Thursday, April 13, 2017

EP 72 - Dusty Threatens Craig


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At Java Underground, Brooklyn and Natalie are having lunch.

NATALIE: I’m so glad that you found time for us to have lunch.

BROOKLYN: Well, I couldn’t pass up on lunch with my fave gal.

Natalie laughs a little.

BROOKLYN: Also, I wanted to take this time to ask you something.

NATALIE: Ask me something? Okay. Go ahead. What’s up?

BROOKLYN: How would you feel about moving in together?

At the LakeView, Lily steps off the elevator. She walks down a hall of suites. She comes to Iva’s. She knocks on the door. A couple seconds later, Iva opens the door.

IVA: Lily, I haven’t seen you in weeks. What a lovely surprise.

LILY: Look, we need to talk. Right now.

IVA: What is it?

LILY: When were you going to tell me that you and Diego got engaged?

At Craig’s Home, Craig pours himself a glass of scotch. He undoes his tie and goes to the couch. As he is about to sit, there is a knock at the door. He sighs. He then puts his drink down and goes to the door.

CRAIG: (opening the door) Dusty.

DUSTY: Hello, Craig.

CRAIG: What are you doing here?

DUSTY: Well, I just had to find out why you decided to move up the court date on the custody hearing. So, why did you do it?

At WorldWide, Sierra is sitting behind her desk. She is on her office phone.

SIERRA: (on the phone) Mr. Catlin, I am delighted to hear that you’ve decided to sell us materials at a cheaper cost. Thank you.

As she continues her phone conversation, Marshall enters. He goes to Sierra and begins to kiss her neck. Sierra let’s out a small laugh.

SIERRA: Oh, no, Mr. Catlin. I am not laughing at you. Look, something just came up. I’ve gotta go. Have a good day.

Sierra hangs up the phone. She turns to Marshall and kisses him on the lips.

SIERRA: Hello, Mr. Taylor.

Marshall smiles and backs away. Sierra stands.

SIERRA: I thought you had plenty to work on today.

MARSHALL: I do. But, I just had to come and see you.

SIERRA: Oh really? What about?

MARSHALL: When can I take you on our next date?

SIERRA: Depends on where we are going.

MARSHALL: How does Paris sound?

At the Snyder Farm, in Carly’s Bedroom, Carly and Jack are in bed.

CARLY: You know that we’ve been in bed all day. Right?

JACK: Yes. And, it has so far been the best day of my life.

CARLY: Mine too. I love you so very much.

Carly kisses Jack. She then gets up. She grabs her pink robe and puts it on. She ties it around her waist, tightly.

CARLY: Now, as much as I do love you…, I have to visit Barbara.

JACK: What do you and Barbara have to discuss today?

CARLY: My company.

JACK: Do you have 10 more minutes to spare?

CARLY: (laughs) I’m sure I can scrape 10 minutes together.

JACK: That’s my girl.

Jack grabs Carly. She falls on the bed, laughing.

Back at Java Underground, Brooklyn takes a drink of her water.

NATALIE: You wanna move in together?

BROOKLYN: Yeah. Think about it. I’ve got an apartment. Plenty of room.

NATALIE: Yeah. You do. You do have a lot of room.

BROOKLYN: Do you think I’m moving too quickly?

NATALIE: Listen, can I just think on it? This is my first relationship where I am being my true self. I just want to be careful about this whole thing.

BROOKLYN: I understand.

NATALIE: (standing) Look, I’ve gotta go meet my mom at the salon downtown. She wants us to have some girl time. I’ll call you later.


Natalie and Brooklyn kiss. Natalie collects her things and walks off.

Back at the LakeView, Lily enters Iva’s Suite. Iva shuts the door.

IVA: (turning back) Look, I was going to tell you.

LILY: When? That is my burning question. Were you going to tell me tomorrow, next week, the night before the wedding?

IVA: Lily…, why does this bother you so much?

LILY: He framed me for murder! Does that fact magically evacuate your mind every time we see one another?

IVA: does not skip my mind. I know Diego isn’t the most liked person in this town. However, I love him. I really do. I deserve happiness.

LILY: Last I hear, you were done with him. He broke your heart on Christmas Eve. You were so upset about that.

IVA: I was. time...I’ve gotten over it.

LILY: Iva, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Sooner or later...Diego will stomp all over you. And, when he does, and I mean no disrespect...but...when he does...don’t come crying to me. Because, I will be right there to tell you “I told you so”.

IVA: You do that, Lily. But, I don’t think that time will ever come.

LILY: You’d be surprised how quickly will. I’ve gotta go. Goodbye, Iva.

IVA: Bye, Lily.

Iva walks Lily to the door. Iva opens the door and Lily exits. Upon closing the door, Iva walks away from it. She then glances at her engagement ring.

IVA: Everything will be just fine. (sighs) Just fine.

Back at WorldWide, Sierra and Marshall walk to the other side of the office.

SIERRA: You want to go to Paris for a second date?

MARSHALL: Yes. We can take my private jet. We’ll have dinner by the Eiffel Tower. We’ll sample many great wines. We’ll be back in no time.

SIERRA: Wow. You’ve thought of everything.

MARSHALL: I guess you could say that.

SIERRA: Do you think we could get away from all the work right now?

MARSHALL: I think we can manage that.

SIERRA: Alright. Let me just take care of a few things…

MARSHALL: Then you’ll be all mine?

SIERRA: Exactly.

MARSHALL: Sounds good to me.

Marshall and Sierra kiss.

Back at the Snyder Farm, Carly reenters the bedroom. She is now dressed in a pant suit. Jack is still laying in bed.

CARLY: Are you ever going to get up today?

JACK: Yeah. I’ve got a couple of cases to deal with.

CARLY: You have to be the hottest PI in the world.

JACK: You think so?

CARLY: I don’t think so. I know so.

JACK: Be careful...I just may pull you back in this bed.

CARLY: Tempting. But, I gotta go visit Oakdale’s version of Medusa.

JACK: Tell Barbara I said “hello”.

CARLY: (laughs) I will. Bye, honey.

JACK: Bye.

Carly and Jack kiss.

Back at Craig’s Home, Craig shuts the door.

CRAIG: Dusty, it was all my lawyers idea.

DUSTY: Bull! You did this all on your own.

CRAIG: I’m sorry if I upset you.

DUSTY: Do me a favor. Don’t ever apologize for showing your true colors, Craig. It really does get annoying.

CRAIG: Dusty…

DUSTY: Look, I get it. You miss Johnny. You feel guilty for not being there. However, that is your fault. You have a son, Craig. Go be with him. Leave mine alone.

CRAIG: Don’t cross me, Dusty. I am getting…

DUSTY: You are not getting anything! You listen to me. If you continue with this whole custody thing…, I will ruin you.

CRAIG: How so?

DUSTY: I’ll tell everyone that you caused Margo’s blindness, that you killed that guy, and that you set fire to that restaurant. You will be back in a cell so fast, it will make your head spin.

The tension continues to build. The camera zooms in on both of their faces.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 72***

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EP 171 - The Finale