Thursday, February 23, 2017

EP 58 - Janet Passes Away


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At Memorial Hospital, in the Chapel, Liberty is praying.

LIBERTY: Hey, God. It’s me. Liberty. Listen, I know we having talked in quite awhile. However, I was always told that you would listen, no matter what. I need someone to listen right now. I’m really scared. I’ve never been so scared in my life before. I love my mother. I love her so much. Words cannot express the love I feel for her. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe that tonight will be her last. I need help to process it. (sobs) I’m just not sure how to process this. Please, I beg of you, take care of my mom in Heaven. She’s one angel that is going to have to be looked after. Anyway, I better get back to the waiting room. It is in your Heavenly and precious name I pray, amen.

Liberty wipes her tears away. She stands up, grabs her purse, and exits. The camera pans over to Jesus on the cross. A light is shining down.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, Dusty, Lorenzo, and Johnny are pacing. Liberty enters the room.

DUSTY: Hey, Liberty.

LIBERTY: Hey. Dusty, can we talk for a second?

DUSTY: Yeah, sure.

Dusty and Liberty walk over to a corner of the room.

LIBERTY: Listen, mom told me about the DNR.

DUSTY: Yup. She signed one.

LIBERTY: How do you feel about that?

DUSTY: I’m content with it.

LIBERTY: This can’t be easy on you.

DUSTY: It can’t be easy on you.

LIBERTY: Touche. Listen, how are the boys doing?

DUSTY: Good. Fine.

LIBERTY: Alright. Look, I’m gonna go make a coffee run. Should I bring some sandwiches too? It would be no trouble.

DUSTY: Sounds good.


Liberty walks off to the elevator.


Johnny and Lorenzo have sat down.

JOHNNY: How you holding up little man?

LORENZO: Good. I’m 15. I thought I would never be saying goodbye to my mother. This is going to be hard to do.

JOHNNY: Yeah. It is. But, we are all here for you.

LORENZO: Thanks.

JOHNNY: Of course, man.


Terri pulls up a chair. She wipes away her tears.

TERRI: Promised myself I wouldn’t cry.

JANET: Hey, that’s okay.

TERRI: (laughs) Do you know what I was thinking about all the way here? It’s an old memory but it popped into my head.

JANET: What’s the memory?

TERRI: That time Jimmy Morelli spit a spitball at Mrs. Townsend.

JANET: (laughs) Oh my goodness. He got in so much trouble.

TERRI: (laughs) Yes, he did.

There is a moment of silence that falls between the two.

TERRI: I feel guilty. I should’ve spent more time with you.

JANET: Honey, don’t feel guilty. Don’t you dare.

TERRI: I’m gonna miss you. What am I gonna do without you?

JANET: You are going to live. You are going to live your life to the fullest. That is what you are going to do without me.

TERRI: I just wish I would have made more memories with you.

JANET: We have plenty. Will you bring my purse over here?

TERRI: Of course. Yeah.

Terri goes to get Janet’s purse.

JANET: Thank you.

TERRI: (sitting back down) You’re welcome.

Janet gets an old photo of her and Terri out.

JANET: Here you go.

TERRI: (taking the photo) You kept this?

JANET: Of course I did. Every time you begin to miss me, I want you to take this photo out. I want you to stare at it for a minute. Then, you put it away.

TERRI: Okay. (sniffles) Okay.

JANET: I’m gonna miss you.

TERRI: I’m gonna miss you too.

Terri and Janet hug.


Now, Liberty is by Janet’s bedside.

JANET: You’ve grown up so much since you left Oakdale.

LIBERTY: I should’ve never left.

JANET: Don’t. Don’t do that. I won’t let you blame yourself for this. You work with the FBI now. You are succeeding beyond expectations. I’m so proud of you.

LIBERTY: Thanks, mommy.

JANET: I love you so much.

LIBERTY: (sobs) Please, don’t leave me.

