Thursday, May 11, 2017

EP 80 - Dusty Learns The Truth


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At Sierra’s Penthouse, in Sierra’s Bedroom, the sun is starting to creep through the blinds. The camera pans past the floor to the bed. There are clothes all over the floor. Sierra and Marshall are naked, under the covers. Sierra wakes up.

SIERRA: (whispering) Marshall. Honey.

Then, Marshall awakes.

MARSHALL: Good morning.

Marshall and Sierra kiss.

MARSHALL: Thanks for letting me spend the night.

SIERRA: It was a lot of fun. A lot of fun.

MARSHALL: Maybe we can have a lot of fun right now.

SIERRA: (kissing Marshall) Maybe we can.

Then, the two go under the covers.

At Lisa’s Penthouse, Dusty enters. Lisa shuts the door.

LISA: Thank you for coming over.

DUSTY: Yeah. No problem. Sorry about last night. I just didn’t expect the weather to be so terrible. But, I’m here now.

LISA: Thank God that you are.

DUSTY: So, what’d you want to tell me?

LISA: Well, I was talking to Tom last night. He told me it was okay to tell you, because the information has been released to the town paper.

DUSTY: What information is this?

LISA: It’s about who killed Janet.

At Bancroft, there is a loud knocking at the door. Barbara enters the foyer. She goes to the door to answer it.

BARBARA: (opening the door) Carly, hello.

CARLY: Hey, Barbara.

BARBARA: What brings you by?

CARLY: A warning. To you.

BARBARA: A warning?

CARLY: Yeah. Either you give me CT Designs back, or you’ll regret it.

At Bob and Kim’s Home, in the Dining Room, Bob and Kim are having a lovely breakfast. Bob is reading the morning paper. The headline reads:


KIM: Honey, why don’t you put that down?

BOB: It’s just such a good read.

Then, Bob puts the paper down.

KIM: (sighs) I’m happy that we can put this mess behind us.

BOB: I am too. I scheduled your surgery. The new chief-of-staff says she is confident that you will finally beat the cancer.

KIM: Music to my ears. By the way, thank you so much for the roses. They were just lovely. Oh, and, I decided to sing for you tonight. After all, you said that you’ve missed my voice. I’ve got it all covered. I’m not even tired from chemo.

BOB: Honey, I do miss your singing voice. But, there is one thing that you should know. I don’t know who sent you roses.

KIM: What do you mean?

BOB: I’m saying that I did not send you those roses.

At Memorial Hospital, Alison enters Sandra’s Office.

ALISON: Morning, Chief. You wanted to see me?

Sandra stands from her desk and goes to Alison.

SANDRA: I did. Good morning, Alison. Please, sit.

Sandra and Alison sit at a mini conference table.

ALISON: So, what’s up?

SANDRA: Well, I was recently freshening up on the hospital’s history. Budget charts, staff profiles, the list goes on and on. I read your profile...twice.

ALISON: Okay. What does all this mean?

SANDRA: You’ve exceeded your days off.

ALISON: Yes, but I had clearance to. I was pregnant then I lost the baby. So, I had a lot to deal with. I couldn’t…

SANDRA: Save it. Patricia Clark lost her baby last year. However, she managed to come back to work. She also managed never to exceed her days.

ALISON: Dr. Martin…

SANDRA: Alison, I’m just going to cut to the chase. I’m going to rip the bandage off. I’m sorry but we are going to have to terminate your employment here.

Back at Sierra’s Penthouse, in Sierra’s Bedroom. Sierra reenters the bedroom. Marshall is laying in the bed still. Sierra enters with two coffee cups. She is wearing a silk robe. She hands a cup to Marshall and sits on the bed.

MARSHALL: Thank you.

SIERRA: Yeah. You’re welcome.

MARSHALL: I was just going to review assistant resumes. I need one so bad. I have a thousand things to do everyday.

SIERRA: (laughs) You and me both.

MARSHALL: I love that about you.

SIERRA: Excuse me?

MARSHALL: Your laugh. I love your laugh.

