Tuesday, March 7, 2017

EP 61 - Katie Is Arrested


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At the Walsh Mansion, the camera pans from the living room fireplace to the stairs. Lucinda walks down the stairs as there is a knock at the door.

LUCINDA: Coming!

Lucinda walks to the door.

LUCINDA: (opening the door) Darling, how lovely to see you.

LILY: Hi, mom. Can I come in?

LUCINDA: Of course.

Lily enters. Lucinda shuts the door. The two walk into the livingroom.

LUCINDA: So, what brings you by?

LILY: I am here on business.

LUCINDA: Business? What kind of business?

LILY: The WorldWide kind.

At WorldWide, in Sierra’s Office, Sierra is on the phone.

SIERRA: Listen, we will get you the money. Now, it will have to wait another week. I know how angry that makes you but that is how this company has to do business at the moment. Listen, I have another call on the line, Mr. Markham. Goodbye.

Sierra hangs up and takes the other call. Eliza enters.

SIERRA: Mr. Shafer. Hello. Yes, this is Ms. Esteban. What do you mean you want out of the company? Mr. Shafer you’ve been doing business with us for 31 years…

Then, the call ends. Sierra slams the phone down.

SIERRA: He hung up on me!

ELIZA: Anyway, I have the budget statements from 2010 that you requested.

Eliza hands Sierra a file.

SIERRA: Thank you. Anything else?

ELIZA: Yes. Um...the quarterly projections are in. And...um...they don’t look good.

At FairWinds, Emily is having a cup of tea in the living room. Then, there is a knock at the door. She sets her cup down on the coffee table, and goes to the door.

EMILY: (opening the door) What the hell are you doing here?

DIEGO: We need to talk about that recording. Looks like your husband and your sister weren’t so sneaky after all.

At the Oakdale Police Department, Margo is recording Katie’s statement.

MARGO: You say you knew everything before the OPD did?

KATIE: Yes. I knew it all.

MARGO: How did you come across said information?

KATIE: The day after New Year’s Eve, I checked my answering machine. The first, and only message, was from Julian. He laid out every last detail of what he had done. He also told me he was a Stenbeck and that he had left town.

MARGO: Ms. Peretti, you’ve known for quite sometime about this information. How come you didn’t come forward with it?

KATIE: Because, I wanted him out of my life. I didn’t want Julian to be in my life anymore. In fact, I deleted the message.

MARGO: You deleted the message?

KATIE: Correct.

MARGO: (sighs) Before we end this session, is there anything else that you would like to tell me about the case at hand?


MARGO: Go ahead. What do you have left to say?

KATIE: I got a call from Julian. He called me from Morocco.

At Tom and Margo’s Home, Tom and Bob are sitting at the kitchen table. Tom is taking notes on one of his legal pads.

BOB: His name was Brett Evans. He had a condition of heart failure. The Oakdale University clinic was trying out some new experiments with the heart. Anyway, Brett and his parents came to the clinic. I and Rita Davenport were the doctors assigned to his case. One night, Rita was off. I was still on. The child was in so much pain. He asked me to make the pain stop. I was only 22 at the time…

TOM: Dad, what did you do?

BOB: (getting choked up) I cut his LVAD wire.

TOM: Now, to be clear, an LVAD wire is a device that helps patients who are having heart troubles?

BOB: Yes. It practically pumps the heart for them.

TOM: I see. Dad, why did you decide to tell someone else about this?

BOB: Because, Rita was threatening to tell the authorities. So, I thought I would do the honorable thing and come clean, before she did.

Back at the Walsh Mansion, Lily sits on the couch.

LUCINDA: Can I get you anything?

LILY: No, I’m fine.

LUCINDA: (sighs/sitting) Alright. So, what do you want to talk about concerning WorldWide? Does this have to do with Sierra’s takeover?

LILY: As a matter of fact, it does. I hope you know that I won’t stand for this. I am supposed to be the CEO of WorldWide.

