Thursday, February 2, 2017

EP 52 - Lisa Keeps Kim Entertained


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At Memorial Hospital, Bob steps off the elevator. He begins to walk to Rita’s Office. Once there, he knocks on the door.

RITA: Come in!

Bob enters. He shuts the door behind him. Rita stands from her desk.

RITA: Bob, thank you for coming.

BOB: Your call sounded urgent.

RITA: It was meant to be urgent. It is urgent that we speak.

BOB: Is this about Kim?

RITA: No. This is about you murdering that little boy.

At the Snyder Farm, Carly walks up to the door. She gets her keys out and unlocks the door. She enters the house. She sets her keys and purse down on a nearby table. When she looks up, she is startled.

CARLY: (gasps) Jack, you scared me.

JACK: Sorry, I didn’t mean to.

CARLY: I’m okay. What brings you by?

JACK: Well, first you should lock your back door.

CARLY: I always forget. Anyway, again, what brings you by?

JACK: Well, I wanted to ask you out to dinner tonight.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Janet’s Hospital Room, Janet is eating her hospital provided breakfast.

JANET: This breakfast taste terrible.

DUSTY: You sure you don’t want me to get you anything from Java?

JANET: No, I’ll be alright. However, I do want you to bring me something.

DUSTY: What can I bring you?

JANET: Johnny. I want you to bring Johnny here.

DUSTY: Why is that?

JANET: Dusty, I can’t keep this from him any longer. I need to tell him that I am dying. He needs to know the truth. Today. Right now.

At Kim and Bob’s Home, Lisa continuously rings the doorbell.

KIM: (coming down the stairs) Coming!

Kim walks to the door. When she opens it, Lisa barges in.

KIM: (shutting the door) Hello, Lisa. What brings you by?

LISA: (handing Kim flowers) Bob told me you wanted somebody to keep you company. So, he called me.

KIM: Just when I thought cancer was my only problem in life.

LISA: Oh, don’t be like that. I’m here as a friend for you.

KIM: We’ve never exactly been friends.

LISA: Well, I think it is time we start.

KIM: Listen, I’m going to go put these in some water.

Kim walks off with the flowers. Lisa begins to make herself at home.

At Tom and Margo’s Home, Rosanna and Tom are working on her case.

ROSANNA: Okay, so which judge is set for Carly and I?

TOM: Judge Carlile. He is a very sympathetic judge. I think we might have a shot of getting you these shares.

ROSANNA: Good. Great. I’m excited at the fact that we might win.

TOM: Well, before we step into any courtroom, I have a question for you.

ROSANNA: Okay. Go ahead. Shoot.

TOM: Are you still sure that you want to do this?

Back at the Snyder Farm, Carly hangs her coat up in the living room closet.

CARLY: You want to go out to dinner?

JACK: Yes. I have been begging to go out on a date with you.

CARLY: Just call me irresistible.

JACK: You most cearintly are.

CARLY: Oh, well thank you.

JACK: So, what do you say?

CARLY: I say yes. I would love to go out with you.

JACK: You just made my day.

CARLY: Glad I could do so.

JACK: Come here, you.

Jack takes Carly in his arms and kisses her.

Back at Tom and Margo’s Home, Rosanna pours herself a cup of water.

ROSANNA: Of course I’m sure about this. Why exactly do you ask?

TOM: Well, I just want you to be careful. This could ruin your sisterly relationship with Carly for good. I want you to think about that.

ROSANNA: Tom, she already ruined it. I don’t have to think about what you just mentioned. The night Carly slept with Craig, she broke our bond.

TOM: Rosanna, you’re a smart woman. I just want you to be even smarter when it comes down to this lawsuit.

ROSANNA: I will be. I promise.

Then, Tom’s phone rings.

TOM: Just one second.

Tom goes to answer her phone.

TOM: (on the phone) Hello, this is DA Tom Hughes. Yes, I am working that case. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I’ll tell her. Alright, thank you. Bye.

Tom hangs up the phone.

ROSANNA: What’s up?

TOM: That was Barbara’s assistant at BRO. She says that Carly and Barbara want to meet with us tomorrow morning.

ROSANNA: About what?

TOM: The lawsuit.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Janet’s Hospital Room, Dusty moves Janet’s bedside table away from her.

DUSTY: You want to tell Johnny tonight?

JANET: Yes. I feel that it is the only right thing to do.

DUSTY: I agree with you. How do you think we should break it to him?

JANET: I don’t know. How do you tell a 19 year old boy that the only motherly figure he’s ever had is going to die?

Back at Bob and Kim’s Home, Kim reenters the living room. Lisa is getting multiple colors of nail polish out of her purse.

KIM: What are you doing?

LISA: Well, we have two options of things to do in our day. Option one, we can binge the 15 episode of The Young and The Beautiful that you have on your DVR…

KIM: Well, I still have to watch their 20,000th episode.

LISA: Or, we can do each other's nails.

KIM: How fun that you thought of all of this. However, I would much rather watch my soap opera. I am very behind.

LISA: Look, Kim, I know that I’m not your favorite person but I’m trying. I didn’t have to agree to spend the day with you. However, I’ve grown fond of you.

KIM: (sighs) Fine. We can paint each other’s nails.

LISA: Goody! Now, what color do you want?

Kim sits next to Lisa, and points at the color she wants.

LISA: Oh. Good choice.

Lisa begins to do Kim’s nails.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Rita’s Office, Rita takes off her reading glasses.

BOB: Rita, I think it is time we clear the air.

RITA: About the murder?

BOB: It wasn’t murder. It was an accident.

RITA: You cut that boys LVAD wire. It was murder.

BOB: He wanted me to cut his wire! He didn’t want to be in pain!

RITA: He was 12! You were 22! You knew medicine! He did not! You knew better than he did. You had no authorization to cut that wire.

BOB: Rita, are you still going to keep this secret?

RITA: Bob…, I don’t know if I can.

BOB: What do you mean you can no longer keep the secret?

The camera zooms in on Bob’s worried face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 52***

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EP 171 - The Finale