Tuesday, May 2, 2017

EP 77 - Rosanna Comforts Dusty


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman

NEW CHARACTER: Gail O'Grady as Sheila Murphy


At Oakdale Towers, Carly is walking up flights of stairs. She has a grocery bag in hand. She is also talking on the phone.

CARLY: JJ, thanks for putting the chicken in the fridge. Also, could you call Parker and make sure that Donatella Versace sent over the fabric? She owes us that favor. Alright. Thanks. Look, I’m almost to your dad’s apartment. Gotta go. Love you too.

As Carly hangs up the phone, she goes to Jack’s door. She knocks the door. A couple seconds later, Jack opens the door.

JACK: Hey, honey.

CARLY: (smiling) Hi.

Carly enters, as Jack shuts the door.

At Betsy’s Penthouse, Emily enters the living room. She has a cup of tea in hand. As she is about to sit down, there’s a knock at the door. She sets her cup of tea down on the table and goes to the door.

EMILY: (opening the door) Barbara, what are you doing here?

BARBARA: We need to talk. Can I come in?

EMILY: (sighs) That depends. Is this visit about Paul?


EMILY: Then, no. You can’t come in.

BARBARA: Dammit, Emily. I’m trying to fix the marriage you have with my son. The least you could do is let me in.

At the Murphy Home, Johnny enters, as Madison shuts the door.

MADISON: Thanks for coming by.

JOHNNY: No problem.

The two walk into the living room.

JOHNNY: So, what’s up?

MADISON: Well…, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. I got some startling news, today. Some news that I thought I would never receive.

JOHNNY: Madison…, what’s going on?

MADISON: My mother...Sheila...has returned to town. Prepare for crap to once again hit the fan. This oughta be a lot of fun.

At Memorial Hospital, Kim and Bob step off the elevator. They begin to walk to the hospital’s therapist office.

KIM: I am really glad that you decided to do this.

BOB: Well, I just need to remember everything from that night. It happened 62 years ago. I could cearintly be missing something.

KIM: Well,  let’s go see if you are forgetting something.

Kim and Bob walk upto the door of the office. They knock on the door.

SHEILA: Come in!

Bob and Kim enter. Sheila stands.

SHEILA: Oh. You must be Bob and Kim?

KIM: Yes.

SHEILA: Great. I’m going to get out a legal pad and a pen. Bob, how about you go ahead and make yourself comfortable. Mrs. Hughes, I am going to have to ask you to leave. I don’t want my patient to have any distractions.

KIM: I understand. Good luck, honey.

Kim and Bob kiss on the cheek.

BOB: Thank you, darling.

Kim smiles and walks out. Bob sits down on a couch. Sheila pulls up a chair next to him. She begins to take notes.

SHEILA: Alright, let’s begin.

At Dusty’s Home, Dusty is walking down the stairs, as there is a knock at the door. As soon as he opens the door, Rosanna enters with a shopping bag.

DUSTY: Rosanna, hello to you too.

Dusty shuts the door and the two walk into the living room.

ROSANNA: I had to come over.

DUSTY: What’s in the bag?

ROSANNA: Well, that’s why I needed to come over. By the time I got to my car at the gas station, I realized that I bought too much tequila and too much ice cream.

DUSTY: And, that points you in the direction of my home?

ROSANNA: Well, I knew of a friend who needed this. So, get your blender and let’s make some tequila milkshakes.

Back at the Murphy Home, Johnny and Madison sit on the couch.

JOHNNY: Madi, I don’t understand.

MADISON: Of course you don’t. And, I don’t blame you. I don’t blame you because I really never talk about my mom. It’s a sore subject for me.

JOHNNY: Look, I’m here to listen to what you have to say.

MADISON: Well, it all started when my dad passed my congestive heart failure. My mom lost it. It’s like she didn’t care for me anymore. So, she took her work…

JOHNNY: What’s her work?

MADISON: She’s a therapist. Anyway, she took her work to California. She opened up her own office. However, do to money issues, her office had to close. She came here yesterday. Apparently, the hospital here offered her a job. She took it. She started today.

JOHNNY: Wow. How does that make you feel?

