Tuesday, January 31, 2017

EP 51 - Lily Discovers She's Been Voted Out


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman


At Java Underground, Lily and Lucinda are having breakfast.

LUCINDA: You look beautiful, my darling.

LILY: You don’t look so bad yourself.

LUCINDA: I’m happy that you felt up to coming out to breakfast with me. It is so brave of you to do so.

LILY: Well, speaking of being brave enough to come out in public, I wanted to ask you a question of mine.

LUCINDA: Go right ahead.

LILY: When do you think I should return to WorldWide?

At Brooklyn’s Apartment, Brooklyn comes out of the shower. She is putting her earrings on. Then, there is a knock at the door.


When she opens the door, a smile comes across her face.

BROOKLYN: Natalie, hey.

NATALIE: Hey. Can I come in?


Natalie enters. Brooklyn shuts the door.

BROOKLYN: So, what’s up?

NATALIE: We need to talk.

BROOKLYN: What about?

NATALIE: I think I’m falling for you.

At BRO, Barbara is in her office working hard. Then, her phone buzzes. She presses the LINE 2 button.

BARBARA: Yes, Cathy?

CATHY: (voice over) There’s a Ms. Tenney here to see you.

BARBARA: Send her in.

Barbara presses the button again. Carly enters.

BARBARA: (looking up) Carly, what brings you by?

CARLY: I think you will be happy to know that I’ve made my decision.

At Betsy’s Penthouse, there is a knock at the door. Betsy comes from her kitchen. She has a cup of coffee in her hand. Upon opening the door, Steve barges in.

BETSY: (closing the door) Sure, Steve. Come on in.

STEVE: Listen, I’m sorry to barge in on you like this.

BETSY: Well, if you give me a good reason then I will consider accepting your apology. So, what’s your reason?

STEVE: Well, it is a very good reason. I need to talk to you.

BETSY: Is this about Diego?

STEVE: Yeah.

BETSY: What about Diego needs to be discussed?

STEVE: I visited him last night.

At WorldWide, Eliza knocks on Sierra’s Office door.

SIERRA: Come in!

Eliza enters.

SIERRA: Shut the door, please.

Eliza shuts the door.

SIERRA: You said you needed to tell me something important?

ELIZA: I do.

SIERRA: What’s up?

ELIZA: I need a favor.

SIERRA: Okay. What’s the favor?

ELIZA: Could WorldWide buy The Intruder?

Back at Betsy’s Penthouse, Betsy takes a drink of her coffee.

BETSY: You finally saw Diego. How did that go?

STEVE: Well, one us ended up with a fat lip. Hint, hint, it wasn’t me.

BETSY: I see that. Why’d you hit him?

STEVE: I was in such a rage.

BETSY: Steve, I agreed to help you with this problem. But, you just can’t go to Diego’s and punch him. That is not how we will do this.

STEVE: You didn’t give me a plan on how we are going to do this.

BETSY: Funny that you say that. I thought about this thing all night.

STEVE: Did you come up with anything?

BETSY: I did.

STEVE: What’d you come up with?

BETSY: Well, I got ahold of Emily and Paul. Paul told me that he is going to steal a recording from Diego. Apparently this recording is Diego’s only leverage against anyone. It is the only reason he is staying in town. If we help Paul take away Diego’s leverage then that runs Diego straight out of town.

Back at WorldWide, in Sierra’s Office, Sierra comes out from behind her desk. She takes off her reading glasses and leans against her desk.

SIERRA: I had no clue the paper was for sale.

ELIZA: Well, it was just bought by Diego Santana.

SIERRA: Therefore, I can’t help you.

ELIZA: Actually, you can. You taught me that everyone has a price. Can’t we just find out what Diego’s price is?

SIERRA: Eliza, why do you want WorldWide to by the paper?

ELIZA: Listen, I don’t want Diego here. I don’t want him in town. He is after my mom. I am just not going to stand for that.

SIERRA: Eliza, I wish I could help you.

ELIZA: Why can’t you? Is this because you don’t know Diego’s price? I can find out what it is. I can find it out in like 10 minutes.

SIERRA: It isn’t because of that. WorldWide probably can’t afford Diego’s price, or any price for that matter.

ELIZA: Why not?

SIERRA: We’re hemorrhaging money. We are so far in the red, we might as well paint our walls the color. Oh...wait...we can’t even afford paint. I know this sucks but stay strong. These things have a way of working themselves out. I promise.

Back at Java Underground, a waiter clears Lucinda and Lily’s table.

LILY: I’ve got this one.

LUCINDA: Oh, please, let me. I insist.

Lucinda gets out her wallet and pays for breakfast.

LILY: So, back to my question. When do you think I should return to work? I’m excited to come back to the company.

LUCINDA: Well, don’t get too excited.

LILY: Why not?

LUCINDA: Honey, there was a board meeting held a week ago. At this board meeting, the board voted you out.

LILY: Voted me out? I don’t understand. What do you mean?

LUCINDA: You are no longer CEO. Sierra is no longer the temporary CEO. You are out. She is now in. I’m sorry.

LILY: You have got to be freaking kidding me.

Lily stands up. She collects her things.

LUCINDA: Honey, where are you going?

LILY: To pay Sierra a visit.

Back at BRO, in Barbara’s Office, Barbara pours herself a cup of tea.

BARBARA: I’m so glad you made your decision. So, do I get to pop a champagne cork anytime soon?

CARLY: Well, yes and no

BARBARA: Okay...what does that mean?

CARLY: I have one stipulation.

BARBARA: Okay. What is it?

CARLY: After you get Rosanna to drop this lawsuit, I want you to sell me the company back. I sell it to BRO for now. BRO will have the company until Rosanna drops her lawsuit.

BARBARA: Okay. I’ll agree to that. So, do you accept my offer?


Barbara shakes Carly’s hand.

BARBARA: Welcome to the BRO family...temporarily.

CARLY: Yes. Temporarily.

Back at Brooklyn’s Apartment, Natalie sets her purse down.

BROOKLYN: You’re falling for me?

NATALIE: Listen, I know it sounds so stupid. You have a girlfriend. I don’t know what I was thinking by coming over here.

BROOKLYN: I didn’t even know you were gay.

NATALIE: (sighs) I’ve never fallen for a girl before. However, you changed that. But, like I said, you have a girlfriend.

BROOKLYN: Actually, not anymore.


BROOKLYN: We broke up last night.

NATALIE: I’m sorry.

BROOKLYN: Don’t be. Do you really like me?

NATALIE: Yes. Yes, I do.

Brooklyn goes to Natalie. The two gaze into one another's eyes. Then, they kiss. The camera zooms in on their kiss.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 51***

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EP 171 - The Finale