Thursday, May 4, 2017

EP 78 - The Custody Battle PT. 1


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum

SPECIAL GUEST STAR: Susan Haskell as Marcy


At the Oakdale Courthouse, Dusty and Marcy step off the elevator. They walk over the doors of courtroom number three.

MARCY: So, are you sur that you’re ready for today?

DUSTY: Yeah. I think so. I’m not going down without a fight.

MARCY: I love it when my clients have confidence. I’ll let you in on a little secret with us lawyers. When our clients have confidence, we get confident.

Then, Craig and Casey walk around the corner.

CRAIG: Hello, everyone.

DUSTY: Are you serious right now? You’re representing him?

CASEY: Dusty, he’s family. Plus, I’m just doing my job.

Then, a Bailiff comes out of the courtroom.

BAILIFF: Hey, guys. We’re ready for you. Come in.

At the Mona Lisa, Diego is having a cup of coffee at a table. He is also on his phone. Then, Lily enters the restaurant.

DIEGO: (on the phone) Iva, I’m becoming very worried about you. Please, call me back. I need to hear from you.

Lily approaches Diego.

LILY: Well, well, well...don’t tell me there’s trouble in paradise?

At BRO, Barbara is in her office. She is sitting behind her desk. She is very hard at work. In the middle of her work, Paul barges in.

BARBARA: (looking up) Honey, what in the world?

PAUL: Why the hell are you getting involved in my marriage?

The camera pans to both of their faces.

At Oakdale Police Department, Bob enters. Bob let’s out a sigh. Then, he walks up to Margo’s Office. He knocks on the door.

MARGO: (on the other side) Come in!

Bob enters. Margo is sitting behind her desk. She is doing paperwork.

MARGO: (looking up) Hey, Bob. I was just about to call you. I wanted to know how the session with the therapist went.

BOB: Well, there’s no need for a call. I am here to tell you everything. In fact, I have some pretty shocking news.

MARGO: Please, sit.

Bob sits.

MARGO: What’s going on? What’d you find out?

BOB: I found out that I in fact, did not kill that boy.

At the Murphy Home, Madison is working out in the living room.

WOMAN: (on tv) Alright. Now, we’re going to go into our push ups…

As Madison is about to go into a push-up position, there is a knock at the door. Madison sighs and pauses the TV. She then walks to the door.

MADISON: (opening the door) What the hell do you want?

SHEILA: Is that any way to talk to your mother?

MADISON: When it comes to a mother like you…

SHEILA: Look, I’m not here to fight with you.

MADISON: Then, why are you here?

SHEILA: Well, I wanted to tell you that I won’t be moving in.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Lily sits across from Diego.

DIEGO: Everything is fine. Iva is just taking a vacation. She hasn’t called me in a few days. So, I just wanted to get a check up.

LILY: Iva’s not really the type of woman who gives people check ups. Aren’t you marrying the woman?

DIEGO: I am. Where are you going with this?

LILY: I’m just saying that maybe you should know everything.

DIEGO: Lily, I gotta go. I have two interviews to take care of.

LILY: That really sucks. I was really enjoying our conversation.

DIEGO: (standing) Look, will you call me if you hear from Iva?

LILY: (standing) Diego, understand this…, I will never do you any favors. If I hear from Iva, then I will keep that information to myself. If your future wife wants to speak with you, she’ll call you. Your relationship is not mine. Therefore, I don’t have to care about it. Have a nice day.

Lily grabs her purse and walks off.

Back at BRO, in Barbara’s Office, Barbara stands from her desk.

BARBARA: Paul, it is not what it looks like.

PAUL: Mom, you went to Emily. You said that you fired Faith. You said that you were trying to get my marriage on track. It is exactly what it looks like.

BARBARA: Well, I’m sorry! I just didn’t want you to end up like I have.

PAUL: End up like you have? What are you talking about?

BARBARA: (sighs) I know what screw-ups do to a relationship. I know how they ruin a relationship. All these relationship screw-ups have given me loads of wisdom. I was just hoping that I could pass that wisdom onto my son.

PAUL: Mom, I appreciate you looking out for me. However, I need you to not get in the middle of some things.

