Tuesday, January 10, 2017

EP 45 - Janet Recieves Horrifying News


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At Java Underground, Johnny exits the cafe. He is on his cellphone, texting. He also has a coffee in hand. Madison is also on her phone. They bump into one another.

MADISON & JOHNNY: Hey! Watch where you’re going!

There is a short pause between the two.

JOHNNY: (sighs) I’m sorry.

MADISON: No. Don’t worry about it. Bumping into one another is just as much my fault, than it is yours.

JOHNNY: Hey, what’s your name?

MADISON: Madison. What about you?

JOHNNY: Johnny.

MADISON: Well, hello Johnny.

Madison extends her hand. Johnny shakes it.

At the LakeView, in Iva’s Suite, Iva is sitting on her bed. She is going through the pictures on her phone. She is deleting every picture that includes her and Diego. Then, someone knocks at her door.

IVA: One moment, please!

Iva shuts her phone off. She sets it on her night stand. She goes to the door.

IVA: (opening the door) Lucinda.

LUCINDA: Hello, Iva.

IVA: What are you doing here?

LUCINDA: We need to talk.

IVA: What about?

LUCINDA: You and Diego.

At The Intruder Offices, Diego is in his office. He is on the office phone.

DIEGO: Yes. I do look forward to changing the name of the paper. I have a few names bouncing around in my head. I’ll talk to you later about it. Goodbye.

Diego hangs up the phone. He immediately goes back to work. Outside of the office, the elevator doors ding open. Eliza steps off the elevator. She barges into the office.

DIEGO: (looking up) Eliza. What brings you by my paper.

ELIZA: You son-of-a-bitch.

DIEGO: Pardon me?

ELIZA: Do you really think you are going to get away with this?

At Memorial Hospital, in Janet’s Hospital Room, Janet is sleep peacefully. Dusty is right by her bedside. He takes her hands. She begins to wake up.

JANET: Dusty…?

DUSTY: Yeah. It’s me, honey. I didn’t mean to wake you.

JANET: (sighs) It’s fine. I’m happy to see you.

DUSTY: I’m happy to see you too.

JANET: What’d the doctors say about my condition? Is the poison getting out of my system, like it is for the others?

DUSTY: Honey, I don’t wanna talk about that.

JANET: Dusty, what is it? What’s wrong?

DUSTY: I didn’t say anything was wrong.

JANET: I’ve been with you for so long. I know when something is wrong. What is it? What is going on with me?

At the Snyder Farm, JJ is in the kitchen. He is sitting at the island. He is having a glass of water and playing on his IPAD. Parker enters. He goes to the fridge and grabs himself an apple.


JJ: (sighs) Hey.

PARKER: I just checked on mom. She’s getting much better. She says her back is still kind of hurting. Other than that…

JJ: Parker…

PARKER: Yeah, bro?

JJ: Listen, can we talk?

PARKER: Yeah. Sure. (sitting next to him) What’s up?

JJ: Well, it is the new year and all…


JJ: And, I’ve made a choice. A big choice. A choice I think you need to hear about. After all, it does affect you.

Back at Java Underground, Madison hands Johnny his phone.

MADISON: There you go. Now, you have my number.

JOHNNY: Thanks. I’ll have to give you a call sometime.

MADISON: I would like that.

JOHNNY: Hey, are you free Saturday night?


JOHNNY: Cool. The Oakdale U hockey team is versing Davis College. It is supposed to be the game of the decade. I’ve got two tickets.

MADISON: Okay. Sounds great.

JOHNNY: Cool. I’ll pick you up at six.

MADISON: Okay. I’ll be ready. Seya then.

JOHNNY: Seya then.

Johnny walks off. Madison smiles.

Back at the Snyder Farm, JJ shuts off his IPAD.

PARKER: So, what is this choice you’ve made?

JJ: Well, it deals with our Madison situation.

PARKER: Oh. Have you decided to swear me off for good?

JJ: No. Actually, I decided the opposite.

PARKER: Excuse me?

JJ: Listen, I had to think about this a lot. Yes, I am pissed that you slept with Madison. I’m even more pissed that you two kept it from me. However, I need to forgive. Forgiveness is the right route to take.

PARKER: JJ, I’m happy that you made that choice. I’m so very sorry for what I did to you. I know only words can’t heal the wound. However, I’m glad that we can begin to move forward.

JJ: I’m glad that we can too. I love you, man.

PARKER: I love you too, bro.

Back in Iva’s Suite, Lucinda enters. Iva shuts the door.

IVA: What do we need to talk about where Diego is concerned?

LUCINDA: I think dating him is a stupid mistake you are making.

IVA: Looks like you need to catch up on your Oakdale gossip.

LUCINDA: What do you mean?

IVA: (sighs) Diego and I broke up.

LUCINDA: Oh my goodness. When?

IVA: Christmas Eve.

LUCINDA: Why? Did you find out what a monster he is?

IVA: Dammit! Shut up!

LUCINDA: Pardon?

IVA: he broke up with me, Lucinda! He broke up with me. You wanna know why? He broke up with me, because of people like you. People who did not approve of our relationship. I lost the best thing that has happened to me, since my son’s birth, all because of people like you.

LUCINDA: (sighs) I’m sorry.

IVA: Yeah right.

LUCINDA: I truly am. Breakups suck. Lord knows I’ve had plenty of them. I should not judge you. It was wrong of me to do that, in the first place. Come here, Iva.

IVA: What?

LUCINDA: Come here.

Lucinda hugs Iva.

LUCINDA: (sighs) Diego doesn’t know what he's missing out on.

Back at The Intruder, in Diego’s Office, Diego stands from his desk.

DIEGO: You need to watch your tone.

ELIZA: Don’t tell me what to do.

DIEGO: What would your parents say about your behaviour?

ELIZA: I think in this case, they would approve.

DIEGO: Eliza…, listen…

ELIZA: No! You listen!

DIEGO: Feisty.

ELIZA: I’m only going to say this once. You better listen up. You went after my family. I might only be 22, but don’t be fooled. I will come after you.

DIEGO: Will you now?

ELIZA: Yeah. Have a nice night.

Eliza storms out.

DIEGO: (chuckles) That little girl is so damn foolish.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Janet’s Room, Dusty stands.

JANET: Dusty, just tell me the truth.

DUSTY: (sighs) I don’t know if I can.

JANET: Of course you can. I can take the truth.

DUSTY: That’s just it. I don’t know if you can.

JANET: Dusty, it’s me. It’s your wife. Just be honest with me.

Dusty sighs and sits next to Janet, on her bed.

DUSTY: You really want the truth?

JANET: Yes, I really want the truth.

DUSTY: Honey, the doctor revealed something very shocking to me. He said that you received the most poison in your soup. Because of that, you are the only one not getting better. In fact, you are getting much worse.

Janet begins to have tears stroll down her face.

JANET: Dusty…, Dusty…, am I dying.

Dusty, who is barely holding it together, shakes his head yes.

JANET: (crying) No. No. No. Oh god! No!

Dusty takes Janet into his arms. The two are lightly sobbing. Dusty rocks Janet back and forth. He is trying to soothe her. The camera zooms out.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 45***

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