MADISON: (standing) I don’t know. I just don’t know. She left me. I had to take care of everything around here. I made my own meals, I paid the bills, I scheduled my own doctor appointments at 15!

JOHNNY: (standing) Where is she staying?

MADISON: She said she wants to move back here. She says she wants to do the whole family thing. Be my mom.

JOHNNY: Are you gonna let that happen?

MADISON: Oh it’s going to happen...over my dead body.

Back at Jack’s Apartment, Carly and Jack are sitting at Jack’s small dining room table. They are drinking red wine and having their dinner.

CARLY: I had a visit with Rosanna today.

JACK: How did that go?

CARLY: I would like to say that it went well. However, I asked her for help on the whole Barbara situation.

JACK: And…?

CARLY: She said “no”. However, it was for the right reason.

JACK: Wow. You actually agree with someone.

CARLY: There’s a first time for everything.

JACK: (laughs) So, why’d she say that?

CARLY: Well, she doesn’t want it to come between our improvement. I get that. But, it took me awhile to get that.

JACK: Can I ask you a serious question?

CARLY: Of course.

JACK: Are you worried about this whole thing?

CARLY: Funny that you mention that. I was thinking about that when I was getting the food and wine. To be honest, I’m not worried. Barbara and I have gone head-to-head many times before. And, after all these years, she still doesn’t know who she’s dealing with.

JACK: (smiling) That’s my girl.

Back at Dusty’s Home, in the Kitchen, Rosanna and Dusty are sitting at the island. They are having their tequila milkshakes.

DUSTY: Thanks for this. I didn’t understand how much I needed this, until we blended the two together.

ROSANNA: (laughs) Aren’t these just Heaven on Earth?

DUSTY: They really are.

ROSANNA: I dropped off some fresh flowers at Janet’s cross in the park, this morning. I love the color you guys painted it.

DUSTY: Thanks. Johnny suggested purple. He was right to do so. It was her favorite color. I can’t believe I forgot her favorite color.

ROSANNA: Dusty, you’ve been through alot lately.

DUSTY: But, I should’ve remembered.

ROSANNA: You know what? How about I pour you another. You seem like you need a good friend-to-friend conversation.

Back at Betsy’s Penthouse, Barbara enters. Emily shuts the door.

EMILY: Barbara, what do you mean you are trying to fix my marriage?

BARBARA: I know everything. And, I’m just trying to salvage the one good thing my son has in his life. I just fired Faith. I believe that’s the first step.

EMILY: Well, that was dumb firing.

BARBARA: Why do you say that?

EMILY: Don’t you get it? I don’t blame Faith. I blame Paul. First, he kisses Faith. Then, he hides it from me. I am his wife. He should’ve told me.

BARBARA: Honey, I’ve been married nine times. Trust me, sometimes it is better if a man doesn’t tell you personal things that he’s done.

EMILY: Barbara, Henry is the only marriage that has so far worked out for you. You are the last person that should be giving out relationship advice, like an old woman at a church gives out butterscotches.

BARBARA: Good point.

EMILY: And, let me tell you something else. Paul should be coming to me. Since I moved out, he has not left a single voicemail.

BARBARA: He’s been overloaded with work. Our face cream comes out next week. Bonita Chica is trying…

EMILY: I don’t care! The next time you see Paul, you tell him that he needs to fight for me....not his mother.

At Memorial Hospital, in Sheila’s Office, Bob has now shut his eyes. The lights are dimmed. They are in the middle of their session.

SHEILA: Alright, Bob. You are now in 1955. You are at Oakdale University’s Hospital. It is the night that Brett Evans passed away. Where are you now?

BOB: I’m walking through the hospital. I am now at Brett’s room. I am walking in. But, I see someone there. I see someone buy his bed.

SHEILA: Focus, Bob. I need you to focus. Who is that person?

BOB: I don’t know. I can’t see them. But, I see something in their hands.

SHEILA: What do you see in their hands?

BOB: I...I...I…

Then, Bob wakes up. He has sweat dripping from his forehead.

SHEILA: Bob, what’d you see?

BOB: I saw someone else cut the wire. I didn’t kill Brett.

The camera zooms in on Bob’s face.  

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 77***

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EP 171 - The Finale