Thursday, January 26, 2017

EP 50 - Carly & Jack REUNITE!


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At FairWinds, Emily enters the home. She walks into the living room. She takes off her coat and scarf. Emily throws her coat and scarf, along with her purse, onto the couch. She begins to make a martini. Paul enters.

PAUL: There you are. I was starting to get worried.

EMILY: (sipping her martini) Oh. Hey.

PAUL: You made yourself a martini. Is everything okay?

EMILY: I just have a lot to think about. This martini is part of my thinking process.

PAUL: What do you have to think about?

EMILY: How I’m going to take away Diego’s leverage.

At the LakeView, in Iva’s Suite, Iva is on the phone.

IVA: Sabrina, don’t worry about it. I know that you have to go visit Frannie and tell her the news about Kim. I will take care of everything at the office.

Then, there is a knock at the door.

IVA: Listen, someone is at my door. I’ll call you back tomorrow morning. Have a good trip. Be safe. Talk to you later. Bye.

Iva walks to the door.

IVA: (opening the door) What the hell are you doing here?

DIEGO: We need to talk. Right now.

At the Snyder Farm, there is a loud banging on the door. Carly comes down the stairs, tying her robe.

CARLY: Just a second!

Carly opens up the door. Jack barges in.

CARLY: Jack…, what are you doing here?

JACK: I needed to see you.

CARLY: You need to see me? What about?

JACK: It’s time I revealed my true feelings for you.

At Memorial Hospital, in Kim’s Hospital Room, Kim awakes from a short sleep. Bob is right by her side.

KIM: (sighs) Where am I?

BOB: Hi, Kimmy. It’s me...Bob. You’re in the hospital. You fainted, darling. Oh, you scared me so, so, so much.

KIM: I fainted?

BOB: Yes.

Then, Rita enters.

BOB: Rita, thank goodness you are here.

RITA: Hi, Bob. Kim.

KIM: Hi, Rita.

BOB: So, how is she? How is my wife?

Meanwhile, still at Memorial Hospital, in Janet’s Room, Dusty sits next to Janet on the hospital bed.

JANET: I can’t believe this. I’m dying.

DUSTY: Honey, you are not dying.

JANET: I am. Don’t deny this. Don’t deny me dying. If you deny it then I will deny it. If I deny it then I won’t come to terms with anything.

DUSTY: You shouldn’t have to come to terms with anything.

JANET: Dusty…, I don’t want you to worry about me right now. We should both be worried about the same thing.

DUSTY: What do we need to worry about?

JANET: How are we going to break this news to Johnny?

Back at the LakeView, Diego enters. Iva shuts the door.

IVA: I’ll give you five minutes. Six, if you get lucky. What is this all about? You better tell me, the clock has started.

DIEGO: I want you back.

IVA: There it is.

DIEGO: Iva, I miss you. I was crazy to let you go.

IVA: Yeah, you were. There are people who would be happy to have me. Hell, I’ve met people who have been happy to have me. You backed away from me all because people disapproved of us.

DIEGO: It was a dumb reason. I realize that now.

IVA: I changed who I was for you. Do you not get that? I let you in. I have never taken down my walls so quickly for a man. However, I thought you were the one. I was so scared to fall back in love with someone after Jason divorced me. However, when I saw you, I got weak in my knees. You were the foolish one for breaking up with me. But, I...I was the foolish one for believing we had something here.

DIEGO: Iva…, words cannot explain how sorry I am. I know how Jason broke your heart. I know the toll that took on you. I poured salt into your relationship wounds. Words cannot say how sorry I am for how we ended things. Just give me one chance, Iva. All I need is one chance to make things up to you.

IVA: (sighs) I need you to leave, Diego. Listen, it is late. I should’ve never let you in. I have to work very hard tomorrow.

DIEGO: Iva, I don’t want to leave.

IVA: This is my suite. You have your own. Please, go to it. Or, go somewhere else. Frankly, I don’t care. I just don’t want you here. You can show yourself out.

Diego walks to the door.

