Tuesday, February 28, 2017

EP 59 - Jack Recieves Shocking News


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman


At Katie’s Apartment, Henry knocks on the door. Katie rushes to the door. She opens the door, pulls Henry into the apartment, and slams the door.

HENRY: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What is going on?

KATIE: Thank god you came.

HENRY: Katie, what’s going on?

KATIE: Julian contacted me.

At Jack’s Apartment, Carly and Jack are in their pajamas. They rush into the living room. They are laughing and tickling one another.

CARLY: You are Mr. Funny Man today.

JACK: I’m just having a good morning.

Jack takes Carly in his arms.

JACK: Every morning spent with you is a good morning.

The two kiss. Then, Jack’s phone rings.

JACK: One second.

Jack looks at his phone screen.

JACK: Oh. It’s Liberty. (answering the phone) Hey! How’s my favorite niece? Lib...Liberty, slow down. Honey, take a breath. What’s going on? Oh my god. Are you serious? I...I...I’m so sorry. Thanks for letting me know. I love you too. Bye.

Jack hangs up the phone. A sad look comes across his face.

CARLY: Jack…, what’s wrong?

JACK: That was Liberty. She called to tell me that Janet passed away.

At Rosanna’s Home, Rosanna is coming down the stairs. She is putting a necklace on. Then, there is a constant ringing of her doorbell.

ROSANNA: Coming!
Rosanna opens the door. She sees Dusty there. He is obviously drunk. Dusty leans up against the side of her door.

ROSANNA: Dusty. What are you doing here?

DUSTY: I needed a friend.

ROSANNA: What’s wrong? Are you okay?


ROSANNA: What’s going on?

DUSTY: My wife died last night. She’s dead. Janet is gone...for good.

At BRO, in the Paul’s Office, Emily enters. She shuts the door behind her.

EMILY: Good morning my hero!

Paul gets up from his desk. He kisses Emily.

PAUL: Your sister helped too.

EMILY: I know. I’m taking her out to lunch.

PAUL: How are you feeling considering?

EMILY: I’m feeling great. In fact, when I got word that you and Betsy did destroy the recording, I slept like a baby.

PAUL: Good.

EMILY: So, what do we do now?

PAUL: Well, we wait for Diego to throw a tantrum, then we buy him the next plane ticket straight out of Oakdale.

At Walter’s Repairs, Diego and Walter are in his back office.

WALTER: I’m sorry, Mr. Santana.

DIEGO: So, you don’t know where my phone went?

WALTER: I don’t.

DIEGO: How strange.

WALTER: Listen, I am willing to give you the money that you paid for your original phone. It is one of the guarantees we have here.

DIEGO: Damn right you’ll pay me.

Back at BRO, in Paul’s Office, Paul and Emily come off a kiss.

EMILY: How about we go out to dinner tonight?

PAUL: You sure?

EMILY: Yes. We haven’t been out in a long time.

PAUL: Not since Diego.

EMILY: Yeah. Not since Diego.

PAUL: I know the chef at the Mona Lisa has a brand new soup that has finally made it on the menu. Something about four layers of flavor.

EMILY: Well, I would like to try the four layers of Paul first.

PAUL: (laughs) That can be arranged.

Paul clears off his desk. He picks up Emily and kisses her.

In Diego’s Car, outside of Walter’s, Diego makes a phone call.

DIEGO: (on the phone) ey...it’s me. Yeah. I know they stole the phone. I know they broke into my suite. However, what they didn’t know is that the extra copies of the recording were never in my hotel room. I’ve still got Emily in my grip.

Back at Katie’s Apartment, Katie pours herself a glass of wine.

HENRY: It’s a little early…, don’t you think?

KATIE: It’s five o’clock somewhere.

HENRY: That’s true. So, he contacted you? Why?

KATIE: He said he wanted to know why I deleted the message.

HENRY: Seems to be the question on everyone’s list.

KATIE: Listen, I’ve thought about this. I’ve thought about it a lot. I need to tell Margo the truth. I need to come clean.

HENRY: Are you serious about this?

KATIE: Yeah. Come with me, please?

HENRY: Of course I will come with you.

Back at Jack’s Apartment, Jack sits down on the couch.

JACK: I can’t believe she died.

CARLY: (sitting next to him) I’m so sorry for your loss, Jack. This is just awful that Janet passed away. Is Liberty okay?

JACK: I don’t know. I’m gonna go over to Dusty’s home today. That is where Terri, Liberty, and Lorenzo are staying until the funeral.

CARLY: Our poor godson.

JACK: We are so lucky. After years upon years, we are still together. I just feel so bad that Janet and Dusty didn’t get their happy ending.

CARLY: I am too. I just hope Dusty is okay.

JACK: I do too.

At Rosanna’s Home, in the Livingroom, Rosanna reenters the living room. She hands Dusty a hot cup of tea. The two sit on the couch.

ROSANNA: Dusty, I am so sorry.

DUSTY: They say you only find love once. I found it twice. Once with Jennifer. The other time with Janet. I lost both of them.

ROSANNA: I cannot believe you are going through this. It breaks my heart. But, I’m happy that you came to me. I’m always here for you.

DUSTY: Thank you, Ro.

ROSANNA: Of course. Do you want anything else?

DUSTY: Yeah.

ROSANNA: What do you want?

DUSTY: This.

Dusty looks into Rosanna’s eye. He kisses her. Rosanna is in absolute shock. She pushes Dusty away.

ROSANNA: Dusty...no. You’re drunk.

Dusty leans in again.

ROSANNA: No! I said no! What the hell are you thinking?!

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 59***

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EP 171 - The Finale