Tuesday, May 16, 2017

EP 81 - Diego Sets Emily Free


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman


At The Black Hat, a new and trendy restaurant, Lisa and Tom are sitting down to have dinner. Tom pulls out Lisa’s chair for her. He then sits down himself.

LISA: Look at my son, the perfect gentlemen.

TOM: (chuckles) I try. So, if I may ask, why’d you call to me dinner?

LISA: Does a mother need a motive to take her son out to dinner?

TOM: Mom…

LISA: Okay. Fine. I want to apologize.

At Betsy’s Penthouse, Emily enters the living room. She is on her cell phone and has a cup of tea in hand. She sits on the couch.

EMILY: (on the phone) Betsy, don’t worry bout a thing. I just want you to get mom to the airport as safe as possible. Alright...give her my best...love you too...bye.

As Emily hangs up the phone, there is a knock at the door. She sighs, put down her cellphone and her cup of tea, and walks to the door.

EMILY: (opening the door) What the hell are you doing here?

DIEGO: We need to talk.

EMILY: Oh my god. No, we don’t.

DIEGO: We do.

EMILY: Why would I ever want to talk to you?

DIEGO: Because, I’m giving you your freedom.

At the Oakdale Police Department, Dusty barges into Margo’s office. Margo, who is sitting at her desk, looks up at Dusty.

MARGO: Dusty…

DUSTY: Margo, I need your help.

MARGO: (standing) My help?

DUSTY: I need you to tell me where I can find Julian Stenbeck.


At Brooklyn’s Apartment, Natalie and Brooklyn enter the apartment. There are moving boxes everywhere. They both set down boxes.

NATALIE: Well, I think that’s the last of it.

BROOKLYN: You know what?


BROOKLYN: I never realized how much stuff gets accumulated in a person’s life, until it is laid out in front of me.

NATALIE: You know what I never realized?


NATALIE: How great it is to move in with someone you love.

Natalie kisses Brooklyn.

At Sierra’s Penthouse, Sierra and Marshall are still in Sierra’s Bedroom, laying down. Marshall takes a drink of his coffee.

SIERRA: What did you just say?

MARSHALL: That I love you.

SIERRA: Yeah. I heard you.

MARSHALL: Then, why’d you ask?

SIERRA: I guess I just wanted to be sure. See, I haven’t heard those words in a very long time. A very long time.

MARSHALL: So, do you have something to say back?

SIERRA: Honestly…? I don’t know what to say back.

Back at Brooklyn’s Apartment, Brooklyn reenters the living room. Natalie is sitting on the couch. Brooklyn has to bottles of water in hand. She sits next to Natalie and gives her one, keeping one for herself.

NATALIE: Thanks, honey.

BROOKLYN: You are very welcome. So, what do you want to do tonight for dinner? Do you wanna go out or do you wanna order in?

NATALIE: Ordering in is fine.

BROOKLYN: Sounds good to me.

NATALIE: But, I’m not hungry right now.

BROOKLYN: Well, it is the afternoon. Not quite dinner time.

NATALIE: Yeah. That’s the thing. See, if I’m not hungry now, I’m probably not going to be hungry later. Now, I know that sounds weird. And you’re probably thinking to yourself ‘what is she talking about?’ But, it’s always been a thing of mine…

BROOKLYN: So, are you saying you need to work up an appetite?


BROOKLYN: Well, I can do that for you.

Brooklyn and Natalie laugh. Then, Brooklyn kisses her passionately. The two begin to take each other’s clothes off.

Back at The Black Hat, Tom and Lisa have their drinks in front of them. Lisa is drinking a martini. Tom is having a glass of ice-tea.

TOM: So, what are you apologizing for?

LISA: First of all, do you think that ice-tea is better than what I serve at the Mona Lisa? I just need to know…

TOM: Mom, we can spy on this new restaurant later. Look, I don’t understand what you are talking about. What’s going on?

LISA: Okay. I want to apologize for Julian.

TOM: What? Why?

