Tuesday, April 18, 2017

EP 73 - Carly's Been Played!


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman


At Casey and Alison’s Apartment, Casey is sitting on the couch in the living room. He is typing up a brief. Alison enters the living room. She is in her pajamas.

ANNOUNCER: The role of Casey Hughes is now being played by Blake Hood.
CASEY: (looking up) Hey, honey. I’m glad you decided to come out of the bedroom. It’s nice to see your face.

ALISON: Yeah. (sitting next to him) Sorry that I’ve been asleep all day. I just didn’t feel like getting out of bed.

CASEY: Understandable. But, I need to talk to you about something.

ALISON: What’s up?

CASEY: Will you ever be ready to rejoin the real world?

At FairWinds, Eliza enters through the front door.

ANNOUNCER: The role of Eliza Ryan is now being played by Denyse Tontz.
ELIZA: (calling out) Hello! Is anyone home?!

Then, Eliza enters the living room. She sees Paul. He is sitting on the couch. He is having a glass of scotch. There is a bottle of scotch in front of him. It is made apparent that he has had several glasses.

ELIZA: Dad, is everything okay?

PAUL: No. Everything's not okay.

ELIZA: What’s going on?

PAUL: Emily left me. I don’t think she’s ever coming back. And, it is my fault. How could I have been so stupid?

At BRO, Carly enters Barbara’s Office.

BARBARA: Whatever happened to knocking?

CARLY: You know me, Barbara, I don’t believe in knocking. Anyway, you said that you wanted to see me. What’s up?

BARBARA: Well, I need to talk to you about your design company.

CARLY: What about CT Designs?

BARBARA: I’m not sure that I’m going to sell it back to you.

At Betsy’s Penthouse, Emily is sitting on the couch. Betsy enters the living room, carrying two cups of tea. She hands one to Emily and has one for herself. Betsy then sits next to Emily on the couch.

EMILY: Thank you.

BETSY: Of course. Listen, I hope you know that you can stay here for as long as you want. That second room is all yours.

EMILY: Thanks again.

BETSY: You wanna talk about it?

EMILY: I don’t think there is anything left to talk about. Diego was already making Paul and I drift further from one another. Now, I have to compete with a girl in her 20’s. Isn’t marriage just so much fun?

At the AIDS/HIV Research Center, Sabrina and Iva are in Sabrina’s Office. They are sitting at the office conference table. There are papers and files everywhere.

IVA: It seems as though we are never going to get through all of this.

SABRINA: I know. We’ve been at this since seven this morning.

IVA: I am beginning to miss the outdoors. And, I’m not an outdoors person. I am your indoors-is-better chick.

SABRINA: (laughs) Me too.

Then, Iva’s phone rings.

IVA: Hey, do you mind if I get that?

SABRINA: No, not at all.

Iva gets up and goes to her purse. She retrieves her iPHONE. She presses ANSWER and places the phone up to her ear.

IVA: Hello. Yes, this is Iva Snyder. May I ask who I’m speaking with? You’re a doctor? I’m sorry what? Oh my god. Are you serious? What hospital? Okay. Yeah. I’ll be right there. Thank you for calling me.

As Iva hangs up, she is motionless. It is as though her heart just sunk.

SABRINA: Iva…, is everything okay?

IVA: No. No. Not at all.

Back at FairWinds, in the Living room, Eliza sits next to Paul.

ELIZA: I don’t understand. Emily left?

PAUL: Yeah. She did.

ELIZA: Where did she go? Is she staying at the LakeView?

PAUL: No. She’s staying with Betsy, at her penthouse.

ELIZA: Oh. So, you said she left because of you? Dad, what exactly did you do to her? What was so catastrophic to the point that she had to leave?

PAUL: I kissed someone else.

ELIZA: You did what? Who? Who did you kiss?

PAUL: Faith.

ELIZA: Snyder? As in my friend Faith?

PAUL: Correct.

ELIZA: Dad, what is wrong with you?

PAUL: Young lady, I know I made a mistake. However, I will not have you speak to me that way. Do you understand?

ELIZA: Yes. Sorry.

PAUL: That’s okay. And, to answer your question, I really don’t know what is wrong with me. I really don’t.

