Tuesday, May 9, 2017

EP 79 - The Custody Battle PT. 2


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman

SPECIAL GUEST STAR: Susan Haskell as Marcy
NEW CHARACTER: Klea Scott as Dr. Sandra Martin


At Susan’s Home, Susan is in the living room. She has a bed set up on the couch. It is apparent that the downstairs portion of the house is now where she lives. She wheels over to her counter by the couch. She pops open a bottle of pills. She sets out two. Then, there is  knock at the door. She wheels to the door.

SUSAN: (opening the door) Betsy, what a lovely surprise.

BETSY: (entering the home) Hey, mom.

Susan shuts the door. The two go by the couch.

SUSAN: So, what brings you by?

BETSY: Well, it is time I reveal something that I’ve been keeping from you. This something has to do with your paralysis.

At Java Underground, Sheila walks out of the cafe. She has a cup of coffee in hand. As she is about to step into the parking lot, she bumps into Parker.

SHEILA: Oh gosh, I am so sorry.

PARKER: (laughs) Don’t worry about it.

SHEILA: Please, let me get you a coffee. As an apology.

PARKER: That’s very sweet. But, I’m good.

SHEILA: (extending hand) I’m Dr. Sheila Murphy.

Parker shakes Sheila’s hand.

PARKER: I’m Parker Snyder. And, I’m sorry. But, did you just say that your last name is Murphy? As in…

SHEILA: My daughter is Madison.


At Memorial Hospital, Rita is showing Dr. Sandra Martin around.

RITA: We have one of the top nurse’s stations in the country. Our station is equipped with the newest versions of technology.

SANDRA: I am absolutely impressed by this hospital.

RITA: So, do you think this would be a good fit?

SANDRA: I think so. I think I would be very happy. Now, if I can ask you a question. That is if you don’t mind, of course.

RITA: I don’t mind.

SANDRA: Why did you decide to give up being the Chief of Staff here?

RITA: Well, I decided that Oakdale was never the right place for me to live. Also, I need to go back into retirement. I’m moving to Miami. It’s the right thing to do. That much I know.

At the Oakdale Courthouse, Dusty is sitting on the left side of the courtroom. Craig and Casey are on the other side. The judge is sitting at her honorable place. There is a Bailiff by the judge’s chamber door. There is also a court note taker. Marcy has approached the courtroom. She is standing.

MARCY: (looking over at Craig) Mr. Montgomery, is it true that you have not seen or spoken with your child Gabriel Caras in six years?

There is a short silence.

JUDGE: Mr. Montgomery, please answer the question.

CRAIG: It is true. I haven’t seen my son in six years.

Marcy looks back over at the judge.

MARCY: Your Honor, I believe you know where I’m going with this.

JUDGE: I have a theory. You may sit down.

MARCY: Thank you.

Marcy walks off and sits.

JUDGE: Mr. Hughes, would you like to respond?

CASEY: (standing) I would, your Honor. Mr. Montgomery hasn’t seen his child in six years. That is a fact. However, Mr. Donovan isn’t the best when it comes to checking on his children. His son with his deceased wife Janet Ciccone has been stored away at boarding school. Mr. Donovan saw the child during Janet’s funeral. But, it has become known to me, through contact with the child’s school, that Mr. Donovan is rarely ever in contact. Now, why do you think that is?

At Bob and Kim’s Home, Kim is sitting on the couch. She is reading a magazine. Then, there’s a knock at the door. She closes her magazine and goes to answer the door.

KIM: (opening the door) Oh, may I help you.

There’s a florist at the door with a bouquet of flowers.

FLORIST: Yes, I have a delivery of a dozen apricot roses for a Mrs. Hughes?

KIM: Oh, that’s me. (taking the roses) Thanks.

Kim signs for the roses on an iPAD.

KIM: Thanks again.

When she shuts the door, she brings the roses into the living room. She sets the down on the coffee table. She takes the card out from the bouquet and she reads it.

I’ve missed you so much. I’ve also missed your beautiful voice.

KIM: I really do love when Bob apologizes.

Kim takes one of the roses from the dozen and sniffs them.

At the Oakdale Police Department, Margo takes off her reading glasses. She sets them on the top of her desk.

MARGO: Bob, who could this woman possibly be?

BOB: Well, it someone that we already know.

MARGO: Okay. Go ahead. Tell me who really murdered this boy.

BOB: Well, this shocked me at first. But, then, I realized that it actually makes complete sense. The woman I saw when I was put under hypnosis was Rita. I saw Rita Davenport. She is the one who murdered Brett Evans.

MARGO: Are you sure?

BOB: Completely.

MARGO: Oh my god.

BOB: Dr. Murphy believes that somehow she brainwashed me into believing that I murdered that child.

MARGO: Well, there’s only one thing I can do.

BOB: What can you do?

MARGO: I can arrest her. In fact, (standing) come with me. You can watch me put the cuffs on this evil woman.

Back at Susan’s Home, Susan and Betsy are sitting on the couch. They are also having some tea. Susan tops off her teacup.

