Monday, January 16, 2017

EP 47 - Lily Returns Home


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At Memorial Hospital, Kim is sitting in Rita’s Office. She is waiting for Rita to come back. Her foot is tapping on the floor. She is a tad nervous about Rita has to say.

KIM: (checking her watch) Come on Rita.

Then, Rita enters. She has Kim’s chart in her hand.

RITA: Good afternoon, Kim.

KIM: Good afternoon.

RITA: (sitting behind her desk) Thank you for waiting. I know it was a long wait. I just had the longest time finding you chart for some reason.

KIM: Oh.

RITA: Kim, are you okay?

KIM: Truthfully? I’m not feeling well today.

RITA: What’s wrong?

KIM: Rita, I’m scared. I’ve had constant back pain, I have had swelling on my legs. I’m scared because these symptoms are starting. I have the worse of the symptoms, because of stage four.

RITA: Kim, I know you are scared. That is why I have options.

KIM: Options?

RITA: Yes. To cure you.

KIM: Can you cure me?

RITA: Kim, I truthfully I don’t know yet. However, I am going to use all of these options to save you. You are not dying. Not on my watch.

At Lily and Holden’s Home, in Lily and Holden’s Bedroom, Holden is getting Lily into their bed for the day.

LILY: Thank you for getting me into bed.

HOLDEN: Of course, honey.

LILY: I’m happy to be home.

HOLDEN: I’m happy you are home too.

Holden kisses Lily.

HOLDEN: Now, all the kids will be happy to see you. However, I got them out of our hair for tonight. It is just going to be us.

LILY: That sounds wonderful.

At the Snyder Farm, Carly sits down in a chair.

BARBARA: Come on, Carly? This is a once in a lifetime offer.

CARLY: I know. I’m just not sure it is a good idea.

BARBARA: Why do you say that?

CARLY: Because, we aren’t exactly BFFs, Barbara.

BARBARA: I know that. However, we are on good terms.

CARLY: For now.

BARBARA: What do you mean for now?

CARLY: Come on. Seriously? You know the answer to that question. The longest we’ve stayed on good terms is two months. Let’s not break the streak.

At Katie’s Apartment, Katie flops down on the couch.

HENRY: You deleted the message?


HENRY: Katie, that was his whole confession.

KATIE: I know it was. I know. I’m stupid for doing what I did. I realize that now. I can’t believe that I did it.

HENRY: (sitting next to Katie) Why did you do it?

KATIE: I’m not sure my answer will make sense.

HENRY: Oh right. To protect him.

KATIE: No, actually.

HENRY: Okay. Now I’m confused.

KATIE: In truth, I deleted the message to protect me.

At the Oakdale Police Department, in Margo’s Office, Margo and Tom are working on the New Year’s Eve case.

MARGO: I feel like we are never going to solve this. We’ve been at this for hours today. We still have no direction.

TOM: Honey, we will find something.

MARGO: It doesn’t feel like it.

TOM: I promise we will. We know Julian has left town.

MARGO: Doesn’t mean he did it. We have no evidence pointing to him. He is a business man. He probably just could’ve left on a business trip. After all, he did set up shop at my brother’s old building.

TOM: I just had a thought.

MARGO: What?

TOM: Let’s get…

MARGO: A search warrant.

TOM: Bingo.

MARGO: That could take hours to get.

TOM: Honey, I’m the District Attorney. I know the judges of Oakdale.

MARGO: Good point. Let’s go.

Tom and Margo grab their things and exit.

Back at Katie’s Apartment, Henry sits next to Katie.

HENRY: You deleted the message to protect yourself?

KATIE: I did.

HENRY: Katie, deleting that message doesn’t protect you. By deleting that message, you obstructed justice.

KATIE: I know. That isn’t what I meant.

HENRY: What did you mean?

KATIE: I protected myself by getting rid of everything Julian Stenbeck in my life. I can’t have any connection to him.

HENRY: There’s the Katie I know.

KATIE: What is that supposed to mean?

HENRY: You wear your heart on your sleeve. You always have. You’ve always thought of emotions first.

KATIE: And, it always gets me into trouble.

HENRY: Yes, it does.

KATIE: Henry, you have to help me.

HENRY: I had a feeling you might ask for my help.

KATIE: And…?

HENRY: And, that is why I’ve decided to help you. I’m going to help you cover up your involvement in this case.

Back at the Snyder Farm, Carly is standing. Barbara stands, as well.

BARBARA: Carly, at least think about the offer.

CARLY: (sighs) Barbara, can I ask you a question?

BARBARA: Of course.

CARLY: What’s in this for you?

BARBARA: Well, I get you.

CARLY: Excuse me?

BARBARA: I get you. A world renowned designer will be at BRO. That is more than I could’ve ever dreamed of.

CARLY: You’ve really figured everything out.

BARBARA: I have. I need to, before I came over here.

CARLY: True. Alright, I’ll give it some thought.

BARBARA: Wonderful. When can I expect an answer?

CARLY: When I have one.

BARBARA: Okay. I’ll talk to you later, Carly. Goodbye.


Barbara collects her things and leaves.

Back at Lily and Holden’s Home, in Lily and Holden’s Bedroom, Lily is on her cellphone with Luke.

LILY: Yes, honey. I am home. I am fine. Listen, I don’t want you to worry about me. You just enjoy that vacation of yours. Tell Noah I said “hi”. Alright. I love you too. Bye.

Lily hangs up the phone. Holden reenters the room.

LILY: Hey.

HOLDEN: Hey. How was your conversation with Luke?

LILY: It was wonderful.

HOLDEN: What do you wanna do now?

LILY: I know this sounds silly, but I have a request.


LILY: I know it is early, but will you come to bed with me. I’ve just missed feeling my husband with me in bed.

HOLDEN: That isn’t silly at all. I don’t care how early it is.

Holden climbs into bed with Lily. The two snuggle up together.

Back at Memorial Hospital, Kim is holding a file with her options.

KIM: So, you think that this new experimental drug will work?

RITA: I do. It has shown much success. It will shrink the cancer cells. Now, there are many medications out there like this, but none of them work as quickly. If the cancer cells are shrinking, then surgery will be much easier. Bone grafting won’t be as hard to do, as long as you take this drug.

KIM: Okay. I’ll do it.

RITA: Wonderful. Kim, is there anything you want to talk about?

KIM: No.

RITA: Are you sure?

KIM: (sighs) I’m sure. This meeting with you today, gave me some new hope. I needed some hope.

RITA: Everyone does. Now, let me write you a prescription for that drug.

Rita gets out her prescription pad and writes the prescription.

At Beck Enterprises, Margo and Tom enter Julian’s Office.

MARGO: Alright, we have a lot of ground to cover in this office.

TOM: Yes, we do. Our team should be finished in five hours.

MARGO: Are you sure they’ve got the rest of the building?

TOM: Yeah. I’m sure. Let’s get started in here.

MARGO: Let’s.

Margo and Tom put on latex gloves. They begin to search Julian’s office.

MARGO: Do you really think he did it?

TOM: Yes, I do. I just hope I’m right.

MARGO: Well, let’s nail the bastard then.

TOM: Let’s.

The camera zooms out on Margo and Tom searching.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 47***

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EP 171 - The Finale