Thursday, January 5, 2017

EP 44 - Sierra Calls A Board Meeting


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At the Mona Lisa, Holden, Faith, and Natalie are looking at menus.

FAITH: Thank you for asking us to lunch, dad.

NATALIE: Yeah. Thanks.

HOLDEN: Of course, girls.

NATALIE: I wish Ethan and Luke could join us.

HOLDEN: I wish they could too. I actually talked to both of them today. Luke and Noah are taking a vacation. Kind of like a second honeymoon. Ethan is getting all A’s. Also, him and Hallie are making new friends.

FAITH: Good for them. So, why did you call us to lunch?

HOLDEN: Well, this is a celebratory lunch.

NATALIE: What are we celebrating?

HOLDEN: Your mother comes home soon.

FAITH: Oh my gosh. When?

HOLDEN: Tomorrow.

At Katie’s Apartment, Katie pours herself a glass of water.

HENRY: (standing) You’ve thought about deleting the message?



KATIE: Because, I want to wipe my hands of him.

HENRY: Even if that means breaking the law?

KATIE: Yes. Even if it means breaking the law.

At Brooklyn’s Apartment, Brooklyn is looking over her Chemistry notes. As she does so, a loud knocking is heard at the door.

BROOKLYN: (sighs) God, I hate interruptions.

Brooklyn walks to the door.

BROOKLYN: (opening the door) What the hell are you doing here?

CRAIG: We need to talk. Right now.

At WorldWide, in the conference room, a board meeting is in session.

SIERRA: Good afternoon, board members. We are here today to discuss Lily Walsh Snyder’s place in the company. Let’s begin by taking attendance. When I call your name, please say “present”. Lucinda Walsh Dixon.

LUCINDA: Present.

SIERRA: Sylvia Matthews.

SYLVIA: Present.

SIERRA: Franklin Peters.

FRANKLIN: Present.

SIERRA: Mark Grey.

MARK: Present.

SIERRA: Melinda Dobson.

MELINDA: Present.

SIERRA: Finally, Michael West.

MICHAEL: Present.

SIERRA: Alright, everyone is present. Today’s date is January 5th, 2017. WorldWide has gathered their board to vote on whether or not Lily Walsh Snyder shall remain CEO. If a board member believes that Lily shall remain in the position please say YAY. If a board member believes that Lily Walsh Snyder should not remain in the position, please say NAY. Alright, I will begin. I vote NAY. Mrs. Dixon?

At Lisa’s Penthouse, Lisa comes from her bedroom into the living room. She is dressed in her pajamas. There is a knock at the door.

LISA: Coming!

Lisa opens the door.

LISA: Son, hello.

Tom enters. Lisa shuts the door.

LISA: What brings you by here, honey?

TOM: We need to talk.

LISA: What about?

TOM: Julian.

Back at Katie’s Apartment, Katie sits back down. Henry still stands.

HENRY: Katie, don’t be stupid about this.

KATIE: I don’t think that I am being stupid about this.

HENRY: Katie, (sitting next to her) you want to delete that message, to protect a man who has broken your heart. A man who has killed a person. He might just have killed two people. You can’t protect my uncle.

KATIE: (sighs) Leave.

HENRY: What?

Katie rushes to the door. She opens it.

KATIE: Leave.

HENRY: (going to Katie) Why do you want me to leave?

KATIE: I need some alone time. I need to think.

HENRY: Katie, I can’t leave you.

KATIE: Why not? I’m a big girl.

HENRY: Who can’t take care of herself right now. You need me. You need someone to be here with you. Someone to stand by your side.

KATIE: Listen, if I need you, I will call you.

HENRY: I’m afraid that you are going to delete that message.

KATIE: I won’t. I promise.

Henry let’s out a sigh. He hugs Katie.

HENRY: Fine. I’ll go.

KATIE: Thank you. Give Barbara my best.

HENRY: Happy New Year.

KATIE: Is it?

HENRY: Good point. Seya late, Katie.

KATIE: Bye, Henry.

Henry exits. Katie shuts the door. She then walks over to her machine. She then presses the ERASE button.

WOMAN: (voice over) All messages have been deleted.

KATIE: Sorry, Henry. What can I say? My finger slipped.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Holden and Faith are finishing their meal.

HOLDEN: It was nice of your sister to go get some of your mother’s things.

FAITH: Yeah. It leaves us sometime to talk.

HOLDEN: Talk about what?

FAITH: Aunt Sierra.

HOLDEN: What about Sierra?

FAITH: Well, the business rumor is that she is trying to remove mom as the CEO of WorldWide. That way she can have the company to herself.

HOLDEN: Honey, that is ridiculous.

FAITH: Well, we’ll just have to wait and see.

Back at WorldWIde, in the conference room, the board meeting is almost finished. Sierra has documented everyone’s vote.

SIERRA: We are now dead locked. 3 to 3. I voted NAY. Mrs. Dixon voted YAY. Ms. Matthews and Mr. Peters have both decided to vote NAY. Mr. Grey has voted YAY, along with Mrs. Dobson. All that is left is Michael West’s vote. Mr. West, how do you vote on the matter at hand?


SIERRA: There we have it. This is a 4 to 3 vote. The vote means that Lily Walsh Snyder will be removed as CEO and that I will take over. All in favor say I.


SIERRA: Motion carries. This board meeting has ended.

Everyone stands. The board members, besides Lucinda and Sierra, leave the room. Sierra puts her notes in a file folder.

LUCINDA: Congratulations.

SIERRA: Thank you.

LUCINDA: I now realize your true colors.

SIERRA: Excuse me, mom?

LUCINDA: I can’t believe it has taken me all this time to realize that you are a young Lucinda Walsh. Honey, you are a carbon copy of me.

SIERRA: Oh, yes. Yes I am. Now, back to work. By the way, I think I might redecorate my office. Maybe the whole building. Then again, we are hemorrhaging money. All because of Lily.

Sierra grabs the board meeting file and walks out of the conference room.

Back at Lisa’s Penthouse, Lisa and Tom sit on the couch.

LISA: I don’t want to talk about him.

TOM: I know that you probably don’t. But, he has shot up to the number one spot in the suspect list.

LISA: Suspect list? He’s on the suspect list of potential people who poisoned half of Oakdale? What makes you think this?

TOM: Wait…, you haven’t figured it out yet?

LISA: Why he would be on your list? No, son. I haven’t.

TOM: Mom, Julian skipped town.

Back at Brooklyn’s Apartment, Craig enters but Brooklyn leaves the door open. She then turns to face him.

BROOKLYN: You need to leave.

CRAIG: Oh, I’m not leaving.

BROOKLYN: Craig, I don’t want to discuss anything with you. You are paying me to not help Carly and Dusty. That is the extent of our relations.

CRAIG: Listen, there’s something else I need you to do for me. Brooklyn, I will even pay you double the money.

BROOKLYN: (shutting the door) What do you need me to do?

CRAIG: That-a-girl! I need you to spy on all of Carly and Dusty’s meetings.

BROOKLYN: For now 10,000 dollars a week?

CRAIG: Correct.

BROOKLYN: You got a deal.

Brooklyn and Craig shake hands. Craig smiles.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 44***

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EP 171 - The Finale