SUSAN: Thank you for helping me to the couch.

BETSY: Of course, mom. No problem.

SUSAN: So, can you finally tell me what you’ve been keeping from me?

BETSY: Oh. Yeah. That. I can’t wait for you to hear about this.

SUSAN: Hear about what?

BETSY: Well, for the past couple of months I’ve been doing some digging on your syndrome. Anyway, I discovered something that wasn’t known to me. In Russia they are doing this procedure that can heal patient with crucial Guillain Barre. I managed to get you into one of these surgeries. It’s next Monday at four.

SUSAN: Are you saying that I’m going to walk again?

BETSY: (laughs) That’s exactly what I’m saying.

SUSAN: Oh god! Thank you!

Susan begins to cry tears of joy. Her and Betsy embrace.

Back at Java Underground, Sheila takes a sip of her coffee.

SHEILA: If I’m not mistaken you and my daughter had a thing at one point.

PARKER: We did. However, with that being said, it didn’t last long.

SHEILA: That’s what I heard. I’m sorry about that.

PARKER: Yeah...well...it was kinda of a 50/50 situation.

SHEILA: Sometimes it is. You’re really cute by the way.

PARKER: Thanks...I guess.

SHEILA: Look, I just moved into this new apartment. And, I have been lonely for awhile. Anyway, Madison declined my invitation for dinner. Um...if this isn’t stretching it...would you like to come over? I know I’m a little older…

PARKER: No, that’s fine. I would love to come over.

SHEILA: Great. Call my building. Ask for 3B. They’ll transfer you.

PARKER: Alright. Sounds good.

Sheila and Parker smile at one another. Sheila walks off.

Back at Bob and Kim’s Home, Kim walks back into the living room. The flowers are now in a vase. She puts them on the mantle of the fireplace.

KIM: There we go. Those look beautiful.

Kim smiles at the roses. She then walks up the stairs, shutting off the living room lights. The camera then pans to the card.

Back at Memorial Hospital, Rita and Sandra walk to the nurse’s station desk.

RITA: So, tell me. Do you really want this job? This hospital would love to have you as its next chief-of-staff.

SANDRA: Well, the offer is irresistible.

RITA: Does that mean you’ll take it.

SANDRA: Yes. I’ll take the job.

RITA: Wonderful! Let’s go to my office.

Then, Bob and Margo.

MARGO: Not so fast, Rita.

Rita and Sandra turn around.

RITA: Bob. Commissioner Hughes.

BOB: Hello, Rita.

RITA: What are you two doing here?

BOB: We know what you did.

RITA: What I did?

BOB: I went under hypnosis. I know the truth about that night. I know that you were the one who cut the LVAD wire. I know you killed Brett Evans.

Rita is in complete shock.

RITA: That is…

MARGO: Rita, don’t even try to make excuses for yourself. We all know the truth. We all know what happened. We know what you did.

Margo then takes out handcuffs. She puts the on Rita.

RITA: What the hell are you doing?

MARGO: Dr. Rita Davenport, you are under arrest for the murder of Brett Evans. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Back at the Oakdale Courthouse, Craig is now smiling at Dusty.

CASEY: It is a simple question.

JUDGE: It truly is. It is one that I have to think about. In fact, there are a lot of things that I’ve had to think about, where this child is concerned.

Casey goes to sit down.

JUDGE: I don’t need anytime in my chambers. Many of you might think that is odd. However, I’ve built up a track record of making my choices quickly. This case is no exception. I have decided who I will award full and complete custody to. I have decided to rule in favor of Mr. Dustin Donovan.

The judge bangs her gavel, collects herself, and exits the room. Marty and Dusty stand. They are very happy. They shake hands.

DUSTY: Thank you for what you’ve done.

MARCY: I love to do my job. I’ve got another client to deal with in an hour. So, I’ve got to do some prep work. Congratulations on the win.

DUSTY: (laughs) Same to you.


CASEY: You okay?

CRAIG: I’m fine. Could you give Dusty and I a minute?

CASEY: Of course.

Casey grabs his briefcase and exits. Craig goes to Dusty.

CRAIG: There you go. You won. Don’t expect  congratulations.

DUSTY: Wasn’t planning on it. Can I tell you something, Craig?

CRAIG: Sure. Go right ahead.

DUSTY: This is a one time warning. And, it isn’t an empty threat. Don’t you ever try to get ahead of me again. If you do try again, it will be the last thing you ever do.

CRAIG: (laughs) Dusty, we both have information on one another. However, you better be more careful than me. Goodbye.

Craig walks off. Then, Dusty’s phone rings. He retrieves it and answers.

DUSTY: Hello. Oh, Lisa. Hi. What do you mean you need to tell me something about Janet’s death? Yeah. Sure. I’ll be right over. No problem. Bye.

Dusty hangs up the phone.

DUSTY: What in the world does Lisa need to tell me?

The camera zooms in on Dusty’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 79***

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EP 171 - The Finale