SIERRA: Thank you. That was a very sweet compliment.

MARSHALL: I also love you.

Sierra looks at Marshall. She is shocked by his admission.

Back at Bancroft, Carly and Barbara enter the living room.

CARLY: Look, Barbara, I don’t want this to be some big fight. Just give me my company back. It is the right thing to do.

BARBARA: Carly, CT Designs is in its peek. I have to do what is right for my company. With Paul’s division releasing the face cream tonight and your company coming up on a fashion show, BRO is going to be a success again.

CARLY: Well, it looks like you’re going to have to deal with only one successful division of your company.

BARBARA: What do you mean?

CARLY: If you don’t give me my company back, then I will leave. If I leave, how do you think that will look? The lead designer is gone. Like you said, there’s a fashion show coming up. A designer can’t start from scratch and get a whole line ready in two months. You know that. I know that.

BARBARA: You would actually leave your company?

CARLY: In order to make you crash and burn? You bet I would leave my company for that. Look, I have to meet Jack. We have a party to get ready for. Can’t wait to snag a sample of that face cream. I believe you’ll be in touch. Seya later.

Carly collects herself and walks out.

Back at Bob and Kim’s Home, Bob folds the newspaper.

KIM: Are you sure you didn’t send me those flowers?

BOB: Honey, I’m positive. Did the florist say that I did?

KIM: No, he didn’t. I just thought that you did. They’re my favorite flowers. You know that. Plus, you brought up my past as a nightclub singer.

BOB: Well, let’s not worry about it. You have beautiful flowers. Our living room looks a whole lot brighter. All’s right in the world.

KIM: Yeah. You’re right.

As Kim and Bob continue their meal, someone stalks them through a window. Then, a mystery person runs off.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Sandra’s Office, Sandra pours herself a glass of water. She then takes a drink of it.

ALISON: The hospital is firing me?

SANDRA: Yes. I’m very sorry.

ALISON: I don’t understand. I cleared the extra time.

SANDRA: Truthfully, the hospital has begun to have some financial issues. Alison, you are a wonderful nurse. However, we have to make cuts. We are looking at every detail of the employee files.

ALISON: Chief, please. I am loyal to this hospital. I am a hardworking nurse. I fell on a hard time. A very hard time. I was at my lowest. I am willing to work more hours than any nurse here. Just don’t fire me.

SANDRA: I’m sorry.

ALISON: Yeah. You said that.

Alison hits the top of the table and storms out.

SANDRA: (sighs) Day one’s always the toughest.

Back at Lisa’s Penthouse, Lisa and Dusty go by the couch.

LISA: Can I get you anything? I have a fresh pot of coffee.

DUSTY: No thank you. I’ll just take the information.

LISA: I understand. Let’s sit down. That’s for the best.

Lisa and Dusty sit on the couch.

LISA: I’m not sure where to begin. (sighs) Tonight, the paper is releasing a tell-all on the person responsible for the New Year’s Eve poisoning. I thought it was best that you heard this from a person who knows you and not a paper.

DUSTY: Lisa, just tell me who murdered my wife.

LISA: It was Julian.

DUSTY: Julian? Your business partner?

LISA: Yes.

DUSTY: Why the hell would he do this?

LISA: He wanted revenge on Oakdale.

DUSTY: Why? He doesn’t even know anyone in town.

LISA: Well, that’s just it. He did. See, Julian’s real name is Julian Stenbeck. He is the brother of Lars and James. An unknown brother. He was adopted before their mother…

DUSTY: (standing) Hold it. Are you saying that a Stenbeck killed Janet?

LISA: Yes. A Stenbeck brother killed your wife. I am so sorry.

Then, Dusty walks to the door.

LISA: (standing) Dusty, where are you going?

DUSTY: I’m going to get information on how to find this bastard. I am going to inflict so much pain on him. I am going to kill him!

Dusty then storms out. He slams the door.

LISA: Oh, Lisa. What have you done?

The camera zooms in on Lisa’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 80***

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EP 171 - The Finale