Thursday, March 2, 2017

EP 60 - 2 Confessions ROCK Oakdale!


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At the Mona Lisa, Kim is having a cup of tea. Sabrina enters and looks around for a second. She then spots Kim and goes to her. She sits across from her.

SABRINA: Sorry that I’m late. There is so much traffic today. There was a car accident on fifth and it just was backed up for miles.

KIM: Oh. That’s alright.

SABRINA: So, Andy and Frannie said they could come…

KIM: I’m going to stop you right there.

SABRINA: Pardon?

KIM: Honey, I don’t want them here.

At Tom and Margo’s Home, Bob knocks on the door. A couple of seconds later, Tom opens the door.

TOM: Dad…, what a surprise. Come in.

Bob enters. Tom shuts the door.

TOM: What brings you by?

BOB: Son, I need some legal advice.

Tom is taken aback.

At the Oakdale Police Department, Katie and Henry enter into Margo’s office.

KATIE: Margo, we know how busy you are, so we’ll make this quick.

MARGO: Please, take your time. You said you had word on my case.

HENRY: Katie, go ahead and tell her. You got this.

Margo gets a recording device out.

MARGO: Let’s do this.

Katie gets nervous.

At Rosanna’s Home, Rosanna stands up in shock of what just happened.

ROSANNA: I can’t believe that you just kissed me. Dusty, you are drunk. You are upset. Janet just passed away last night.

DUSTY: (standing) I know. I know she did. I just needed something to make me feel better. I had alcohol but nothing else.

ROSANNA: Dusty, I am not going to make you feel better. I’m not that type of woman. Now, I will be here for you as a friend. I will let you stay here. I will let you take a show and have a cup of coffee. Hell, I’ll even come to the funeral. But, I will not let you kiss me all because you are too drunk and too upset.

DUSTY: (sighs) I just don’t know what I’m going to do without her.

ROSANNA: Come here.

Rosanna hugs Dusty.

ROSANNA: This is what friends are for.

At Brooklyn’s Apartment, Brooklyn opens the door to Natalie.

BROOKLYN: Hey. What brings you by?

NATALIE: I wanted to apologize.

BROOKLYN: Come on in.

Natalie enters. Brooklyn shuts the door.

NATALIE: Listen, I just couldn’t do it last night. I couldn’t move forward with telling my parents. I just…

BROOKLYN: The timing wasn’t right. I understand.

NATALIE: Thank you for understanding.

BROOKLYN: You can always make it up to me.

NATALIE: I planned too.

Natalie kisses Brooklyn.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Sabrina now has a cup of tea.

SABRINA: I don’t understand. You don’t want them here?

KIM: I’m sorry. I just don’t want them here.

SABRINA: Why not?

KIM: Honey, this fight is going to get very ugly. I just don’t want them to see me at my worse. It is already starting. I could barely get out of bed this morning. I threw up over four times last night.

SABRINA: Mom, it’s okay. I understand.

KIM: Thank you. Thank you for understanding.

SABRINA: But, I have one condition.

KIM: Okay.

SABRINA: I want you to lean on me. or call me if you need me. You’re not going to go through this alone.

KIM: I love you so much, my sweet girl.

SABRINA: I love you too, mom.

Back at Brooklyn’s Apartment, Brooklyn and Natalie are kissing passionately on the couch. Then, Brooklyn’s phone rings.

BROOKLYN: (sighs) I should get that.

NATALIE: Okay, but hurry up.

BROOKLYN: You got it.

Brooklyn answers her cellphone and walks into the bedroom. In the bedroom, Brooklyn puts the phone up to her ear.

BROOKLYN: Hello. Oh...hey, Craig. Listen, I don’t have anything for you. In fact, I’m not going to spy on Carly and Dusty for you. I think they’ve stopped their plan. You should too. In fact, they seem like good people. Just leave them alone. I am. I’m leaving them alone. Listen, I gotta get back to my girlfriend. Goodbye, Craig.

Brooklyn hangs up the phone. She walks back into the livingroom.

NATALIE: Who was that?

BROOKLYN: No one special. Now, where were we?

Back at Rosanna’s Home, Rosanna and Dusty are sitting on the couch.

ROSANNA: Are you better now?

DUSTY: Yeah. I’m better.

ROSANNA: Good. Now, you need to get a shower. I’ve got some leftover clothes from an all male business suit fashion show that Carly…

DUSTY: Thanks for the offer. How’s that going? The lawsuit?

ROSANNA: I dropped it.

DUSTY: Really?

ROSANNA: Yes. I dropped it. fact. BRO bought the whole company. The only condition is that Carly would stay on as the lead designer.

DUSTY: And, you’re okay with that?

ROSANNA: Yeah. I need to move on. That’s what I’m trying to do. I hope that I can do it before my time runs out. I’m still searching for the love of my life.

DUSTY: And, how’s that going?

ROSANNA: (lying) Good. Really good.

Back at the Oakdale Police Department, in Margo’s Office, Henry is now out of the room. Margo is behind her desk, Katie is on the other side. Both women are sitting down. Margo speaks into the recording device.

MARGO: Today is Thursday March 2nd, 2017. I am Commissioner Margo Hughes. Today, I am speaking with Kathryn Ann Peretti. Kathryn has just informed me that she has information on case number 0048971. This information pertains to suspect Julian Stenbeck. Kathryn, do you agree to not having a lawyer for this afternoon’s proceedings?

KATIE: Yes. I agree not to have a lawyer.

MARGO: Alright. Now, tell me, what is this information you have obtained?

KATIE: I knew.

MARGO: Would you care to elaborate?

KATIE: This whole time I have known what Julian did to Oakdale. I knew that he poisoned everyone, I knew that he planted the bomb in the church that Lucinda and John had their wedding in. I also knew that he was a Stenbeck family member. I knew everything.

Back at Tom and Margo’s Home, Tom and Bob are in the kitchen. They are sitting at the table, having coffee. Tom is taking notes on a legal pad.

TOM: So, you believe that you murdered this little boy?

BOB: Yes.

TOM: Tell me everything.

BOB: Well, his name was Brett Evans. He had a condition of heart failure. The Oakdale University clinic was trying out some new experiments with the heart. Anyway, Brett and his parents came to the clinic. I and Rita Davenport were the doctors assigned to his case. One night, Rita was off. I was still on. The child was in so much pain. He asked me to make the pain stop. I was only 22 at the time…

TOM: Dad, what did you do?

BOB: (getting choked up) I cut his LVAD wire.

The camera zooms in on Bob’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 60***

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EP 171 - The Finale