JANET: Honey, I asked your grandmother to not leave me either, when it came to be her time. However, she told me this. She said, “God only calls in the best.” That has stuck with me for over a decade. Let that stick with you.

LIBERTY: I will. I’ll let that stick with me.

JANET: Good girl. Good.

LIBERTY: Will you sing that song you used to sing to me as a baby?

JANET: I thought you would never ask. (singing) You are my sunshine, my little sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey.

Liberty rest her head on Janet.

JANET: (continuing to sing) You’ll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.

The camera zooms out, as the screen flashes.

Now, Lorenzo is by Janet’s side.

JANET: So, how many goals did you score at the finals?

LORENZO: Four. It was the most out of anyone on my team.

JANET: That’s my little soccer player. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it.

LORENZO: Don’t worry about it, mom. You were there in spirit.

JANET: Speaking of being there in spirit, I want you to make me a promise. Can you do that for me? Can you make me a promise?

LORENZO: Anything, mom. What’s up?

JANET: When you’re playing those soccer games, I want you to look up in the stands at the half point in the game.

LORENZO: Why do you want me to do that?

JANET: Because, I will be right there. I was once told that only the most special of people can see angels. You are one special person. You will be able to see my angel. My angel will be the loudest of your fans. I know you have a lot of them, so that means I better be practicing how loud my voice can get.

Lorenzo laughs a little.

JANET: Come here, my boy.

Janet gives a kiss to Lorenzo on the cheek.

JANET: I love you so much.

LORENZO: I love you too, mom.


JANET: Thank you.

JOHNNY For what?

JANET: Being there. You’ve been amazing throughout these weeks that I’ve been sick. For that, I appreciate you.

JOHNNY: It was my pleasure. It is the least I could do for everything that you’ve done for me. It is the only way I could repay you for everything. After my real mom passed away, you stepped up after years of no motherly figure.

JANET: Johnny, I’ve come to think of you as my son. I think it is what Jennifer, your mom, would've always wanted. That’s what you are to me. Some woman is going to be very lucky to have you someday.

JOHNNY: I already found someone.

JANET: Oh really! Who?

JOHNNY: Her name is Madison.

JANET: Well, I want you to remind Madison everyday of how special she is. Can you do that for me? Would you, please?

JOHNNY: Yeah. Sure, I will.

JANET: You are such a good young man. I love you.

JOHNNY: I love you

Janet and Johnny hug.


Dusty is sitting next to Janet on the bed.

DUSTY: It’s just us two now.

JANET: Yeah. It is. According to the doctor, when I go to sleep tonight, I won’t wake up. Before I go to bed, there’s something that you need to know.

DUSTY: Don’t do that. Don’t say goodbye.

JANET: (crying) Dusty, please just listen. I need you to know that you are the love of my life. After that whole mess with Jack, I didn’t think I could ever find someone special again. However, you came into my life. You gave me the best seven years. I love you so much. Kiss me, please.

With all the passion he has, Dusty kisses Janet.

JANET: I should go to sleep now.

DUSTY: Janet, thank you.

JANET: For what?

DUSTY: For giving this relationship your all. I don’t know how I’m going to live without you. You are the greatest woman I’ve ever known.

JANET: Will you promise me something?

DUSTY: Of course.

JANET: Take care of everyone. They’re going to need to lean on you. Be the leader. Be their guide. Please, be that for them.

DUSTY: I will be. I promise.

JANET: Thank you.

DUSTY: (deep breath) Go to sleep. It’s okay. Go to sleep.

JANET: I love you.

DUSTY: I love you too.

Dusty takes Janet’s hand, as she falls asleep.


Everyone is crowded around Janet’s bedside. Dusty is still holding her hand. Her monitor beeps three more times and then she flatlines.

DUSTY: I’ll never let go. I promise.

Everyone is in tears. Janet has passed away.

The camera pans out.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 58***

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