Thursday, January 12, 2017

EP 46 - Katie Tells Henry The Truth


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At Katie’s Apartment, Katie is in her kitchen. She pours herself a cup of coffee. She walks into her living room and takes a sip of her coffee. Her eyes glare over at the answering machine. She is deep in her thoughts.


Henry exits. Katie shuts the door. She then walks over to her machine. She then presses the ERASE button.

WOMAN: (voice over) All messages have been deleted.

KATIE: Sorry, Henry. What can I say? My finger slipped.


Katie is pulled out of her thoughts by a knock at the door. She sets down her coffee cup and walks to the door.

KATIE: (opening the door) Henry. Good morning.

HENRY: Good morning.

KATIE: What are you doing here?

HENRY: Well, I gave you the night to make your decision. So, what are you going to do with the message Julian left you?

At Oakdale Towers, Dusty steps off the elevator. He walks to Craig’s Apartment (14D). He bangs on the door. Craig opens the door, after a few seconds.

CRAIG: Dusty. What do you want?

DUSTY: We need to talk.

CRAIG: I think I know what this is about.

DUSTY: (barging in) I think you know what this is about too, you bastard.

Craig smiles as he shuts the door.

At the Snyder Farm, there is a knock at the door. Carly comes down the stairs. She walks to the door.

CARLY: (opening the door) Barbara. What are you doing here? Please don’t tell me you came to check in on me?

BARBARA: No, I didn’t. I actually have a business proposal for you.

CARLY: Excuse me? Did I just hear you correctly?

BARBARA: You bet you did. So, can I come in?

At FairWinds, Eliza comes down the stairs. She walks into the living room. Emily is pouring herself a cup of coffee.

ELIZA: Morning.

EMILY: Oh. Hey honey. I thought you already headed off to work?

ELIZA: Sierra is letting me get there late today.

EMILY: Well, that is very nice of her.

ELIZA: Yeah. It is.

EMILY: Listen, before you head off, can we chat?

ELIZA: Yeah. What’s up?

EMILY: I heard you went to see Diego, last night.

ELIZA: I did. I went to see Diego.

EMILY: Do you want to tell me why you did that?

ELIZA: I did it to protect you.

At Java Underground, Betsy and Steve are having breakfast.

BETSY: Thank you for meeting me for breakfast.

STEVE: Of course. I didn’t want to turn down a beautiful lady.

BETSY: Thanks. Listen, I just wanna cut right to the chase.

STEVE: Of why you asked me to breakfast?

BETSY: Correct.

STEVE: What’s going on?

BETSY: I want to know the truth.

STEVE: The truth about what?

BETSY: Have you seen Diego yet?

Back at FairWinds, Emily and Eliza sit on the couch.

EMILY: I don’t understand. You visited Diego to protect me?

ELIZA: Yes, I did. I had to go and see him. He had to know that he is not going to get away with what he did to you.

EMILY: (sighs) Honey, can I be honest with you?

ELIZA: Yeah. Of course.

EMILY: I’m fine with what Diego has done.

ELIZA: You’re fine with it? There’s something I don’t understand.

EMILY: It keeps him out of my life.

ELIZA: How do you know that for sure?

EMILY: When somebody gets what they want, they calm down. It is a known fact. I think Diego is finished.

ELIZA: Well, I hope so.

EMILY: Listen, as much as I love what you did, I don’t want you going back to see him. Diego is a bad man. I don’t want you around him. Do you understand me?


EMILY: Alright. Now, get to work.

ELIZA: (smiling) Okay.

Eliza walks out of the living room. Emily let’s out a deep breath.

EMILY: (to herself) At least I hope that is all Diego wants.

Back at Java Underground, Betsy leans into the conversation.

BETSY: So, have you? Have you seen Diego?

STEVE: No. I was planning to go sometime soon.

BETSY: Steve…

STEVE: I just need to figure somethings out. I need to devise a plan. I just can’t meet with him blindly. I have to let him know that I can take him down.

BETSY: I still don’t think this is a good idea.

STEVE: Betsy, I’m not saying this to be disrespectful, but I don’t give a damn what you think. I am taking Diego down.

BETSY: I thought you might say that. That is why I am making a bold move. I’m making a move I thought I would never make.

STEVE: What move?

BETSY: I’m going to help you bring down Diego.

Back at the Snyder Farm, Barbara enters. Carly shuts the door.

CARLY: Can I get you anything? Tea? Water?

BARBARA: No. I’m fine.

CARLY: Okay. Great. Then, cut to the chase.

BARBARA: Alright, the business proposal I have for you deals with CT Designs. (sitting) I know that Rosanna is suing you for your shares, so she can have full control of the company. When I heard the news, I began to think.

CARLY: Think about what?

BARBARA: What if you sold me your shares? Your company becomes apart of BRO. You could make CT Designs a branch of BRO.

CARLY: (sitting) Barbara, even if I was going to sell BRO my shares, that doesn’t take the lawsuit away.

BARBARA: I know. I thought about that too. I decided that every person has their price. You know that. I know that. I would buy Rosanna out.

CARLY: Wow. You’ve thought of everything. Why do you want to do this?

BARBARA: Ever since Paul and I resurrected BRO, we’ve wanted to take a different route with it. This is one of the routes we want to drive on. Please say yes, Carly. It would save you millions and you would still be in charge of your company. So, what do you say? Do you want to come join the BRO family?

Back at Craig’s Apartment, Dusty throws the lawsuit papers on the table.

DUSTY: I can’t believe you are suing Janet and I for full custody of Johnny. This suit is absolutely ridiculous.

CRAIG: The court system probably doesn’t think that way.

DUSTY: You would never win!

CRAIG: You sure about that?

DUSTY: Craig, what makes you so sure that you would win?

CRAIG: I am the right person for Johnny to live with. I am the right person to teach him all the right life lessons.

DUSTY: Life lessons? What life lessons? Don’t murder people without covering up the crime first. Don’t swindle just one million dollars…, see if you can get two.

CRAIG: (laughs) You are funny today, my friend. Listen, I will prove to the court that I am right for Johnny. They will see things from my POV.

DUSTY: Like hell they will! Craig, I’m going to tell you this once. Back the hell off! Drop this suit right now!

CRAIG: And, if I don’t?

DUSTY: Then you will feel my full wrath.

Dusty storms out. He slams the door behind him.

CRAIG: Oh, Dusty. Your bark has always been stronger than your bite.

Back at Katie’s Apartment, Katie takes a sip of her coffee.

HENRY: You’ve been awfully quiet.

KATIE: I know that I have.

HENRY: Why are you so quiet, Katie? That tells me one thing.

KATIE: What does it tell you?

HENRY: That you are hiding something from me about this message that Julian left you. What have you done with the message?

Silence falls through the room.

HENRY: Katie!

KATIE: God! I deleted it! Okay! I deleted the message!

Katie’s heart feels like it is beating out of her chest. Henry can’t believe what he just heard. The camera zooms in on both of their faces.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 46***

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