LUCINDA: Honey, I’ve played on your side. I voted NAY at the board meeting. I’ve been trying to get Sierra to open her eyes. However, it is time I play devil’s advocate. You made a bad deal. You cost the company millions.

LILY: I know I made a huge mistake. But, this is business. We all need to make bad deals before the good ones come along.

LUCINDA: I understand what you are saying. And, I admire your will to work. You and your sister remind me so much of me. That is why I have an offer for you.

LILY: You have an offer for me? Well, this is unexpected. Is this a work offer? Please, tell me it is. Laying around all day is getting boring.

LUCINDA: Yes, it is a work offer. I am the head of my division. But, I still need a lot of help. How would you like to come work with me? We can partners.

LILY: Well, I’m very flattered. And, if Sierra will have me, then I will be at WorldWide tomorrow morning.

LUCINDA: I’m sure it will be fine with her. Plus, if she doesn’t hire you then I will. I may not be the CEO but I still own the building. Either way, you will once again become a working girl.

LILY: I love those words. Working girl. Thank you, mom. This is very sweet of you. I can’t thank you enough for the offer.

LUCINDA: Of course. Nothing would make me happier than to have you in that building again, working with me.

Back at WorldWide, in Sierra’s Office, Sierra sets the file that Eliza gave her down on her desk. She then stands.

SIERRA: What do you mean they don’t look good?

ELIZA: They just don’t look good.

SIERRA: How bad are they?

ELIZA: Well, as soon as I got here, I reviewed every projection that WorldWide still has. According to my research, we are projected to have the worst quarter in WorldWide history. The worst.

SIERRA: Yeah, I heard what you said. I can’t believe this is happening. I thought things were starting to look up.

ELIZA: Well, apparently not. After all, that man who’s been with the company for 31 years did pull out.

SIERRA: Yeah, I know. I took the phone call. What do you suggest we do?

ELIZA: I’m glad you asked I actually have a plan.

SIERRA: You do?

ELIZA: You bet I do. This plan of mine will save the whole company.

Back at Tom and Margo’s Home, Tom clicks his pen.

TOM: So, you are ahead of Rita?

BOB: Yes.

TOM: What does that mean for you? I mean...what is your next move?

BOB: Well, I was actually hoping you would help me. I can exactly go to prison right now. Kim needs me.

TOM: I know she does. Listen, I won’t say anything for now. I need to review my notes. But, I don’t think you’ll go to prison for this.

BOB: But…

TOM: No buts. This crime happened 62 years ago.

BOB: So, you’ll think I’ll be just fine?

TOM: Yes. Yes, I do believe that.

Back at FairWinds, Emily is still at the door.

DIEGO: Aren’t you going to invite me in?

EMILY: Hell no.

DIEGO: Alright, then I’ll say this right here.

EMILY: What do you need to say?

DIEGO: You might’ve deleted the phone recording and you might’ve thought there were no extra recordings…

EMILY: There are not any extras.

DIEGO: That’s what you think. I know you checked my hotel room. Do you think that I’m that stupid? The extras were never in my hotel room. They are hidden. I’m still one move ahead of you, bitch. Have a good night, Emily.

Emily slams the door in Diego’s face. She locks the three locks on the door. Outside, Diego smiles for a second. He then walks off into the night.

Back at the Oakdale Police Department, Margo ends the recording.

MARGO: Alright, now it is just us two. You said that you’ve told me everything.

KATIE: I have, Margo. I’ve told you everything.

Margo stands. So does Katie.

MARGO: There’s something I have to do now. I don’t want to do this but I have to. I’m sorry, Katie. I truly am.

KATIE: I understand.

Katie puts her hands behind her back. Margo cuffs them.

MARGO: Kathryn Ann Peretti, you are under arrest for obstruction of justice in the Julian Stenbeck case. You have the right to remain silent. If you give up this right, anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can’t afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?


MARGO: Okay.

Margo walks Katie to the booking area.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 61***

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EP 171 - The Finale