Then, sirens are heard outside.

KATIE: Julian, Emily and Lucinda probably called the police. You can leave now. However, if you don’t, then the police come here and they see that you are holding a gun to a bunch of innocent people.

JULIAN: None of you are innocent!

PAUL: We are all innocent in a James situation. Can’t you get that through your head, you crazy bastard!

Julian chuckles.

BARBARA: What’s so funny?

JULIAN: I warned you not to overstep, Paul.

Then, Julian shoots Paul. Paul falls to the floor. Everyone screams. Then, Tom runs for Julian. They wrestle for the gun.

MARGO: Tom, be careful!

The men continue to struggle. Everyone panics. Some people rush to help Paul. Some people begin to rush for the exit.

As police begin to enter, another shot is fired. The camera pans to both Tom and Julian’s faces. The two are frozen. Then, Julian falls to the floor. The gun drops to the floor.

TOM: Oh my god. (checking Julian’s pulse) He’s dead.

Margo goes to Tom.

The camera pans out on Julian, as he bleeds out.


Paul is being lifted into an ambulance. Emily and Eliza rush to him.

EMILY: Oh my god, Paul!

ELIZA: Daddy.

PARAMEDIC: Are you two coming with us?

EMILY: I will. Eliza, go to Betsy.

ELIZA: (sobbing) Mom…

EMILY: Eliza!

ELIZA: Okay. I love you.

EMILY: (kissing her forehead) I love you too.

Emily hops in the ambulance. A paramedic shuts the doors and the ambulance drives off. A detective then rolls out a long piece of CRIME SCENE tape. The camera zooms out from the Event Center as chaos erupts.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 84***

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EP 171 - The Finale