Back at Betsy’s Penthouse, Emily sets her tea cup on the coffee table.

EMILY: I still can’t believe this is happening. It is like a dream. No...not a dream...a horrible nightmare. I never imagined Paul would do this.

BETSY: I can’t believe he hurt you like this.

EMILY: And, with Faith Snyder. Of all the people...he kissed a girl who we used to babysit. That’s the one part I still can’t believe.

BETSY: Em…, I was thinking about something.

EMILY: What were you thinking about?

BETSY: Well, ask yourself this. How big of a role did Faith play in this kiss? Was it five percent her? Or was it 95 percent her? I think if you can find an answer to that question, then things will look a lot brighter for you and Paul.

Back at Casey and Alison’s Apartment, Alison sits in a chair.

ALISON: I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready. Me going back out into the world, means that I have to be at some level of accepting our loss.

CASEY: Honey, no it doesn’t.

ALISON: Yeah, it does. You don’t seem to understand that. God, it is like you are not even grieving our child.

CASEY: (standing) Where is this coming from?

ALISON: (standing) I think you know.

CASEY: Frankly, I don’t know. I have been grieving our child.

ALISON: Really? Because, it seems to me like all you have been doing is going to work. For the love of god, your dad is your boss. I’m sure he would’ve given you some time off.

CASEY: I still have to support us. You are off from the hospital. Which means, that I have to be in the working world at the moment.

ALISON: (sighs) Look, I’m sorry for snapping at you. It is just that...that...I feel like I am the only one who is grieving here.

CASEY: Alison, you are not. Trust me. I have one of the sonogram pictures framed and on my desk. Everyday, when I look at it, I start to tear up.

ALISON: How come you didn’t tell me about this? How come you didn’t tell me about the whole sonogram thing?

CASEY: Because, I need to be strong for you. I don’t want to further upset you. You are going through a lot.

ALISON: I’m not the only one who lossed a child. From now on, I want you to tell me about these things. Please.

CASEY: (sighs) Okay. I will. I’ll tell you about these things. I love you so much, Alison. Come here, honey.

Casey takes Alison in his arms.

ALISON: I love you too, Casey. I love you too.

Back at the AIDS/HIV Research Center, Sabrina stands.

SABRINA: (going to Iva) Iva, what’s going on? Who was that?

IVA: That was a hospital in Florida.

SABRINA: Why was a hospital calling you?

IVA: My ex-husband Jason...he...um...he had (holding back tears)...he had a heart attack. And, they (choked up) are about to operate on him. I guess I’m still his emergency contact. They want me to come and be with him. I just agreed.

SABRINA: Oh, god, yes go.

IVA: I can’t.

SABRINA: Why not?

IVA: I have a fiancee. I just can’t…

SABRINA: Listen, you need to be with Jason right now. I will handle Diego. Just go. Be with Jason. Don’t worry bout a thing.

IVA: Thank you. Thank you so much.

Iva wipes tears from her face. She grabs her purse. She then hugs Sabrina.

SABRINA: I’ll keep him in my prayers.

IVA: Thanks. Goodbye, Sabrina.

SABRINA: Bye. Call me when you land in Florida.

IVA: I will.

Iva walks out of the office, shutting the door behind her.

Back at BRO, in Barbara’s Office, Barbara stands from her desk. She then walks out from behind and goes to Carly.

CARLY: What the hell are you talking about? Of course you’re going to sell my company back to me. That was the deal we made.

BARBARA: Carly, you know that a good businesswoman never gives up a great deal. I struck a great deal. I better stay true to that contract we all signed.

CARLY: The contract we signed said that you will sell my company back to me.

BARBARA: Actually, that isn’t entirely true.

CARLY: What do you mean? I don’t understand.

BARBARA: I played you, Carly. You read a rough draft of the contract. Before we went into the meeting, I had my legal team take out the sell-back-to-Carly part.

CARLY: Are you kidding me?

BARBARA: No. This is no joke.

Then, in rage, Carly slaps Barbara.

CARLY: You little bitch!

The camera pans to Barbara. She is smiling, but holding her cheek. The camera finishes out by zooming in on an enraged Carly.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 73***

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EP 171 - The Finale