DIEGO: (opening the door) I really hope that you’ll change your mind.

IVA: Don’t count on it.

Diego exits, shutting the door behind him.

Back at FairWinds, Paul and Emily sit on the couch.

PAUL: Your mother wants you to steal the recording Diego has? Wow. I didn’t think Susan had it in her to think like that.

EMILY: She thinks like that when she needs to.

PAUL: Are you going to do it?

EMILY: I don’t know yet.

PAUL: I think you should.

EMILY: I had a feeling you were gonna say that.

PAUL: Emily, this is the only thing that will tear you out of Diego’s clutches. This could get you the paper back.

EMILY: I don’t know. I just don’t know if I want to add fuel to the fire.

PAUL: Look, I know this is a dangerous game to play. If it makes you feel better, I will steal the recording.

EMILY: You would do that for me?

PAUL: You bet I would. All I need is the go-ahead from you.

EMILY: Do it. Do whatever you have to.

Emily takes a sip of her martini.

Back at Memorial Hospital, Kim sits up in bed.

KIM: You want to start my treatment right now?

RITA: Kim, we need to. It would be the best course of action.

BOB: Rita, this treatment wasn’t supposed to start until…

RITA: Tomorrow. I know that. Listen, I promised to Susan that I would make your case top priority. I came out of retirement to become the temporary chief of staff. Retirement is a thing I appreciate. I wouldn’t have come out of retirement for nothing.

KIM: Well, if you think it is a good idea, let’s start it.

BOB: Are you sure, dear?

KIM: Rita thinks it is the best course of action. Now, she almost beat you when it came to graduating at the top of the class at Oakdale U Medical School. I think she knows what she’s doing.

BOB: I’m sure she does too. I love you.

KIM: I love you too.

Bob kisses Kim.

Still at Memorial Hospital, back in Janet’s Room, Dusty fluffs Janet’s pillow.

JANET: Thank you.

DUSTY: Yeah. No problem.

Dusty sits back down on the bed.

DUSTY: Listen, let’s not think about what we are going to tell Johnny right now. We will figure everything out.

JANET: We just need to do it soon. We don’t exactly have all the time in the world. God, I can’t believe this is happening. What about the custody suit?

DUSTY: I don’t want you to worry about that either. Let’s not talk about that. Let’s not talk about what we are going to say to Johnny. Don’t worry about anything right now. Let’s just focus on us.

Dusty kisses Janet.

DUSTY: I love you, Janet. I’ve always loved you. You’ve always been the one for me. You’ve always been the other half to my heart.

JANET: I love you too, Dusty. I love you too.

Back at the Snyder Farm, Carly shuts the door.

CARLY: Jack, you seem drunk.

JACK: Carly, I’m not drunk.

CARLY: You say you need to reveal your true feelings for me. If you are saying that, then you must be drunk.

JACK: Carly, it is true. I still have feelings for you.

CARLY: No! You don’t!

JACK: I do!

CARLY: This can’t be the truth.

JACK: It is. Why don’t you wanna believe me?

CARLY: You told me so many time that we were done. You told me so many times that you no longer felt anything for me. Now, you barge in and you say that you still have feelings for me.

JACK: Carly, it took me so long to open this box of feelings. I shoved them in the back of a closet. I didn’t want to open this box. Now, I have opened the box. I’m just hoping that you’ve opened your’s.

CARLY: Do you really wanna do this?

JACK: I do. I’m your’s. I’m your g-man. You are my mojo.

Jack digs in his coat pocket. He pulls out a compass.

JACK: You are my true north.

CARLY: Jack…?

JACK: Yeah, Carly?

CARLY: I’ve missed you so much?

Carly is crying tears of joy. She and Jack embrace.

CARLY: Don’t ever leave me again.

JACK: I won’t. I promise.

Carly and Jack come off of their hug. They look deep into one another’s eyes. Carly wraps her arms around Jack. Carly kisses him. The camera zooms in on their kiss.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 50***

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EP 171 - The Finale