LISA: If I hadn’t made that business venture with him, then he probably wouldn’t have stayed in town. Therefore, the poisonings wouldn’t have happened.

TOM: Mom, stop it. Don’t beat yourself up over this. Julian would’ve stayed here anyway. He was starting a relationship with Katie. He was opening up a corporation. None of what Julian Stenbeck did is your fault.

LISA: I just feel so guilty.

TOM: Well, you’re going to have to get over it. Because, if you don’t, then you won’t have a clear head about anything.

LISA: A clear head? Why would I need a clear head?

TOM: Because, I need my mother to help pick out the ingredients in this restaurant’s risotto. After all, you said it. Mona Lisa needs to bring the heat in a competition.

LISA: I knew that I raised you right.

Tom and Lisa smile at one another.

Back at Sierra’s Penthouse, in Sierra’s Bedroom, Marshall puts his mug on the end table. He then leans on a pillow.

MARSHALL: You don’t want to say? You yourself said that you haven’t heard those three words in a long time. I thought you would jump at the opportunity to say them back.

SIERRA: Marshall, I think it is too early to say those words.

MARSHALL: Damn. I knew that was probably the case.

SIERRA: I just...I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the boyfriend department. I want to do this relationship right. I don’t want move anything along too quickly.

MARSHALL: We had sex.

SIERRA: We had fun sex. We didn’t make love. There’s a big difference. Trust me. There’s a huge difference. Like...Donald Trump huge.

MARSHALL: Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny. We could make love.

Sierra laughs.

MARSHALL: We would could. Come over to my house tonight.

SIERRA: You’re on Marshall Taylor. Now, let’s take a shower together. I’ve got to get to the office sometime today. I’ll race you to the bathroom.

Sierra gets out of the bed. Marshall smiles. Then, follows her.

Back at Betsy’s Penthouse, Diego enters the penthouse. Emily takes a deep breath and closes the door. She turns back.

DIEGO: Cosy place to heal your ‘Paul’ wounds.

EMILY: Shut up. You’ve got 5 minutes.

DIEGO: I’ll only need two.

Diego then takes out a manilla envelope. He hands it to Emily.

EMILY: What is this?

DIEGO: Every recording of the conversation that you and Margo had. This includes flash drive upon flash drive.

EMILY: How can I trust you?

DIEGO: You can’t. However, for once...you might be able to.

EMILY: What’s the catch?

DIEGO: I thought you might ask.

EMILY: So…, what is it?

DIEGO: You stay out of Iva and I’s life.

EMILY: I’m not involved anyway.

DIEGO: We’re getting married, as soon as she returns to town. I don’t want you to warn her about anything. Don’t do that.

Emily walks Diego out. She opens the door. He steps into the hallway.

DIEGO: So, do we have a deal?

EMILY: We do. Oh…, Diego.

DIEGO: What?

EMILY: Something tells me I won’t have to warn her. She’s going to find out who you are, all on her own. Seya later.

Emily closes the door.

Back at the Oakdale Police Department, Margo closes her door.

MARGO: Dusty, you don’t want to look for him.

DUSTY: Why not?

MARGO: Because, it is too dangerous.

DUSTY: Screw danger?

MARGO: No! This is not a situation where you can act like a macho-man. This is a situation where we do not disturb him. I am telling you to back off!

DUSTY: Margo, he murdered my wife. He almost killed you. That bastard is not getting away with a damn thing.

MARGO: Oh, yes he is.

DUSTY: Why are you doing this?

MARGO: Because, Julian said that if we disturb him again, he will return here. And, trust me, right now...he will win this battle.

DUSTY: Margo, you’re right.

MARGO: Thank you fo…

DUSTY: He’ll win the battle. But, I’ll win the war.

Dusty opens the door and walks out.

MARGO: Dusty! Dusty, don’t do this! (to herself) Dammit.

Margo runs her fingers through her hair, as the camera zooms in on her face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 81***

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EP 171 - The Finale