BARBARA: I apologize. And, I mean that. I should not have stepped in the way of you and Emily. It is up to you to fix this. You’re right. But, there’s no denying that I’ve helped you a little bit by firing Faith.

PAUL: Yeah. Thanks for that. However, I can’t help

Back at the Murphy Home, Sheila enters. Madison shuts the door.

MADISON: (turning back) So, let me get this straight. You rushed back into my life. You begged me to let you live here. Now, you are quitting that fight?

SHEILA: Yes, that is correct.

MADISON: What’s the catch?

SHEILA: The catch?

MADISON: Mom, there’s always a catch. Especially with you.

SHEILA: (sighs) Fine. You caught me. There’s a catch.

MADISON: So, what’s the catch?

SHEILA: I want you to come to the apartment. After I get everything, including myself, settled down. I want you to come over for dinner.

MADISON: No. I’m not coming over for dinner.

SHEILA: Honey, please! I miss you.

MADISON: You don’t get to miss me! You walked away from this mother/daughter relationship. One week of badgering me won’t fix anything.

SHEILA: I’m trying. And, I will continue to try. My love for you is so strong. I know you don’t think it is, but it is. Please, just come over.

MADISON: I already gave you my answer.

Then, Madison walks over to the door.

MADISON: (opening the door) I think that it is time for you to go. I need to finish my workout and get a shower. My boyfriend is coming over.

SHEILA: (walking to the door) You have a boyfriend?

MADISON: My relationship is none of your business. Please, leave.

SHEILA: Okay. Okay. I’ll leave. As you wish.

Sheila steps outside.

SHEILA: I’ll see you around.

MADISON: Don’t count on it.

Madison closes the door in Sheila’s face. She then takes a deep breath.

Back at the Oakdale Police Department, in Margo’s Office, Margo takes off her reading glasses and sets the on her desk.

MARGO: You discovered that you didn’t kill Brett?

BOB: That’s right.

MARGO: Then, who did it? Did you see who did it?

BOB: I did. I told the therapist that I didn’t know who it was. However, I know exactly who it was that I saw. I just needed to get to you.

MARGO: Bob, tell me now. Who did you see?

BOB: It was a woman.

MARGO: Who was this woman that killed Brett?

BOB: Rita. Rita Davenport. It was her. All along.

Back at the Oakdale Courthouse, Marcy and Dusty are sitting on the left side of the courtroom. Craig and Casey are on the other side. The judge is sitting at her honorable place. There is a Bailiff by the judge’s chamber door. There is also a court note taker.

JUDGE: So, we are here to discuss the case of custody for teenager Johnny Montgomery. Ms. Chamberlain, please make your statement.

MARCY: Your Honor, we are asking that Mr. Craig Montgomery not have custody of the minor. Mr. Montgomery is a known criminal. His crimes range from espionage to even murder. He even recently got out of prison. Also, Mr. Montgomery’s home is not fully settled yet. He can’t possibly make room for a teenage boy. My client is a known man around the community. The document that I gave you proves that he is not only a well-liked man but a good father.

JUDGE: Thank you.

MARCY: Thank you.

Marcy sits back down.

JUDGE: Mr. Hughes.

Casey stands. He goes in front of the judge.

CASEY: Your Honor, my client has proven time and time again that prison time healed him. It does what our prison system does best. It heals somebody. In his most recent stint, he was involved in many therapies and even the prison church system. Mr. Montgomery is fully rehabilitated. He is ready to take care of a child. Mr. Donovan has many people that gave testimony through letter. So does Mr. Montgomery. These letters are from four priest, three officers, and many more well respected people.

JUDGE: Thank you.

CASEY: Thank you.

Casey goes to sit back down.

MARCY: Your Honor, if I may?

JUDGE: Go right ahead.

Marcy stands.

MARCY: (looking over at Craig) Mr. Montgomery, is it true that you have not seen or spoken with your child Gabriel Caras in six years?

There is a short silence.

JUDGE: Mr. Montgomery, please answer the question.

The camera pans to Craig and Casey. Then, it pans over to Marcy. Then, to Dusty. The camera zooms in on Dusty’s smiling face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 78***

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EP 171 - The Finale