Thursday, April 20, 2017

EP 74 - Iva Gets News On Jason


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At the Snyder Farm, Carly enters the home. She is still enraged from what Barbara revealed to her. She immediately goes to the kitchen. She gets out a wine glass and a bottle of red wine, from the fridge. She pours herself a glass and jugs it. Then, Jack enters.

JACK: Hey.

CARLY: Oh. Hey. I forgot you were spending the night.

JACK: Yeah. It’s fine. What’s up with you?

CARLY: Nothing much. Except, on my way home, I began to dream about the death of Barbara. (laughs) You won’t believe what that cold, calculating bitch did to me this time. Damn her.

At the Oakdale Police Department, Margo enters. A police officer walks up to her.

OFFICER: Commissioner.

MARGO: Yes, Wayne?

WAYNE: There’s a woman waiting for you in your office.

MARGO: Oh? What’s her name?

WAYNE: Uh...Ri...Rita. That’s it. Rita.

MARGO: Okay thanks.

Margo then enters her office. Rita is sitting down.

MARGO: Hello, I’m Commissioner Margo Hughes. How are you?

RITA: I’m good. What about yourself?

MARGO: I’m great thank you. May I ask why you’re here?

RITA: Well, I have some information about an unsolved murder.

At a Hospital in Florida, Iva is pacing the waiting room. A couple seconds later, a Doctor enters. The doctor is in scrubs.

DOCTOR: (going to Iva) Hi. Are you Miss Snyder?

IVA: Yes, I am.

DOCTOR: We have some information on Jason.

At Ruffles, Steve is sitting at the bar. He is having a beer. Betsy enters. She looks around. Upon spotting Steve, she walks up to him.

BETSY: (sitting down) Hey.

STEVE: Hey. It’s about time you get here.

BETSY: Sorry that I’m late. You would not believe traffic tonight.

STEVE: Well, you’re here now. That’s all that matters.

BETSY: So, why’d you wanna meet me tonight?

STEVE: I needed to talk to you right away.

BETSY: About…?

STEVE: About us. And, our future together.

At Lily and Holden’s Home, Lily and Natalie are sitting on the floor, in the living room. They are painting their toenails.

LILY: I’m so glad that we got to do a girls day.

NATALIE: I am too. Today was fun.

LILY: (smiling) It was. Plus, I could not remember the last time that we had one of our official girl days.

NATALIE: I know. It’s been forever.

LILY: It truly has.

NATALIE: So, anyway…

LILY: Yes?

NATALIE: I have some news to share with you.

LILY: Oh really? Do tell.

NATALIE: Well, Brooklyn asked me to move in with her.

Back at the Snyder Farm, Carly pours herself another glass of wine.

JACK: So, Barbara took that piece out of the contract?

CARLY: Yes. Yes, she did.

JACK: Why would she do that?

CARLY: She said that when a businesswoman finds something that works, that they should keep that something. She’s a bitch...but she’s a smart bitch.

JACK: Yes she is.

CARLY: I just can’t believe her. You know what? This shouldn’t shock me. Barbara and I have never been on good terms forever.

JACK: No, you two have never managed to do that. So, are you going to fight her on this one? Or, are you going to let her win?

CARLY: It is my company. I got it away from Rosanna. I can cearintly find a way to get it away from Barbara. She messed with the wrong person.

Carly takes a sip of her wine.

Back at Ruffles, the bartender hands Betsy a beer.

BETSY: Future? I didn’t know that was an option for us.

STEVE: Of course it is. We’re two adults. We deserve to be happy.

BETSY: Are you sure that we should be happy with each other?

STEVE: Loaded question.

BETSY: It needs to be asked.

STEVE: I guess it does.


STEVE: I think we can be happy with one another. There you go. You know my answer. What about you? What do you think?

BETSY: Honestly? I don’t know.

Back at Lily and Holden’s Home, Lily begins to file her nails.

LILY: She asked you to move in?


LILY: When did she ask this?

NATALIE: This morning.



LILY: Honey, are you sure you’re ready for that? I mean...I just wanna make sure that you two aren’t moving too quickly.

NATALIE: (sighs) I’m not sure. I told her that I would think on it and try to get back to her ASAP. I’m just not sure what I should say.

LILY: Listen, relationships aren’t easy. That is why you need to be careful, before you take this huge step forward.

NATALIE: I know. And, I plan on being as careful as possible.

LILY: Do you like Brooklyn?

NATALIE: I do. I love her in fact.

LILY: Alright. Do you feel comfortable around her?

NATALIE: Of course.

LILY: Then, I believe you just answered your own question.

Back at the Oakdale Police Department, Margo sits at her desk.

MARGO: You have information on an unsolved murder?

RITA: Correct.

MARGO: What murder?

RITA: The murder of Brett Evans.

MARGO: Isn’t that, that little boy that died 62 years ago?

RITA: Yes. I’m glad you know the case.

MARGO: Of course I know the case. It closed down the old Oakdale University Clinic. It was a huge case. What information do you have?

RITA: Well, I happen to know the person who cut Brett’s LVAD wire.

MARGO: Really? And, who is this person that cut the LVAD wire?

RITA: Well, first, you should know that this person is still living in this town.

MARGO: Really? Okay. So, tell me...who is this citizen of Oakdale who committed this crime all those years ago?

RITA: The person who cut Brett’s LVAD wire was Bob Hughes.

Back at a Florida Hospital, Iva stops her pacing.

IVA: What information do you have on Jason?

DOCTOR: First, would you like to sit down?

IVA: No, I’m fine. Just tell me.

DOCTOR: Miss Snyder, do to complications in the OR, your ex-husband passed away from another heart attack. It is very rare but why we were doing our surgery, he had another heart attack on the table. We did…

As Iva continues to listen to the doctor, his voice starts to fade. It is just her emotions and no one else.

DOCTOR: (faded) Miss Snyder? Miss Snyder?

IVA: (snapping out of it) I’m sorry. What?

DOCTOR: Would you like a moment alone?

IVA: Yes. I very much would like a moment alone.

DOCTOR: Alright then. I’m so sorry for your loss.

The doctor leaves. Upon the doctor exits, Iva sits down. She begins cry. She tries to regain herself but she can’t. The tears just flow and flow.

IVA: No! Not Jason!

The camera zooms in on Iva’s face. She is completely devastated.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 74***

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EP 171 - The Finale